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Politics, politics, politics (so long and thanks for all the fish)

The far right riots were part of a national crisis that needed the Nation's Leader to respond. The idiots involved in disorder at Notting hill carnival did not extend out of West London and did not spread fear in communities across the country. I am sure they will be dealt sternly by the Criminal justice system. But we don't advertise every criminal conviction and the sentences meted out and there was certainly no need for a response from Starmer. As it didn't require one from Sunak last year. It isn't difficult to see the difference. Unless you have an agenda to spread division, of course.

*Sigh* social media provides such a pernicious echo chamber for spreading hatred and division.
Sorry I can't see why you think that's an excuse, I'm not the Duke of Westminster with massive wealth passed on to me, it's a tax which effects a lot of working people living in South East region.

What do expect from someone who cites the great socialist Tony Benn as a role model, you know the tony benn that used a tax loop hole so his kids didn't have to pay inheritance tax on his estate.
Surely not anything sensible.
Are they white working class?

Not followed the story. But if they are not working class I would not bank on it.
I really don't think race or skin colour is a factor here.
Stopping public disorder escalating and becoming normalised is.

However, if such an action is taken re; NHC, it will be a very bold step. Almost a "last warning" to NHC to get it's act together and stop it being an event that is guaranteed violence and often death.

That's the right move IMHO - I'd love to go to carnival, but it's clearly not safe.

I genuinely think Starmer is treating everyone equally, irrespective of colour or class - the problem with that, ironically, is it removes an "other" from the situation, so everyone feels aggrieved.
So the moral of your tale, don't bother improving your financial position
Your kids will get the bulk of anything under £500,000, and then 60% of anything above that. So you would, I assume, be passing on the vast majority of your capital.

You may well have worked hard your whole life; so have millions of others (care home workers, nurses, refuse collectors, administrative workers…) who can only dream about being in the extremely comfortable financial position that you apear to be in.

The country needs money to function (something it can’t do properly at present) and those who are most financially comfortable must shoulder their fair share of the burden.
Your kids will get the bulk of anything under £500,000, and then 60% of anything above that. So you would, I assume, be passing on the vast majority of your capital.

You may well have worked hard your whole life; so have millions of others (care home workers, nurses, refuse collectors, administrative workers…) who can only dream about being in the extremely comfortable financial position that you apear to be in.

The country needs money to function (something it can’t do properly at present) and those who are most financially comfortable must shoulder their fair share of the burden.

So the fact that I paid a higher rate of tax counts for nothing, it's just like the fans in transfer thread, they're all very keen to spend other peoples money.
Your kids will get the bulk of anything under £500,000, and then 60% of anything above that. So you would, I assume, be passing on the vast majority of your capital.

You may well have worked hard your whole life; so have millions of others (care home workers, nurses, refuse collectors, administrative workers…) who can only dream about being in the extremely comfortable financial position that you apear to be in.

The country needs money to function (something it can’t do properly at present) and those who are most financially comfortable must shoulder their fair share of the burden.
We have already taken steps to keep money out of the governments hand and into our sons.

Once you take away the ability for people to pass on their wealth to their children you will take away a big motivator for people to create wealth and drive the economy.

I have worked hard and for the most part paid tax on my earnings, no way the government any government are getting their dirty hands on it.
We have already taken steps to keep money out of the governments hand and into our sons.

Once you take away the ability for people to pass on their wealth to their children you will take away a big motivator for people to create wealth and drive the economy.

I have worked hard and for the most part paid tax on my earnings, no way the government any government are getting their dirty hands on it.
'For the most part' 😉
Separate point - Oasis and Britpop was the last state school musical movement. Everything since has been private school and music academies.
Utter nonsense from you, as usual. Post after post of nonsense, it really is quite the achievement.
We have already taken steps to keep money out of the governments hand and into our sons.

Once you take away the ability for people to pass on their wealth to their children you will take away a big motivator for people to create wealth and drive the economy.

I have worked hard and for the most part paid tax on my earnings, no way the government any government are getting their dirty hands on it.
So you accept tax needs paying on earnings - so what's the issue?

You wouldn't have generated the wealth without the existence of the conditions in the country - you partly created those conditions, so did the rest of us. So what's the issue with paying tax on wealth? Without people paying the tax, you wouldn't have the wealth....
So you accept tax needs paying on earnings - so what's the issue?

You wouldn't have generated the wealth without the existence of the conditions in the country - you partly created those conditions, so did the rest of us. So what's the issue with paying tax on wealth? Without people paying the tax, you wouldn't have the wealth....
I already paid tax on it.
On the growth generated by society and passed on to your children?
No I paid tax on my hard work and successful running of a locksmith business. I paid more then enough tax, I want the assets I own to go to my son.

We have already taken steps in that regard. Wish we were more like Australia where the was no inheritance tax.
No I paid tax on my hard work and successful running of a locksmith business. I paid more then enough tax, I want the assets I own to go to my son.

We have already taken steps in that regard. Wish we were more like Australia where the was no inheritance tax.
Maybe I've misunderstood - is it the business you are passing on?
For some reason I had it in my head it was an asset with appreciable value being passed on.
Maybe I've misunderstood - is it the business you are passing on?
For some reason I had it in my head it was an asset with appreciable value being passed on.
Sold the business years ago, paid tax when I sold it, paid tax, mostly when I ran it.

It is my money not the states, it should not keep getting taxed.

Such is the life of a politician.
He's the best of a very bad lot.
People seem to forget that 11 weeks ago the country was spiralling towards an abyss after years of tory government, Brexit and an economy that was all but shut down and funded for months.
Did they really think a change of government was going to turn that around in 12 weeks, are we really that spoilt now.
Such is the life of a politician.
He's the best of a very bad lot.
People seem to forget that 11 weeks ago the country was spiralling towards an abyss after years of tory government, Brexit and an economy that was all but shut down and funded for months.
Did they really think a change of government was going to turn that around in 12 weeks, are we really that spoilt now.

Could not agree more, i have been around a long time [ going all the way back to Mcmillan] but i do not think i have seen such a fudge up of members [ of all partys] as we have now. Its been that way since the debacle over the shambles in the house over the Brexit vote. Arseholes ALL of them.
Agree @parklane1 but I'd say it's been spiralling downhill since Blair and 'New Labour'. As a working class bloke I would always look to vote for Labour but now I don't really feel any parties have my interests at heart and the vast majority of politicians are in it for their own personal gain.