Steffen Freund
The government, via UK health services,should set guideance and suggest along the lines of health.I wouldn’t go that far, but the government should tell people they need to lose weight or encourage them to get fitter. Cancer Research got flak for a campaign they did a few years ago about obesity and how it’s one of the main causes of cancer and were told it was “fat shaming”. The fact that we live in a world where the first concern for some is people’s feelings rather than potentially getting healthier and saving lives is beyond comprehension for me.
Only a Dr should tell people to lose weight.
A Govt are not medical professionals.
To tell citizens exactly what they must do is Communism.
Govt should act to create a healthy society to empower people to be healthy. A society in which food banks are prevalent, healthy food is more expensive than junk food to the point where healthy food is difficult to afford, where living costs create stress that can be alleviated by the dopamine of sugar, cigarettes, alcohol not a healthy society.
Physical and mental sides shouldn't be seen in silo. Ultimately our brain dictates what we need.
Govt should push things like eating fruit and veg.
A bit like we did with milk in the 80s.
I'd also be in favour of something along the lines of the shock tactics cigarettes use.
But the notion on any level to remove a mechanism that supports peoples lives is utterly abhorrent, on a morale level. And on a practical level is tone deaf.