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Andros Townsend

Well that is true but I do think Townsend has a point. I prefer that the club doesn't wash their dirty linen in public. Best keep discipline related matters behind closed doors IMO.

If Poch hadn't done this, it would have looked (both internally and externally) like ill-discipline can run riot and not be pulled up on.
If Townsend had done this in a way that wasn't seen AND reported by a Daily Newspaper then i'm sure we would only have heard about it via random 'ITK' or obscure 'rumours': after all that's how Poch supposedly dealt with the Adebayor/Kaboul/Capoue 'incident' last season...
I think we also need to ask if it's A) true that his 'camp' are really unhappy it's come out B) just The Mirror stirring to derail our solid start to the season (seeing as they are an Arsenal/Manure rag).

Poch has done NOTHING that other managers (esp those in the top 4) would not have done themselves. Don't start judging Poch on this ffs (esp when earlier many of you were praising him on how he was dealing with this and the club in general).
If Poch hadn't done this, it would have looked (both internally and externally) like ill-discipline can run riot and not be pulled up on.
If Townsend had done this in a way that wasn't seen AND reported by a Daily Newspaper then i'm sure we would only have heard about it via random 'ITK' or obscure 'rumours': after all that's how Poch supposedly dealt with the Adebayor/Kaboul/Capoue 'incident' last season...
I'm not sure I agree with your perception of how this would appear if handled internally.

Having Townsend's spat with the fitness coach talked about in the press serves no ones interests except perhaps the media hounds themselves. It's bad enough that the incident was played out in public but the punishment meted out to the player should certainly not be.

The Kaboul cabal was handled perfectly by Poch and club, and although we were not privy to the details that is how it should be IMO.
I'm not sure I agree with your perception of how this would appear if handled internally.

Having Townsend's spat with the fitness coach talked about in the press serves no ones interests except perhaps the media hounds themselves. It's bad enough that the incident was played out in public but the punishment meted out to the player should certainly not be.

The Kaboul cabal was handled perfectly by Poch and club, and although we were not privy to the details that is how it should be IMO.

My point is that it was only necessary to be 'public' because the incident that Poch had to deal with was itself public. If the Kaboul cabal thing was similarly 'public' then there would have likely been pressure to deal with it 'publically' as well.

If Andros had done what he'd done out of the glare of public view (i.e. most of us not known about the spat with the coach from a national newspaper) Poch would likely have dealt with it behind closed doors and we'd never have known.

I'm with Poch on this one; it was harsh for him to say publically what had happened and about the punishment but i suspect it was because the media asked about it and he had to show strength plus make a statement so others know not to mess with him/his management. I also think he handled it this particular way because he wants to give Andros a final message to up-his-game (or be realistic and find another club where he'll have more chance to do so). I suspect if it was another player when asked he might have just said "that will be dealt with internally."
Though having said that by Poch stating EXACTLY what has happened there is less hance for rumours to surface saying incorrect and potentially more damaging/undermining things. Poch stays in control of things; compare that to the 'hearsay' from Townsend's camp.
I'm not sure I agree with your perception of how this would appear if handled internally.

Having Townsend's spat with the fitness coach talked about in the press serves no ones interests except perhaps the media hounds themselves. It's bad enough that the incident was played out in public but the punishment meted out to the player should certainly not be.

The Kaboul cabal was handled perfectly by Poch and club, and although we were not privy to the details that is how it should be IMO.

...and the Ade one...I think this point alone should offer some explanations as to what's gone on here.
well regardless about how you feel I hope that Townsend takes this as a lesson. Everyone has a year at work where your appraisal isn't so good and you can either go in to defensive mode and play the victim or you buckle down and get things done and make sure you turn it around. That is what Andros can do if he has the right advice around him from his dad etc.. or he will leave.
Do we know what was actually said, or why he acted up? frustrated at lack of playing time I guess, but not sure why the fitness coach got it in the neck though.
Well that is true but I do think Townsend has a point. I prefer that the club doesn't wash their dirty linen in public. Best keep discipline related matters behind closed doors IMO.

Much as I like Poch, can't say I am comfortable with him calling out a young player so publicly.

I don't think he's aired our dirty linen in public or called out a young player here. He's not gone into any detail of the actual incident.

He's standing by his principles by dropping Townsend which is absolutely correct. As the incident is already in the public domain, there would be much more of a media storm if he lied about why he was dropped. For me, he's explained clearly and sufficiently why Townsend has been dropped without giving away any of the 'juicy' details that the press could latch onto and turn into a story. At the same time he's sent a message to the other players saying, 'I'm the boss' fudge me about and you won't get away with it.

I think he handled it perfectly to be honest.
...But you're presuming that Andros gets his Lionel Richie-shaped head up and actually looks to cross the ball for his striker!?!? neeeeevvvvvver gonna happen.

My opinion is that Poch would have done himself and the Club no good to NOT comment on the pictures. What would the newspaper have done if Poch denied to comment? IMO it would created even more rumours.
Poch is obviously a strong (and probably fair) leader, and this behaviour is not his cup of tea.
And I agree with him. As a professional, you can disagree with your leader, but never do what Townsend did.
...But you're presuming that Andros gets his Lionel Richie-shaped head up and actually looks to cross the ball for his striker!?!? neeeeevvvvvver gonna happen.
Whoa, steady on! Watch closer and you'll see actually he HAS been getting his head up a bit more recently - when he's had the chance, that is. And some of his crosses have been surprisingly tasty, he has a nice way of chipping it in. Not his fault if others don't get on the end of them.

My guess is his recent spat with one of the trainers is a manifestation of the depth of his frustration currently. It's been a case of the worse the abuse, the worse his form. Maybe we fans need to get off his back a little and give him a bit more credit when he does get it right.
Whoa, steady on! Watch closer and you'll see actually he HAS been getting his head up a bit more recently - when he's had the chance, that is. And some of his crosses have been surprisingly tasty, he has a nice way of chipping it in. Not his fault if others don't get on the end of them.

My guess is his recent spat with one of the trainers is a manifestation of the depth of his frustration currently. It's been a case of the worse the abuse, the worse his form. Maybe we fans need to get off his back a little and give him a bit more credit when he does get it right.
Choosing to cross the ball is a very good example of why he doesn't fit our team.
It is sad for andros. He's living the dream and we can all see the frustration in him that it's not going the way he would like. He's had his chance and not been able to take it, probably best to move on.
It does make me wonder how Poch would have handled this if it was a more important player. Now of course there wouldn't have been the frustration built up in him from getting left on the bench in favour of an 18 year old kid, but still, I wonder if Poch would have come down so hard on him if it had been Kane or Lloris...