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American politics

Biden is the candidate. Get past it. I could post 20 mental things Trump says or does every fudging day, none of which get the attention they deserve. The dems are in the usual circular firing squad position. The stakes are too high for this flimflam.

If Harris or someone else stepped in the stupid clams would go after them next. They always do, like clockwork. Jeebus.
So throw the elections because yor choice just can't possibly be wrong.
It’s very unlikely he will win, and the bad bit about it all is the left will be calling everyone racist fascists.
This is on no one but the Democrats and those who can't admit that their hero has clay feet.
But the narrative is written and Biden is doing nothing to temper it. As always, the Democrats remain unable to attack Trump. We can only speculate as to why more hasn't been made of the Epstein files...it's one thing to have Trump and those weirdos going after, but when you're own party is attacking you, then it's time to get real and deal with what 'is' not what should be IMO...
You'd think that would be a solid deflection tactic (built on truth, of course) but I'm thinking the inner turmoil of their own candidates issues is so large they're having trouble moving between the rock and a hard place they are in.
But the narrative is written and Biden is doing nothing to temper it. As always, the Democrats remain unable to attack Trump. We can only speculate as to why more hasn't been made of the Epstein files...it's one thing to have Trump and those weirdos going after, but when you're own party is attacking you, then it's time to get real and deal with what 'is' not what should be IMO...

I think it's obvious why the epstein files are being allowed to drift away, too many powerful people involved, and it will be from all sides.
That's a can of worms that could bring down a lot of figures.
But the narrative is written and Biden is doing nothing to temper it. As always, the Democrats remain unable to attack Trump. We can only speculate as to why more hasn't been made of the Epstein files...it's one thing to have Trump and those weirdos going after, but when you're own party is attacking you, then it's time to get real and deal with what 'is' not what should be IMO...
Yes the narrative is being written and I don't think there is anything he can do to change that now. He's an old dude who has senior moments (the debate was actually a stutterer relapse according to the experts) but the 24/7 coverage and his own team wading in to show how unbiased and impartial they are is handing over the fate of the planet to the worst possible person. Biden has come out and stated fairly plainly that he is not stepping aside but the attacks will not stop because they are largely been driven by those with vested interests in having him quit. Besides the incredible difficulties in actually replacing a candidate now, and they are manifold, the laughable thing is that that the substitute will fair any better. Whoever that is will get the same treatment for some other perceived flaw. That is the way that things work over there - the dems and media overcritical to the point of farce for their candidate and the repub candidate gets a free pass for the most part for a multitude of sins.

David Roberts (a climate guy mostly) describes it perfectly in this twitter thread
I think it's obvious why the epstein files are being allowed to drift away, too many powerful people involved, and it will be from all sides.
That's a can of worms that could bring down a lot of figures.
The Trump paedophile rape thing with Epstein has been common knowledge for 5 years at least. I have a post in this thread about it in 2019. Why it hasn't got more traction is bizarre.

So throw the elections because yor choice just can't possibly be wrong.
It’s very unlikely he will win, and the bad bit about it all is the left will be calling everyone racist fascists.
This is on no one but the Democrats and those who can't admit that their hero has clay feet.
My point is that a replacement also has no guarantee of a win. I have no problem with someone stepping in but who? Do you realise that the GOP has legal challenges lined up for any new candidate on the ballot, They want this to happen. A new candidate will start with no money and no campaign infrastructure and Biden supporters going after them. They would be fudged from the get go. I honestly don't give a fudge who the candidate is but what is happening now is self defeating. They need to consolidate behind one candidate Biden or someone else but they won't for reasons I describe in my response to Steff.
The Trump paedophile rape thing with Epstein has been common knowledge for 5 years at least. I have a post in this thread about it in 2019. Why it hasn't got more traction is bizarre.

My point is that a replacement also has no guarantee of a win. I have no problem with someone stepping in but who? Do you realise that the GOP has legal challenges lined up for any new candidate on the ballot, They want this to happen. A new candidate will start with no money and no campaign infrastructure and Biden supporters going after them. They would be fudged from the get go. I honestly don't give a fudge who the candidate is but what is happening now is self defeating. They need to consolidate behind one candidate Biden or someone else but they won't for reasons I describe in my response to Steff.

Common knowledge, I genuinely have never heard of that, but I do admit that I am extremely sceptical about these sort of stories so tend not to dive too deep into them.
Just as I am about hunter Biden pedo laden laptop, Obama and macron both being married to trans people, the pizza pedo ring (tbh I don't even know who or that was about at all) or these stories generally.
There's "stories" out there on just about every politician you can name, and even if they are true the last thing any of them want is to rattle skeletons because they all have them.

