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Andre Villas-Boas - Head Coach

Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

That doesnt mean we will stay that way

right NOW, avb wants defensive guys there...but think about it...all the avb scholars would have and should have known this about him

AVB is a watered down carbon copy of mourinho, the way he set up in porto was pretty much the same philosophy. an over powering and dominant midfield used to get the ball back. dembele fits into that mould but paulinho has the added benefit of being more of a goal threat and a good timer of runs..having said that i am convinced dembele is just as much a threat on goal as paulie if he actually broke into the box

but this doesnt surprise me at all. its what avb wants right now.

edit:- plus having a strong and solid defensive base allows for more attacking outlets from the front 4 and the full backs (if avb decided to let them go nuts that is)

why is dembele talking to the press about this anyway?

Disagree Mourinho seems far more pragmatic than AVB who appears married to his system come what may.
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

Agreed and very worrying if true especially as Paulinho has shown he's anything but a defensive midfielder. As I posted on the "other" AVB thread I will never understand these transitional stages between "systems" and moreover why they take nearly a season and a half to implement. Only Spurs 1 step forward 2 steps back.

It's just what those that really hope and want AVB to succeed hope will happen.

The reality is that we are in my view fully transitioned to AVB's way. He'd probably only like a bit more ruthlessness in the final 3rd to change the draws into wins and loses into draws.

You don't take a season and a half to change your style. Stoke under Hughes have already ditched the blood and thunder approach and are passing it a lot more!
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

Well he's clearly unhappy with what he's been told. With the Lamela rumours this weekend I'd say the first signs of serious cracks in the player's trust and belief in AVB are appearing.

What Lamela rumours?

How can Paulie be considered MORE defensive than Dembele. I thought he was supposed to be our "Lampard" box to box type midfielder ?

Stranger and stranger........
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

More defensive players in midfield? wow.

So to all the posters that kept asking why Dembele plays so deep and why he doesn't get forward as much...it's because he's been instructed to do so by the coach. The funny thing is Dembele is far more defensively solid than Paulinho anyway but like i've been saying...AVB loves Paulinho and the likelihood he will be dropped is very small indeed.
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

Agreed and very worrying if true especially as Paulinho has shown he's anything but a defensive midfielder. As I posted on the "other" AVB thread I will never understand these transitional stages between "systems" and moreover why they take nearly a season and a half to implement. Only Spurs 1 step forward 2 steps back.

my perspective is that this summer it was more a case of 1 step back to take 2 forward - we lost Bale and bought almost a whole new attack and midfield the disruption that has come from that is our step back - once the signings are settled i think we'll begin to move forward.
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

What Lamela rumours?

How can Paulie be considered MORE defensive than Dembele. I thought he was supposed to be our "Lampard" box to box type midfielder ?

Stranger and stranger........

The rumours Lamela is unhappy with how little playing time he is getting and has asked to go on loan in January
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

An interesting quote from Dembele on why he lost his place under AVB this season:

Unfortunately for Dembele, he seems to have recently lost his place at White Hart Lane, withAndre Villas-Boas telling Dembele he prefers the more defensive Paulinho, and Sandro in the midfield.

“I can not be satisfied with it, of course, I just want to play as many games,” said Dembele. “The coach explained that he makes a tactical choice, he wants more defensive players in midfield.”

So Dembele confirms that AVB has moved us to an even more defensive stance than last season. Do some still believe that we're going through a "stage"? AVZb "prefers" more defensive players in midfield.

I think this is a real shame as Sandro/Dembele looked a real balanced/effective unit at times last season and was the catalyst behind our good run of form beginning with the win at Old Trafford.

Please can you post links when you copy from other sites.

I don't agree that Paulinho is more defensive than Dembele and he is certainly more of a goal threat.
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

The rumours Lamela is unhappy with how little playing time he is getting and has asked to go on loan in January

Please can you provide links or are you talking about KD's speculation?
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

How does AVB's mind operate when it comes to centre midfielders?

* He decided the best thing to do when Sandro was injured last season was to play Dembele in the deeper role and SCOTT PARKER as the midfielder that gets forward.
* He wants our central midfield to be more defensive yet starts Sandro on the bench for important games.
* He wants our central midfield to be more defensive and sees Paulinho as a better defensive choice than Dembele.
* He continuously plays Paulinho despite being ineffective for a run of games and offering nothing.

Dembele's comments to me pretty much confirms AVB has put the shackles on him so please don't keep asking why Dembele doesn't get forward much (just like last season where people kept moaning about Scott Parker bombing forward).
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

Please can you post links when you copy from other sites.

Idon't agree that Paulinho is more defensive than Dembele and he is certainly more of a goal threat.

I agree with you. So why did AVB apparently explain to Dembele that he was being dropped because he wanted two defensive midfielders? Doesn't make sense to me.
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

beginning of the season, when Sandro was unfit it was Dembele paired with Paulhino - aren't these quotes suggesting that AVB prefers to field a more defensive CM next to Paulhino than to play both him and Dembele together? he hasn't said that Pualhino is defensive - we can see with our own eyes that's not the case (if anything Pualhino is more attack minded than Dembele)

Sandro becomes fit > AVB wants a DM ialongside Paulhino or Dembele > Paulhino deemed the better (in form) player so Dembele makes way for the more defensive midfielder.
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

beginning of the season, when Sandro was unfit it was Dembele paired with Paulhino - aren't these quotes suggesting that AVB prefers to field a more defensive CM next to Paulhino than to play both him and Dembele together?

which is pretty much what everyone wanted to see? (trade in Pau;hino for Dembele if that's who you'd prefer)

It's impossible to say without a link to the full story so that we can put the quotes in some context
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

If only there was some way to link to a news story on a different website :-k
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

I agree with you. So why did AVB apparently explain to Dembele that he was being dropped because he wanted two defensive midfielders? Doesn't make sense to me.

I think it's to do with making the team more functional. Dembele dribbles more so is more at risk of losing the ball in AVB's eyes. Paulinho plays short passes and only takes risks in terms of forward runs. Less risk of losing the ball. My issue with this is that Dembele with Sandro alongside can help open up defences with his dribbling. Take Bales goal v Man U last season at old Trafford. Sandro won a tackle on the edge of our own box, the ball broke to Dembele who rode a challenge and instantly got past the Man U midfield and played it onto Bale who was suddenly running at their defence in space!
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

I don't see how you can have four central midfielders without a single one of them being a "passer".
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

That doesnt mean we will stay that way

right NOW, avb wants defensive guys there...but think about it...all the avb scholars would have and should have known this about him

AVB is a watered down carbon copy of mourinho, the way he set up in porto was pretty much the same philosophy. an over powering and dominant midfield used to get the ball back. dembele fits into that mould but paulinho has the added benefit of being more of a goal threat and a good timer of runs..having said that i am convinced dembele is just as much a threat on goal as paulie if he actually broke into the box

but this doesnt surprise me at all. its what avb wants right now.

edit:- plus having a strong and solid defensive base allows for more attacking outlets from the front 4 and the full backs (if avb decided to let them go nuts that is)

why is dembele talking to the press about this anyway?

We're still waiting on the 433 AVB is supposed to prefer because he played it one season in Portugal ;)

Actually the way i see it AVB is managing as if he's still in Portugal. He has his team set up to do well against rival teams, hasn't put any thought into playing lesser teams and expects us to pummel them into submission by default.
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

I don't see how you can have four central midfielders without a single one of them being a "passer".

I agree. I'd love Carroll to have a great season at QPR then be integrated into our team next season