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Andre Villas-Boas - Head Coach

Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

yes great FORM - you can cherry pick individual results all you want but form is a far greater indication of what a side has done.

i have given my reasoning for all those things several times over - and i believe i've done so in direct reply to you on occasion also, more than once - so forgive me for not repeating myself yet again

no doubt fast forwarding a couple of weeks you'll still be labeling anyone who doesn't blame AVB directly as being a fanboy or ignoring our problems or having blind faith or whatever other turn of phrase you'll decide to use at the time. it's boring repeating the same thing to someone who doesn't appreciate or respect the answers given to them
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

Not to sound like too much of a nut-swinger, but I enjoyed reading African Spurs' long post just now. Some very interesting points.
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

yes great FORM - you can cherry pick individual results all you want but form is a far greater indication of what a side has done.

i have given my reasoning for all those things several times over - and i believe i've done so in direct reply to you on occasion also, more than once - so forgive me for not repeating myself yet again

no doubt fast forwarding a couple of weeks you'll still be labeling anyone who doesn't blame AVB directly as being a fanboy or ignoring our problems or having blind faith or whatever other turn of phrase you'll decide to use at the time. it's boring repeating the same thing to someone who doesn't appreciate or respect the answers given to them

Show me where I have not shown respect? I've disagreed with people and even been called "unreasonable". People are far too sensitive about criticism for the manager.

Time for me to duck out of this thread.
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

Show me where I have not shown respect?

well, looking back purely at today for a start, rather than accepting that people look at things from a different angle - you've wrote it off by saying what they are actually doing is 'making excuses' or that they have 'blind faith', that isn't respecting someone's opinion as their own imv
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

rather than accept opinions that differ to your own, you've chosen to write them off completely

You interpet that as a lack of respect? Deary me. I accept opinions even those that differ to mine. For the record I actually disagree with the other AVB thread, but the poster later went on to make some valid points that I agreed with despite me not agreeing that the manager should be sacked.
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

no, what i said was that it isn't respecting someones opinion - which i stand by.
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

Holtby feeding Eriksen and our inverted wingers from deep, and switching positions with Eriksen when needed sounds like something worth trying at Home. People can moan about the lack of physicality there but then Arsenal showed at the Emirates that it counts for sweet f.a. when you have superior off the ball movement.
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

Holtby feeding Eriksen and our inverted wingers from deep, and switching positions with Eriksen when needed sounds like something worth trying at Home. People can moan about the lack of physicality there but then Arsenal showed at the Emirates that it counts for sweet f.a. when you have superior off the ball movement.

And six defenders on the park in the closing stage of the game. Gooner scum.
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

In the opening stages they ran it around us at times although Cazorla kept popping up in midfield from left wing to create another passing option.
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

I know African requested that I stay away from his posts, but having read the long discussion he has been having with braineclipse, I wanted to highlight what I thought were some excellent points of discussion and opinion he made.

Really good reading and really worthy points of discussion. I lament the fact that somewhere down the line our 'online interaction' became so utterly, and ridiculously fractured (it revolves around the past and perceptions) and have to say, again, that the following points are excellent discussion points. I don't necessarily agree with them all, but they're really well-stated questions and concerns. Nice post African, a shame we seem unable to discuss such points without things getting historical.

