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American politics

Trump's lawyers basically admits he's guilty, but since he was president it doesn't count. Sentencing has now been delayed for two months and before you know it he's president again.


Seeking to leverage the Supreme Court decision, Trump's lawyers in the New York case quickly sought to overturn the May conviction.

They said the Supreme Court ruling is relevant here, because some of the events and evidence at the heart of the case took place while Trump was in the White House.

The Manhattan District Attorney's Office, which prosecuted Trump, responded that Trump's argument was "without merit" but asked for a deadline of 24 July to file a response.

However, legal experts said that the challenge could be an uphill battle for Trump.
Trump's lawyers basically admits he's guilty, but since he was president it doesn't count. Sentencing has now been delayed for two months and before you know it he's president again.


Seeking to leverage the Supreme Court decision, Trump's lawyers in the New York case quickly sought to overturn the May conviction.

They said the Supreme Court ruling is relevant here, because some of the events and evidence at the heart of the case took place while Trump was in the White House.

The Manhattan District Attorney's Office, which prosecuted Trump, responded that Trump's argument was "without merit" but asked for a deadline of 24 July to file a response.

However, legal experts said that the challenge could be an uphill battle for Trump.

If only he'd got his brother to shag her after him and then bump her off he could have avoided all this.
Worked for JFK after all.
Who knows really which candidate is the best choice, there are many opinions on this, but whoever it is running against Trump must win. There will be no elections in 2028 unless Trump loses. US democracy is one election away from not existing at all, and when this domino falls so does human civilisation.

The 2025 project is well underway already via the recent supreme court decisions. In the last few weeks they have neutered the bribery clause, and now yesterday the treason and high crimes clause. They have given themselves ultimate power to adjudicate on more or less everything with the Chevron decision and have made the president king, ironical a couple of days before independence day. America has one shot to call a halt to this or every single right will be striped away in short order one by one. How do we know this? They've told everyone in plain English this is what they intend.
The one thing I know about predicting the future is that no one can do it. But your statements really do ring true. Impossible to know for sure, but a very real risk of a lot of that coming true. Real scary brick.

Should be scary enough, likely enough, for at least a decent bunch of those previously self servingly supporting this course to stand up. But largely silence at best, continued support at worst. That just makes your predictions more likely and my faith in humanity even lower.
The one thing I know about predicting the future is that no one can do it. But your statements really do ring true. Impossible to know for sure, but a very real risk of a lot of that coming true. Real scary brick.

Should be scary enough, likely enough, for at least a decent bunch of those previously self servingly supporting this course to stand up. But largely silence at best, continued support at worst. That just makes your predictions more likely and my faith in humanity even lower.
The dems have been suffering from a failure of imagination for a very long time. This isn't the GOP of their youth or even 10 years ago, and those arseholes were bad enough. They are now running against MAGA but their memory of past politics is blinding them to the seriousness of the current situation. The ones that see the stakes most clearly are those that defected across the aisle, so the speak. The never trumpers who know just how far their former colleagues will go.
The dems have been suffering from a failure of imagination for a very long time. This isn't the GOP of their youth or even 10 years ago, and those arseholes were bad enough. They are now running against MAGA but their memory of past politics is blinding them to the seriousness of the current situation. The ones that see the stakes most clearly are those that defected across the aisle, so the speak. The never trumpers who know just how far their former colleagues will go.
Agreed. They seem to be playing catch up all the time. Can't seem to get on the front foot. Several things Trump has said and done would have been the end of just about any president or candidate in the way things used to work. They don't have a playbook, or are using an outdated one.
With Trump's chances of re-election mounting with every blunder from Biden, you can hear the increasingly loud chants of 'Build that wall! Build that wall!"

Just never thought the ones chanting it would be Canadians.