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i think they will try and hold this now, like Everton did yesterday

we will do a Liverpool and come from behind
We can still win this. I don't know if our players believe that. It looks like their heads are down. If someone could get some motivation into them right now so they can believe we can win this.
Half time ratings:

Cudicini - kicking has been poor, no chance for the goal I'm afraid, class finish..

Walker - other than lapse of concentration thought he has been brilliant
Gallas - shouldnt of been turned so easily but been okay otherwise
King - looked back to his best that half in all honesty
Ekotto - worst of the four defenders but not the worst performance from him

Lennon - should be taking on Cole more instead of cutting in all the time, lovely turn on Luiz, should have had an assist for VDV
Modric - needs to get into the game more
Parker - he is so up for this, more of the same please
Bale - stick to the left, anonymous

Van der vaart - probably with Parker our best player, lovely play, passing and should have had two goals if lady luck was on our side

Adebayor - Touch fudging annoys me
Considering we have the backbone of a jelly fish these days I think the chances of us getting back into this are virtually nil. What "inspiring" team talk will Harry give them now..............hopefully not the same one he gave at The Emirates.
we need what 100+ shots to score 4 or 5 goals ? they get one shot and score.

ive seen 2 clear chances for us, 1 off the post so I make it 17 or so more attempts and we should get an equaliser as long as we dont give them another shot on goal.
Ade fudges up the pass, long ball from Chelsea and BANG. Goal. That's why it's so important to retain possession. We keep giving it away far too cheaply.

King, VDV and Parker can hold their heads up high. Lennon is working hard but sloppy. I don't think Cudicini or Gallas were to blame for the goal. Modric and Bale have been poor and need to step up their game. Ade, Walker and Ekotto have been fudging atrocious.
No fudging way is that harsh. He was far too tight and it's cost us.

He only let him get onto his left foot which is what he should be doing, yeah ideally he shouldnt be turned at all but it was an amazing finish that you cant really do much about.
a world class striker

ohh to have one of those:(

I'd take a wee bit of luck right now. We haven't had any, and the fudging football world has turned against us. Why? Why are we the football gods' most hated team? What did we do?

Sigh. Still, musn't feel sorry for ourselves. We've shown we can dominate them, we've just lacked a killer touch. I hope Harry can get the lads to find it.
We're playing a different game today. Trying to shore up the midfield and not closing down high up the pitch. The team don;t look like they know this system too well.
Considering we have the backbone of a jelly fish these days I think the chances of us getting back into this are virtually nil. What "inspiring" team talk will Harry give them now..............hopefully not the same one he gave at The Emirates.


its sad but true.