Edit of an earlier African post.
<<i think its a preferred style.
I think he prefers a slow paced build
I think its instruction given to players to remain calm and disciplined and not to expose themselves to much to early
I think its a motto of play safe and find and opening and risk more later
i think its a selection and transfer policy problem. The way we play is how he wants us to play RIGHT NOW.
I think there is a need to win the midfield battle with force and over powering as opposed to finese
I think also that he actively refuses to over commit men forward unless he needs to. that there is a choice
I also think on a more obvious point that players dont actively, aggressively and progressively occupy attacking zones, open up passing lanes going forward and dont put attacking moves which enourcages and requires trust and a certain level of skill to be able to do
I also dont think the players are willing to be adventurous as much as they can be under AVB
For some reason the pressing seems to have waned a little bit. worrying to say the least as i thought AVB took pride in this
I dont think Soldado is singing from the same hymn sheet as the rest of the team...where the team is playing slow build up play and trying to draw out the opposition solly keeps making runs behind the opposition as if his team mates are the ones in Valencia....i nearly passed out when defoe came on and then out o nowhere solly dropped deep to pick up the ball and we forged a move together....
Soldado moves but who supplies? if that doesnt work you HAVE to get involved. You cant play one game that needs cazorla and rosicky and Wheelchair and ramsey..with capoue, sandro , dembele and paulinho...its just dumb
I also think we need to switch up our attacking avenues , we are getting too predictable
Something else i have noticed to be happening.....Eriksen seems to be caught in no mans land...he is a playmaker that doesnt drop deep to start moves and take sudden bursts or encourage paulinho on...but he plays in the hole more but at the same time doesnt really get close to soldado...and on top of that he cant seem to feed soldado..i would assume because he probably needs sandro to deliver trhe ball to him..which is fine.....and actually would work but sandro isnt carrick. Capoue appears to be able to provide this pass but he is injured , verts can but he is at left back...having said that it isnt enough that he relies on these people...he should go and pick that **** up from the goalies hands and start things and let the people wandering into the hole be the invereted wingers if necessary. I dont think eriksen is stupid so it must be instructions that he play where he plays with the rest of the team mates doing what they currently do
The pressing things just to mention again is a bit of a worry for me>>
Re: AVB On Reals Madrid's Short List For New Manager

Not playing to Soldado's strengths.

I don't think AVB's system suits many of our players.
Playing the way we do I think we only get the maximum out of Lloris, Vertonghen, Capoue and Sandro (when he starts!). No one else is allowed to play there natural game.
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

I thought i had mentioned something to be honest maybe i didnt

i think its a preferred style.
I think he prefers a slow paced build
I think its instruction given to players to remain calm and disciplined and not to expose themselves to much to early
I think its a motto of play safe and find and opening and risk more later
i think its a selection and transfer policy problem. The way we play is how he wants us to play RIGHT NOW.
I think there is a need to win the midfield battle with force and over powering as opposed to finese
I think also that he actively refuses to over commit men forward unless he needs to. that there is a choice
I also think on a more obvious point that players dont actively, aggressively and progressively occupy attacking zones, open up passing lanes going forward and dont put attacking moves which enourcages and requires trust and a certain level of skill to be able to do
I also dont think the players are willing to be adventurous as much as they can be under AVB
For some reason the pressing seems to have waned a little bit. worrying to say the least as i thought AVB took pride in this
I dont think Soldado is singing from the same hymn sheet as the rest of the team...where the team is playing slow build up play and trying to draw out the opposition solly keeps making runs behind the opposition as if his team mates are the ones in Valencia....i nearly passed out when defoe came on and then out o nowhere solly dropped deep to pick up the ball and we forged a move together....:eek:
Soldado moves but who supplies? if that doesnt work you HAVE to get involved. You cant play one game that needs cazorla and rosicky and Wheelchair and ramsey..with capoue, sandro , dembele and paulinho...its just dumb
I also think we need to switch up our attacking avenues , we are getting too predictable
Something else i have noticed to be happening.....Eriksen seems to be caught in no mans land...he is a playmaker that doesnt drop deep to start moves and take sudden bursts or encourage paulinho on...but he plays in the hole more but at the same time doesnt really get close to soldado...and on top of that he cant seem to feed soldado..i would assume because he probably needs sandro to deliver trhe ball to him..which is fine.....and actually would work but sandro isnt carrick. Capoue appears to be able to provide this pass but he is injured , verts can but he is at left back...having said that it isnt enough that he relies on these people...he should go and pick that **** up from the goalies hands and start things and let the people wandering into the hole be the invereted wingers if necessary. I dont think eriksen is stupid so it must be instructions that he play where he plays with the rest of the team mates doing what they currently do
The pressing things just to mention again is a bit of a worry for me

there is a bit of a language barrier between you and i i think. i say there are obvious issues BUT avb is fine with it as its part of this style right now. if he is fine with it how is it possible that he doesnt see it? you have said here i never said he wouldnt see it. on the contrary i think AVB knows what the problems are and i think he knows how to fix it, i just dont think fixing is what he wants to do right now because it could counter what he DOES want to do on the pitch if you get my drift. For instance if a team plays a certain way despite the need to switch up to suit opposition it is quite possible that they play that way because that is how they want to play irrespective of what they need to do.

