Steffen Freund
And actually what evidence is there that ANY fan actions were to blame for the deaths? Just asking for reference
Some of the comments on here today about the city of Liverpool, Liverpool fans, the events of that terrible day and the ensuing 23 years of lies and cover up are disgraceful.
As Returner points out, there but for the grace of GHod.........
One further thing: one of the 96 was a Spurs fan - a teenaged girl. So even if your hatred of Liverpool has warped you beyond repair can you not at least show a bit of fudging respect on her behalf?
And actually what evidence is there that ANY fan actions were to blame for the deaths? Just asking for reference
All respect mate, but that is a little naive.
Today is all about exposing the authorities, quite rightly. But having lived through that era, I know full well what football "fans" were like back then, and trust me, a lot of them were certainly no angels. I'm sure that was the case that day too.
Well enlighten me; that's what i'm asking for: details of what the scouse fans did on the day and how those actions led to the deaths; i.e details not shown to be the fantasy of corrupt officials.
You're missing the point.
None of us has those details. It is unlikely anyone from that day would have "details". I'm saying that it is likely that the actions of some of those fans contributed towards the eventual outcome.
Were you around at football matches in the 80s? Are you aware of what Liverpool fans (and Everton for that matter) were actually like?
Trust me, some of the worst.
But we stray from the main issue today. I have no intention of taking this off-topic. And as already stated, today is about the guilt of those involved in the cover up. I doubt we will ever know the FULL truth, and will be surprised if anyone ever gets brought to account for what went on.
How about a comprimise - I'll change your avatar for you:
Some of the comments on here today about the city of Liverpool, Liverpool fans, the events of that terrible day and the ensuing 23 years of lies and cover up are disgraceful.
As Returner points out, there but for the grace of GHod.........
One further thing: one of the 96 was a Spurs fan - a teenaged girl. So even if your hatred of Liverpool has warped you beyond repair can you not at least show a bit of fudging respect on her behalf?
I hope those at RAWK and other sites don't think those comments represent Spurs fans, and they start an equivalent "What is it about north london ****neys" thread.
No my point was that it seems churlish to expect any of the families victims who have had mud slung at them for over 20 years ('you've got a victim mentality', 'you're just scum', 'Liverpool fans were/are ALL scum so what does it matter') to have this verdict finaly come out today and then expect them just to walk away and say 'oh i told you so'....well let's just say i doubt ANY of us, especially those who have kids, could do that if they'd lost a loved one - especially a teenage child - at that ground that day.
Yes, i know how scummy footy fans were in those days, especially scouse ones, but if those same 'scum' fans can own up to their part in the Heysel disaster (and erect a plaque at Anfield) i don't see why they should still face "well, they're scummers anyway" comments about Hilsborough.
I hope those at RAWK and other sites don't think those comments represent Spurs fans, and they start an equivalent "What is it about north london ****neys" thread.
I was at Hillsborough in 1981, no Spurs fan should show such ignorance... I'm sure plenty of us had had a few beers too, maybe some did not have tickets, would the littles one at the front deserve to die as a result?
No, of course they didn't.
You lot need to shoulder some of the blame though.
Ah, sorry - yes I was. Misread your post entirely and thought you were talking about "the" Hillsborough.
I agree that something similar could have happened to Spurs fans and that, again, it's partly a fan problem and partly a police problem. I'd like to think that Spurs fans wouldn't blame the entire world, absolve themselves and then bang on about it forever afterwards had we been unlucky enough.
It was partly their fault though. I'm willing to bet many of them didn't have tickets, but thought they could sneak in somehow. The exact same happened in Athens with fake tickets, but thanks to modern technology the ones with genuine tickets were left stranded outside the stadium as their seat was already occupied.
None of the parties involved wanted this to happen, but events combined to create the worst possible outcome.
Let's apply that quote to something else.
"It's not the fault of the thieves, all burglars steal stuff. It needs policing"
Just because everyone did/does it, it doesn't make it right - neither does it make the perpetrators blameless. I agree the police should have done better, but they wouldn't have had to do anything at all were it not for the Liverpool fans.
Yes exactly. Look at the pic of the terracing at this link: - look at the terrace on the right as you look at it - it's empty. The terrace on the left is busy but still better than the middle, yet the police, according to today's report, only opened doors to the central area.
Well, they shouldn't pale into insignificance. Guilt is guilt.
I detest corruption, and wrong-doing against the person. But you can not reasonably hunt down one guilty party without hunting down the other.
Some of the comments on here today about the city of Liverpool, Liverpool fans, the events of that terrible day and the ensuing 23 years of lies and cover up are disgraceful.
As Returner points out, there but for the grace of GHod.........
One further thing: one of the 96 was a Spurs fan - a teenaged girl. So even if your hatred of Liverpool has warped you beyond repair can you not at least show a bit of fudging respect on her behalf?
Some of the comments on here today about the city of Liverpool, Liverpool fans, the events of that terrible day and the ensuing 23 years of lies and cover up are disgraceful.
As Returner points out, there but for the grace of GHod.........
One further thing: one of the 96 was a Spurs fan - a teenaged girl. So even if your hatred of Liverpool has warped you beyond repair can you not at least show a bit of fudging respect on her behalf?