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Victimpool FC - Klopp leaving, grown men crying

So Liverpool fans deserved to die at Hillsborough because some fans were responsible for Heysel and Athens?

So when Spurs fans rioted in Feyenoord in 74, that meant that had some Spurs died at Hillsborough in 1981 they deserved it? Including the kids and other fans who were not at Feyenoord?

Is that why they should get no sympathy - because of Heysel? But what if the 96 fans who died at Hillsborough were not in anyway linked to Heysel?

I never said nor suggested any of those things you have insinuated/assumed above. No one 'deserves' to die for whatever reason

This isn't about sympathy towards the victims and their families (and such should be unconditionally given, imv) - more of a general note on the absolvency of blame - a point Scara attempted to make further up but it appears to have been drowned in the general PC fest
more PC fest i'm afraid!

quite a good illustration of what happened here - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-19545126‎

it's as clear as day that the stadium design and police are fully culpable and i honestly can't believe ‎some people are still trying to pin some of the blame for this on the fans, i can only presume they ‎haven't read the report or the news over the last couple of days; or they're letting their silly little ‎prejudices cloud their vision. heysal and athens are completely different situations with different ‎circumstances and people and should play no part in attributing blame for Hillsborough.‎

as for scousers always playing the victim, i think in this instance they've been completely within their ‎rights, no? fair play to them for having the heart and tenacity to keep going all these years.‎
Why is Heysel never mentioned as much and what about the Bradford fire? Because Bradford City are a small club and had to deal with their own heartbreaking situation in-house. No one ever mentions that do they. 56 people died there.

there was no cover up, if the police had owned up to this 20 years ago we wouldn't have all this now would we
I never said nor suggested any of those things you have insinuated/assumed above. No one 'deserves' to die for whatever reason

This isn't about sympathy towards the victims and their families (and such should be unconditionally given, imv) - more of a general note on the absolvency of blame - a point Scara attempted to make further up but it appears to have been drowned in the general PC fest

but they have been absolved of blame, and the lies circulated by the police and press, this has now been proven but for whatever reason some seem to have an axe to grind and don't want to accept it and are still referring to those lies!
there was no cover up, if the police had owned up to this 20 years ago we wouldn't have all this now would we

I'm just fighting the cause for a smaller club. If the fire happened at Liverpool, you bet it would still be in the news. Thing is, no one cares.
You really don't know how bad this thread makes us like to an outsider. 2 work colleagues just read through it and were utterly disgusted with some of the comments.

96 people died ffs. You can hate liverpool as a club/city all you want but some of this brick posted is a disgrace (and it's posted by the fudging founder of this whole site). Scaramanga i usually think you're one of the better mods (don't get it confused..i disagree with practically everything you post but you're fair at least) but the brick you posted on this thread really makes this site look like an utter brickhole.
OK, so will this be the end of the situation now they justice? Guess it's a compensation issue now. Reckon, the whole city will claim for compensation and still won't sign
of from Job seekers allowance...
I never said nor suggested any of those things you have insinuated/assumed above. No one 'deserves' to die for whatever reason

This isn't about sympathy towards the victims and their families (and such should be unconditionally given, imv) - more of a general note on the absolvency of blame - a point Scara attempted to make further up but it appears to have been drowned in the general PC fest

Yeah, yeah, blame the 'PC Fest' - ignore the facts that the fans were in no way to blame. Had it been any team on that day with a large following exactly the same would have happened. The police opened the mass exit and told fans to go in - that caused the crush, there is no other reason. If some had enjoyed a few beers, so what? Most fans do.

As someone else said - in 81 you could get into Hillsborough without a ticket for a fiver even though it was sold out. Fans would buy them, is that a crime if they are available? At the Spurs-Chelsea semi-final last season there were loads of drunk, ticketless Spurs fans trying to buy their way in - do they deserve to die?

The fact that you choose to mention Heysel shows your trail of thought. For years you have no doubt blamed Liverpool fans and now the truth is out you still can't and will not except it. Spurs, Chelsea, Liverpool, Man Utd, Millwall, West Ham, Luton, Everton , Wolves and England fans rioted in the 70s and 80s. There doesn't need to be a report because we all know it was football's problem and Britain's problem in general.

Hillsborough was a cover up of epic proportions. Liverpool fans are guilty of being football fans, nothing more. There was no riot, there was no fight, they were allowed in and fans got crushed. It really is that simple.
OK, so will this be the end of the situation now they justice? Guess it's a compensation issue now. Reckon, the whole city will claim for compensation and still won't sign
of from Job seekers allowance...

Not sure if you are a parent or not (assuming you're not) but when/if you are - look at your son at 10-years-old and imagine him going to a football match and dying through no fault of his own. If you believe the truth coming out would be enough for you to accept that as 'justice' then you don't deserve to be a parent.