A team that likes to attack will concede goals, the problem is probably that they concede goals due to overcommitting players and getting caught on the counter or due to players getting pulled out of position in transition etc. they can fix that by being more organised, more disciplined , more structured etc, but then that could take away from their attacking potency

right now i think we are playing initially how AVB wants us to play.....its when we chase a goal that we look stronger at home...or when we are away and actively play a sparring session with a team on their ground cause that team wants to have a go..essentially thy come for is and create more space for us to work with and we focus on bringing them out more and playing with the space available.

thing is when at home we could if we wanted to look to bury teams and commit players in there...but we dont and i think this is a style choice and a tempo one

no it looks like we are carrying boulders on our shoulders while walking a tight rope made of a spider web. we struggle to break down teams for reasons that can be overcome. not to mention that the other teams seem to be able to do it to us when they turn up the heat a little bit

when a team has a game plan , and their game plan gets executed to the detriment of yours, i would say that you are out played or at the very least you are matched.

if a team decides to stifle us and then hit us on the counter when they want. ..if they decide to up the pressure and play when they want and then retreat when the time is needed and conceed ground then they have executed their plan and strategy perfectly and thus all the possession % and chances in the world wont negate the fact that they came here to do what they did

hull, west ham and Saudi Sportswashing Machine have all had a good time here, they are no supposed to..its supposed to be a miserable day at the office.....and quite frankly i wouldnt take pride in any of those games save for the fact we competed in them

we have been watching different games, "brushed us over" might be harsh sounding to be fair...but i dont think any of those teams were worried about is once they knew what they were up against and what they had to do.

we will have to agree to disagree on that one

yet most of the guys playing were here last year. they should be more fluid and cohesive IMO..its not like we chucked all 7 players in all the time from the start....it is tight but i am not focusing on points or results ...more on how we go about things and us not being at our best IMO shouldnt be a persistent thing because we bought 7 new top class players that all dont play regularly anyway. of course its a hindrance and it makes things difficult but its not nearly enough of a reason to look impotent out there.

IN that case , we should be looking forward to playing teams with loads of new players then...? at the same time we shouldnt be looking to buy a lot of new players ourselves even if they are better than what we have..it would continuously **** up our seasons for ever more

having said that chemistry will make us better but we should be better out there right now anyway than we have been , simple as that. its just not good enough whats happening out there

we bought 7 top class players for an obscene sum total, and this is a good reason to have less goals and less attacking onus than 3/4 of the league.

its crazy to me

agree with this

agree with this too, but parker never stopped being the fighter and when things were not working that was down to form, confidence and bad luck and most importantly HArry courting England. that team had some mental steel but it just want clicking.

i actually think we have quite a few winners now, enough so that the menatlity to fight , win and compete is there in most of the squad so that isnt really an issue i dont think

in 18 months a strong mindset and spirit should be greeting you at the door and your style needs to be coming through in games. people need to reflect their manager if they can

the funny thing is that as bad as united started i have no doubt they will fight their way back mainly cause they have winners in their team and their manager has a winning fight till you die attitude which i admire

moyes, martinez, laudrup,rodgers? how about those?

sometimes you need an absolute to highlight perceived faults in an discussion......thats where these comaprisons come in

Affy, just wanted to let you know I've read all of your post. Not quite sure if I have the time to go down the rabbit hole on each of these points, you do make some good points though mate.

If you feel there is a specific point or question I'm dodging by doing this or something specific you would like to continue debating I would be more than happy to, I just can't spend the time to go into another massive discussion. :)

I'll just say, to try to condense my point of view, that I don't think we're anywhere near the finished product yet, in our eyes or in AVB's eyes. I don't think AVB has shown himself to be scared of taking risks. And I think settling time along with confidence are very important factors for attacking fluidity and I think taking a safer approach at first might be a good idea.
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

An interesting quote from Dembele on why he lost his place under AVB this season:

Unfortunately for Dembele, he seems to have recently lost his place at White Hart Lane, withAndre Villas-Boas telling Dembele he prefers the more defensive Paulinho, and Sandro in the midfield.