It's been fairly obvious for a while that even if Biden was fit to win an election he was very unlikely to get through five years. The "rumour mill" at the last election was that after a few years of the first term he would easy Harris into the role.
Her popularity appears to be falling so maybe that has been put on hold.
Trump so PR machine means there is no guarantees, I agree with you there, but they being handed wins every week with this.
Whatever way you want to slice it the Democrats have fudged this up, as has American politics in general.
That in this day in age the most powerful post in the world is being contested by a guy not of sound mind and an absolutely cretinous scumbag is nothing more than a sick joke.
I wouldn't trust any of them to take my dog for a walk and bring them back safely, for different reasons obviously.
Common knowledge, I genuinely have never heard of that, but I do admit that I am extremely sceptical about these sort of stories so tend not to dive too deep into them.
Just as I am about hunter Biden pedo laden laptop, Obama and macron both being married to trans people, the pizza pedo ring (tbh I don't even know who or that was about at all) or these stories generally.
There's "stories" out there on just about every politician you can name, and even if they are true the last thing any of them want is to rattle skeletons because they all have them.

It's been fairly obvious for a while that even if Biden was fit to win an election he was very unlikely to get through five years. The "rumour mill" at the last election was that after a few years of the first term he would easy Harris into the role.
Her popularity appears to be falling so maybe that has been put on hold.
Trump so PR machine means there is no guarantees, I agree with you there, but they being handed wins every week with this.
Whatever way you want to slice it the Democrats have fudged this up, as has American politics in general.
That in this day in age the most powerful post in the world is being contested by a guy not of sound mind and an absolutely cretinous scumbag is nothing more than a sick joke.
I wouldn't trust any of them to take my dog for a walk and bring them back safely, for different reasons obviously.
Maybe common knowledge was the wrong term but I read about the court case over 5 years ago and the court documents were in the public sphere since way before then. The case was dropped after the girl was threatened.

Hunter bidens laptop was was a Russian op. An analysis of the hardrive showed the contents were changed many times after Biden had it. Anything incriminating on it was almost certainly put there by someone else. I think there was some dingdongpics that made it on the net but I might be confusing my stories here.

The pizzagate thing was an interesting case study in conspiracy theories. It was a story made up by someone on 4chan (might have been the owner of 4chan if I recall) and it took off like a runaway train. The basic story was about a child sex ring being run out the basement of DC pizza restaurant. The Clintons were involved supposedly and there was weird thing about harvesting something called adrenochrome from the children (you really don't want to know). The whole thing ended when some nut went into the restaurant with a gun to rescue the children and found out it didn't even have a basement. This was a precursor to the whole qanon nonsense.

After a brief dip in the polls last week no doubt because of the constant drumbeat of negative stories about Biden's age his poll number have already rebounded and he is back tied with Trump again. Biden mind is fine as he has been demonstrating for the last two weeks including in the NATO meetings. Is he the perfect choice, nope he's too old, but he's a good president and likely to be the candidate. The dems need to rally around him and attack Trump instead who is definitely not of sound mind.

Common knowledge, I genuinely have never heard of that, but I do admit that I am extremely sceptical about these sort of stories so tend not to dive too deep into them.
Just as I am about hunter Biden pedo laden laptop, Obama and macron both being married to trans people, the pizza pedo ring (tbh I don't even know who or that was about at all) or these stories generally.

There's "stories" out there on just about every politician you can name, and even if they are true the last thing any of them want is to rattle skeletons because they all have them.

It's been fairly obvious for a while that even if Biden was fit to win an election he was very unlikely to get through five years. The "rumour mill" at the last election was that after a few years of the first term he would easy Harris into the role.
Her popularity appears to be falling so maybe that has been put on hold.
Trump so PR machine means there is no guarantees, I agree with you there, but they being handed wins every week with this.
Whatever way you want to slice it the Democrats have fudged this up, as has American politics in general.
That in this day in age the most powerful post in the world is being contested by a guy not of sound mind and an absolutely cretinous scumbag is nothing more than a sick joke.
I wouldn't trust any of them to take my dog for a walk and bring them back safely, for different reasons obviously.

The Epstein case is vastly, vastly different mate. Please don't conflate it with whacko 'pedo-pizza' stuff.
There are hundreds of pages of court documents detailing the immense nature of Epstein's world of filth and service to others filth. Which (as you then rightly IMO said) is the reason Trump's own despicable record of behaviours are not being called out...because so many have engaged.
The Trump paedophile rape thing with Epstein has been common knowledge for 5 years at least. I have a post in this thread about it in 2019. Why it hasn't got more traction is bizarre.

