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American politics

That Trump is a peado is not proven, true. That there was a court case charging him and Epstein for this crime is a fact though. That the girl dropped the case after being threatened is also a fact. That Epstein is a paedo and hung out with Trump is a fact, as is the fact that Trump knows 4 other men charged with paedophilia. That he walked into the girls dressing room for ms teen america while some contestants were undressed is a fact. That he has been been found guilty of rape in a civil case is a fact, and he that has been accused of rape by his now dead ex wife in her divorce deposition (later retracted I might add) is also a fact. He has been accused of sexual misconduct some 40 times. So although he has not been found guilty of raping a child yet I'm seeing a trend emerge here for Mr 'grab them by the pussy'. Some of these are allegations and some are proven facts so safe to say he has some credibility issues.

On the polls, I would agree. Even taking out the weird outliers they are usually off to a lesser or greater degree. In the US the polls have been consistently wrong since 2016 or even before that. However the good news is that they have been consistently overstating the GOP support since that year and the dems have consistently done better than the polls have indicated. The reason I have seen given for this is that certain cohorts of voters who usually vote dem are not likely to pick up an unknown number. There is probably more to it than that, but having Biden neck and neck now with Trump after the entire American media apparatus hammering him for two weeks is a good sign IMO

That he has credibility issues is possibly one of the biggest understatements of the year.
Between that and his Imv nonsensical "policies" I struggle to see how he garners the support he does.
Obviously some are voting against the dems/Biden and some will vote for the GOP regardless, but I just couldn't do that.
That he has credibility issues is possibly one of the biggest understatements of the year.
Between that and his Imv nonsensical "policies" I struggle to see how he garners the support he does.
Obviously some are voting against the dems/Biden and some will vote for the GOP regardless, but I just couldn't do that.
His base demonstrates cult like behaviour. Facts are not important just vibes. For his backers it is about the tax breaks he will give them. For others he is a trojan horse for white Christian nationalism. And of course for Putin, his handler, it is about allowing his imperialism. He is a man for all seasons.
I neither believe or disbeleive these stories, nothing has been proven.
I find it interesting that whoever you discuss these stories with the stories about their side are made up conspiracy theories but the ones about the opposition are definitely true.
I have a trump supportering colleague who swears the trump stories are all made and why is no one talking about bidens inappropriate behaviour with kids.

Polls, two days before the GE last week some polls had the snp ahead of Labour.
Polls are even more unreliable than Internet stories.

Ultimately people choose whatever they want to believe, hard to be objective about these type of stories when the only evidence we have is from a fews news stories.
Wouldn't it be great if we all lived in a village, and barely knew what was going on in the next village along.
His base demonstrates cult like behaviour. Facts are not important just vibes. For his backers it is about the tax breaks he will give them. For others he is a trojan horse for white Christian nationalism. And of course for Putin, his handler, it is about allowing his imperialism. He is a man for all seasons.

If the dems are doing so well why are they launching lawsuits to stop RK JR getting on the ballot in some states?
Political violence is never the answer. As an aside, I think this incident probably hands him the election.
Very true.
Like storming congress.
Trump set the standard that violence is an option when you don't like the politics.
The only surprise is it's taken so long to be attempted.
Film is up on news sites now.
Sadly, with it being Trump, there'll be an awful lot of 'joking' about a missed opportunity.
That's an interesting question - plenty of attempts to assassinate Hitler.
It poses an interesting human philosophy question.
With the 2025 plan on the table and the US constitution giving rise to justification of military type action in the face of tyranny - it raises further fascinating questions.
It is, ultimately, just America.