“I can not be satisfied with it, of course, I just want to play as many games,” said Dembele. “The coach explained that he makes a tactical choice, he wants more defensive players in midfield.”

So Dembele confirms that AVB has moved us to an even more defensive stance than last season. Do some still believe that we're going through a "stage"? AVZb "prefers" more defensive players in midfield.

I think this is a real shame as Sandro/Dembele looked a real balanced/effective unit at times last season and was the catalyst behind our good run of form beginning with the win at Old Trafford.
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

An interesting quote from Dembele on why he lost his place under AVB this season:

Unfortunately for Dembele, he seems to have recently lost his place at White Hart Lane, withAndre Villas-Boas telling Dembele he prefers the more defensive Paulinho, and Sandro in the midfield.

“I can not be satisfied with it, of course, I just want to play as many games,” said Dembele. “The coach explained that he makes a tactical choice, he wants more defensive players in midfield.”

So Dembele confirms that AVB has moved us to an even more defensive stance than last season. Do some still believe that we're going through a "stage"? AVZb "prefers" more defensive players in midfield.

I think this is a real shame as Sandro/Dembele looked a real balanced/effective unit at times last season and was the catalyst behind our good run of form beginning with the win at Old Trafford.

That doesnt mean we will stay that way

right NOW, avb wants defensive guys there...but think about it...all the avb scholars would have and should have known this about him

AVB is a watered down carbon copy of mourinho, the way he set up in porto was pretty much the same philosophy. an over powering and dominant midfield used to get the ball back. dembele fits into that mould but paulinho has the added benefit of being more of a goal threat and a good timer of runs..having said that i am convinced dembele is just as much a threat on goal as paulie if he actually broke into the box

but this doesnt surprise me at all. its what avb wants right now.

edit:- plus having a strong and solid defensive base allows for more attacking outlets from the front 4 and the full backs (if avb decided to let them go nuts that is)

why is dembele talking to the press about this anyway?
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

That doesnt mean we will stay that way

right NOW, avb wants defensive guys there...but think about it...all the avb scholars would have and should have known this about him

AVB is a watered down carbon copy of mourinho, the way he set up in porto was pretty much the same philosophy. an over powering and dominant midfield used to get the ball back. dembele fits into that mould but paulinho has the added benefit of being more of a goal threat and a good timer of runs..having said that i am convinced dembele is just as much a threat on goal as paulie if he actually broke into the box

but this doesnt surprise me at all. its what avb wants right now.

edit:- plus having a strong and solid defensive base allows for more attacking outlets from the front 4 and the full backs (if avb decided to let them go nuts that is)

why is dembele talking to the press about this anyway?

Well he's clearly unhappy with what he's been told. With the Lamela rumours this weekend I'd say the first signs of serious cracks in the player's trust and belief in AVB are appearing.
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

Well he's clearly unhappy with what he's been told. With the Lamela rumours this weekend I'd say the first signs of serious cracks in the player's trust and belief in AVB are appearing.

this could be true
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

An interesting quote from Dembele on why he lost his place under AVB this season:

Unfortunately for Dembele, he seems to have recently lost his place at White Hart Lane, withAndre Villas-Boas telling Dembele he prefers the more defensive Paulinho, and Sandro in the midfield.

“I can not be satisfied with it, of course, I just want to play as many games,” said Dembele. “The coach explained that he makes a tactical choice, he wants more defensive players in midfield.”

So Dembele confirms that AVB has moved us to an even more defensive stance than last season. Do some still believe that we're going through a "stage"? AVZb "prefers" more defensive players in midfield.

I think this is a real shame as Sandro/Dembele looked a real balanced/effective unit at times last season and was the catalyst behind our good run of form beginning with the win at Old Trafford.

Agreed and very worrying if true especially as Paulinho has shown he's anything but a defensive midfielder. As I posted on the "other" AVB thread I will never understand these transitional stages between "systems" and moreover why they take nearly a season and a half to implement. Only Spurs 1 step forward 2 steps back.