My point is that a replacement also has no guarantee of a win. I have no problem with someone stepping in but who? Do you realise that the GOP has legal challenges lined up for any new candidate on the ballot, They want this to happen. A new candidate will start with no money and no campaign infrastructure and Biden supporters going after them. They would be fudged from the get go. I honestly don't give a fudge who the candidate is but what is happening now is self defeating. They need to consolidate behind one candidate Biden or someone else but they won't for reasons I describe in my response to Steff.

See that Trump’s activities with Epstein are trending, hopefully help a few more people see the light.

Maybe common knowledge was the wrong term but I read about the court case over 5 years ago and the court documents were in the public sphere since way before then. The case was dropped after the girl was threatened.

Hunter bidens laptop was was a Russian op. An analysis of the hardrive showed the contents were changed many times after Biden had it. Anything incriminating on it was almost certainly put there by someone else. I think there was some dingdongpics that made it on the net but I might be confusing my stories here.

The pizzagate thing was an interesting case study in conspiracy theories. It was a story made up by someone on 4chan (might have been the owner of 4chan if I recall) and it took off like a runaway train. The basic story was about a child sex ring being run out the basement of DC pizza restaurant. The Clintons were involved supposedly and there was weird thing about harvesting something called adrenochrome from the children (you really don't want to know). The whole thing ended when some nut went into the restaurant with a gun to rescue the children and found out it didn't even have a basement. This was a precursor to the whole qanon nonsense.

After a brief dip in the polls last week no doubt because of the constant drumbeat of negative stories about Biden's age his poll number have already rebounded and he is back tied with Trump again. Biden mind is fine as he has been demonstrating for the last two weeks including in the NATO meetings. Is he the perfect choice, nope he's too old, but he's a good president and likely to be the candidate. The dems need to rally around him and attack Trump instead who is definitely not of sound mind.

I neither believe or disbeleive these stories, nothing has been proven.
I find it interesting that whoever you discuss these stories with the stories about their side are made up conspiracy theories but the ones about the opposition are definitely true.
I have a trump supportering colleague who swears the trump stories are all made and why is no one talking about bidens inappropriate behaviour with kids.

Polls, two days before the GE last week some polls had the snp ahead of Labour.
Polls are even more unreliable than Internet stories.
I neither believe or disbeleive these stories, nothing has been proven.
I find it interesting that whoever you discuss these stories with the stories about their side are made up conspiracy theories but the ones about the opposition are definitely true.
I have a trump supportering colleague who swears the trump stories are all made and why is no one talking about bidens inappropriate behaviour with kids.

Polls, two days before the GE last week some polls had the snp ahead of Labour.
Polls are even more unreliable than Internet stories.

Ultimately people choose whatever they want to believe, hard to be objective about these type of stories when the only evidence we have is from a fews news stories.
The Epstein case is vastly, vastly different mate. Please don't conflate it with whacko 'pedo-pizza' stuff.
There are hundreds of pages of court documents detailing the immense nature of Epstein's world of filth and service to others filth. Which (as you then rightly IMO said) is the reason Trump's own despicable record of behaviours are not being called out...because so many have engaged.

Only the most naive person in the world could believe that the Epstein stuff is not extremely dodgy, and I'm really playing that down.
But IMHO the aftermath of that being blown wide open is so nuclear that it will never happen.
I neither believe or disbeleive these stories, nothing has been proven.
I find it interesting that whoever you discuss these stories with the stories about their side are made up conspiracy theories but the ones about the opposition are definitely true.
I have a trump supportering colleague who swears the trump stories are all made and why is no one talking about bidens inappropriate behaviour with kids.

Polls, two days before the GE last week some polls had the snp ahead of Labour.
Polls are even more unreliable than Internet stories.
That Trump is a peado is not proven, true. That there was a court case charging him and Epstein for this crime is a fact though. That the girl dropped the case after being threatened is also a fact. That Epstein is a paedo and hung out with Trump is a fact, as is the fact that Trump knows 4 other men charged with paedophilia. That he walked into the girls dressing room for ms teen america while some contestants were undressed is a fact. That he has been been found guilty of rape in a civil case is a fact, and he that has been accused of rape by his now dead ex wife in her divorce deposition (later retracted I might add) is also a fact. He has been accused of sexual misconduct some 40 times. So although he has not been found guilty of raping a child yet I'm seeing a trend emerge here for Mr 'grab them by the pussy'. Some of these are allegations and some are proven facts so safe to say he has some credibility issues.

On the polls, I would agree. Even taking out the weird outliers they are usually off to a lesser or greater degree. In the US the polls have been consistently wrong since 2016 or even before that. However the good news is that they have been consistently overstating the GOP support since that year and the dems have consistently done better than the polls have indicated. The reason I have seen given for this is that certain cohorts of voters who usually vote dem are not likely to pick up an unknown number. There is probably more to it than that, but having Biden neck and neck now with Trump after the entire American media apparatus hammering him for two weeks is a good sign IMO