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Andre Villas-Boas - Head Coach

Clear cut or not I really couldn't give two bricks we are playing 'ok' football and certainly aren't entertaining as we were previously. Our manager is too stubborn to change his philosophies so let's pray to GHod that they start working sooner rather than later.
Clear cut or not I really couldn't give two bricks we are playing 'ok' football and certainly aren't entertaining as we were previously. Our manager is too stubborn to change his philosophies so let's pray to GHod that they start working sooner rather than later.

in the time that Adebayor has been fit enough to start a match we have played two up front 50% of the time ;)
Whilst were on this, Bale has been very woeful in his shooting, almost defoe like at times.

No-ones really mentioned it but Bale is another reason were not playing as well as last season, he has not got anywhere near his peak performance-wise consistently as he was last year.
Whilst were on this, Bale has been very woeful in his shooting, almost defoe like at times.

No-ones really mentioned it but Bale is another reason were not playing as well as last season, he has not got anywhere near his peak performance-wise consistently as he was last year.

not surprising considering the change in the team from the past couple of seasons - i think he has been pretty decent so far, not as good as when we were on top form last season but then Adebayor has hardly played, a player who he linked up well with last season and Modric and VdV are not here anymore, players who were key to feeding Bale and playing him in.
Which is kind of fair enough in a way as well, I know everyone says "it's only message board, it's not like I'm slagging off the player or manager to his face" etc. but seeds of dissatisfaction can absolutely find their way from the boards to the ground itself and that would certainly not be helpful to any situation.

I'm firmly in the camp of; what I've seen so far isn't pretty but we've picked up some decent results with a squad / team that's almost unrecognisable from last year. So willing to give AVB some time to implement ideas and get the players he wants, (Moutinho would I'm sure have made a HUGE difference).

I think most people are in this camp, but people do love to bicker over tiny little things on message boards
you're looking for an argument today right? why have you missed the post where i admit i want arry gone?

you're behaving like a vulture ffs attacking anything positive someone says about redknapp.


Maybe, just maybe, it's because the last time I looked it was an AVB thread, yet the man cannot go 12 minutes, let alone games and most certainly not months, without Harry looming like some Wizard of Oz. It's actually funny come to think of it...
this is what i said for anyone reading. I see both points of view though and don't see red at every pro redknapp post and attack and i don't alter stats like some to prove my point.

Seriously...I spent months patiently explaining my views on Redknapp and was always shoved into a corner! Frankly, you never EVER agreed with a POV I had on Harry until I saw you say something above which I have said all along. Look, I honestly don't mind if you disagree with my POVs, but please don't try and say you ever actually saw it in this case...and if you DID, why did you not just say so at the time?
I think this thread really shows how extreme (and sensitive tbh) certain people can be when their favoured manager is criticised a little.

Harry has many faults and like i said i personally wanted him gone in the end but don't rewrite history to prove your point. Don't downgrade what he achieved with us and the success he brought us because that's undeniable imo. He cared more for himself than the club in the end (maybe in the beginning who knows?) but we achieved a lot of great things with him as our manager. Why people feel the need to jump on every pro Redknapp post is really beyond me.

Same with the AVB thing. i didn't want him at the beginning but i admit he's done good things and needs time but saying we've played poorly at home and created a very very low amount of clear cut chances overall is fact. Ok fair enough i said "around 1 clear cut chance" in those 4 games but does the fact that it might be 2 or 3 chances really disprove the overall point? it's just petiness that really doesn't prove anything. How i can be accused of not admitting i'm wrong when i was the most vocal anti AVB poster before he was here and how i've continuously defending him now is beyond me BUT i will not blindly defend him like some. He has faults like everyone does and he's done things wrong which he needs to fix. Does he need time? yes of course he does but these bogus comparisons to make it seem like AVB is so so much better is pretty desperate.

I'll tell you why. Because when I said NUMEROUS TIMES that the thing which upset me the very most about Harry was that HAD HE CONCENTRATED AND FOCUSSED HE WOULD'VE BEEN THE STATUE OUTSIDE THE LANE WE BOWED TO, and HAD HE EVEN JUST ACCEPTED CULPABILITY FOR THE fudge UPS AND SHOWN SOME fudging gonadS AND LEADERSHIP I'D HAVE FORGIVEN HIM, people such as your good self absolutely caned me, ignored what I was saying and shoved me as far as possible into an anti-Harry corner...which then forced me to start explaining other things I did not necessarily care for. I even said MANY TIMES that man gave me one of the BEST NIGHTS I HAVE HAD IN 20 YEARS FOLLOWING THIS CLUB and expressed my absolute heartache that he could not keep his eye on the ball and deliver. Instead, I was polarized. So now, whenever anyone jumps in and starts on, yes, I will respond. And not because it's a 'pro-Redknapp post' but because it is usually some absurd and unfair comparison chart with AVB's current situation.