No doubt you'll hit back with another joke about benefits. Maybe you're too young to understand what actually happened. All football fans should be appalled at what those fans endured and what their families have fought for for 23 years.
If you believe the truth coming out would be enough for you to accept that as 'justice' then you don't deserve to be a parent.

Tell me honestly - what EXACTLY do you guys want now that the TRUTH has come out and the mourning families can finally reach some closure?

What is the next step in this?

What do you want as JUSTICE?
Tell me honestly - what EXACTLY do you guys want now that the TRUTH has come out and the mourning families can finally reach some closure?

What is the next step in this?

What do you want as JUSTICE?

I don't want anything. I hope the families get what they want.

Most of all I want fellow Spurs fans to stop being such fudging tossers and to realise how embarrassing this is. The police and the Gov't and an independent committee say the fans were not to blame in any way. They have read 400,000 documents and police statements.

Yet some Spurs fans on here know better. They know Liverpool fans did play a part. They have said it for 23 years and no amount of evidence will change their mind. So what that 96 people died and a the biggest post war cover up occurred? Who cares, it was Liverpool fans and they annoy some people. Who cares that a 10-year-old died, he was crushed by drunk, ticketless fans so deserved it. The Sun said so so it must be true.

Read this thread, it's a fudging joke. I know from my previous incarnation on this forum that the people making the most ridiculous claims are intelligent people too. Yet, they cannot admit they may have been wrong to blame the fans.
Tell me honestly - what EXACTLY do you guys want now that the TRUTH has come out and the mourning families can finally reach some closure?

What is the next step in this?

What do you want as JUSTICE?

Obviously those responsible for the cover up should face justice, we can't have the police or those in ‎power covering up lies and getting away scot free. we don't live in some despotic dictatorship, we live ‎in a free and open society so there should be repercussions for those involved

this is all pretty fudging obvious isn't it? it's got nothing to do with whinging scousers or scousers always being the victims, it's ‎how our society works
Not sure if you are a parent or not (assuming you're not) but when/if you are - look at your son at 10-years-old and imagine him going to a football match and dying through no fault of his own. If you believe the truth coming out would be enough for you to accept that as 'justice' then you don't deserve to be a parent.

No doubt you'll hit back with another joke about benefits. Maybe you're too young to understand what actually happened. All football fans should be appalled at what those fans endured and what their families have fought for for 23 years.

Ok, was tongue in cheek but in bad taste i'll give you that. However, It's no coincidence that a tragedy where people should be 100% behind Liverpool, has divided opinion. I think the Heysel mass murder had a lot to answer for. Also, there are only 96 guaranteed innocents in this situation. It's easy to jump on the bandwagon in a city, otherwise you'll be lynched for voicing different opinions. Does this mean they are correct?
Ok, was tongue in cheek but in bad taste i'll give you that. However, It's no coincidence that a tragedy where people should be 100% behind Liverpool, has divided opinion. I think the Heysel mass murder had a lot to answer for. Also, there are only 96 guaranteed innocents in this situation. It's easy to jump on the bandwagon in a city, otherwise you'll be lynched for voicing different opinions. Does this mean they are correct?

Heysel has nothing to do it with it. People bought into it because of the cover up. Fair enough. Back then the police lied, The Sun lied, the politicians all lied to save their arses. People believed them in 1989, why would the police lie about such a thing? Spurs fans who had been to Hillsborough in 81, like myself, felt a bit uneasy about it, but the police wouldn't lie about something like this would they?

You only have to look at the scale of the cover up to know the fans were innocent otherwise why else do it to that extent?

The problem is Liverpool as a city would not let it go. Yes it led to the victim-pool stuff and everything else. Yes they have played the victim card on other issues since. But because people get bored, people outside Liverpool got fed up with it. Fed up with the minute's silences etc etc mainly because they thought the fans were to blame I guess.

Now it has come out that that was wrong I think those who were happy to blame Liverpool because they hate the club/city so much cannot bring themselves to admit they were wrong. It's not their fault. Believing the lies and cover up is no sin, that's what they were supposed to do.

However, now it's out in the open there is no excuse. If people are still interested and want to blame Liverpool then they need to read the report to stop themselves looking so ignorant. If you're not interested, don't blame anyone and say nothing on the topic.

I read the report yesterday and that made me re-register on this board because I was so embarrassed with where this thread was going. It is deeply, deeply shameful.
I like Liverpool baiting as much as the next fan, but this thread has turned into an embarrassment.

Agreed. We need Liverplop to do something embarrassing again so this thread can get back on track. Its been about a fortnight since they last embarrassed themselves, so they are overdue.