THis is an AVB thread, yet I logged in at lunchtime and fudging BINGO, arry arry arry arry!

Look mate, I genuinely know we both love the club, but please PLEASE see the roots here and at least acknowledge them. Perhaps then we can all move on and leave this lunacy alone...

p.s. just in the interests of honest disclosure, i will say that his behaviour between Feb and June, his inability to accept responsibility for anything added to the disturbing things i would get filtered in my ear from time to time ended leaving me in a position where I couldn't stand the man. With that said, if he'd just apologized for chasing the England job and letting it ruin our season, if he'd just admitted that, if he'd not demanded a contract extension because 'players need to know' when a couple of months earlier contract issues and managers 'weren't an issue cos players don't care', I'd have been happy enough to see Levy keep him on EVEN THOUGH we'd likely have ended up playing attractive football with a team that would need a mass mass overhaul in a year's time due to the nature of signings...instead, he gave a speech at a golf tournament in Scotland about needing this and that from Levy (who was in mourning over his Mum's death). You know, I SAW him that lunchtime in the BA lounge, furiously yakking on the phone. I wondered whether I should say anything to him, and I realized that for all the City's away, for all the 3-2 Emirates, 3-1 Inters, I couldn't get past the many things he got wrong and never EVER admitted.

Say what you like about AVB, and I agree it has NOT been as pretty to watch, but the man is earnest and HONEST. I sincerely hope that he succeeds as I think he will.
And I think when all's said and done, we ALL hope he succeeds because we ALL support Spurs...
Shots on goal aren't the same as chances. If someone shoots from 30 yards, that isn't a chance. We've been more clinical this year so ill give AVB props for that. Dembele's goal against Fulham was a half chance.

I consider a shot on goal as a goal-chance for self-explanatory reasons. If you consider a 'clear-cut' chance as a tap-in opportunity then I'm afraid this debate is over. 'Half-chance' - with respect, what is that even supposed to mean? He created the chance for himself and converted

We create plenty but lack the finishing quality upfront to convert those as many of these numbers/stats in their own version would confirm. Or in other words - our conversion % is quite poor.

Anyway - the initial post was an attack on AVB and our apparent 'impotent' style of play whereby we struggle to create - so that has been put to bed by now, I'd say.
Seriously...I spent months patiently explaining my views on Redknapp and was always shoved into a corner! Frankly, you never EVER agreed with a POV I had on Harry until I saw you say something above which I have said all along. Look, I honestly don't mind if you disagree with my POVs, but please don't try and say you ever actually saw it in this case...and if you DID, why did you not just say so at the time?

Steff do you want me to find and link the Redknapp thread i made in January?
I consider a shot on goal as a goal-chance for self-explanatory reasons. If you consider a 'clear-cut' chance as a tap-in opportunity then I'm afraid this debate is over. 'Half-chance' - with respect, what is that even supposed to mean? He created the chance for himself and converted

We create plenty but lack the finishing quality upfront to convert those as many of these numbers/stats in their own version would confirm. Or in other words - our conversion % is quite poor.

Anyway - the initial post was an attack on AVB and our apparent 'impotent' style of play whereby we struggle to create - so that has been put to bed by now, I'd say.

15m quids worth of player having the ball in the box under control with time to get a shot away, that's golden in my opinion, let alone clear cut
15m quids worth of player having the ball in the box under control with time to get a shot away, that's golden in my opinion, let alone clear cut
Not to mention the sheer skills to sell the defender and work out an open space amidst a sea of bodies in order to get the shot away.
I've got no idea what the answer to this question is but how do our shots on target stats so far this season compare to the average over last season? It might be a fairer way of judging the quality of our attack without making selective decisions on what is and isn't a chance and when the rot may or may not have set in last season.
I've got no idea what the answer to this question is but how do our shots on target stats so far this season compare to the average over last season? It might be a fairer way of judging the quality of our attack without making selective decisions on what is and isn't a chance and when the rot may or may not have set in last season.

Shots on target stats are gonna be completely weird when you have Defoe as the sole striker for most of the season so far.
They're not worth reading into unless you are trying to win a internet argument.
Shots on target stats are gonna be completely weird when you have Defoe as the sole striker for most of the season so far.
They're not worth reading into unless you are trying to win a internet argument.

I'm not really on one side or the other on this, so I have no argument to win. I think that part of the problem with the discussion in this thread is that people are cherry picking stats or changing parameters to suit their argument and then completely ignoring any arguments put forward by anyone of a different view. It doesn't make for a very good discussion and people just end up getting more polarised in their views.

Maybe, just maybe, it's because the last time I looked it was an AVB thread, yet the man cannot go 12 minutes, let alone games and most certainly not months, without Harry looming like some Wizard of Oz. It's actually funny come to think of it...

To be fair Steff, the whole Harry thing came up because of someone defending AVB saying he was 'stopping the rot'. I then questioned if there was any serious rot etc. Whole thing then went off like bangers in a bucket.