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Tottenham Hotspur Stadium - Licence To Stand

Re: Northumberland Development Project

They haven't been given the stadium. Levy saw to that. They are just a tenant. They will pay £15m as part of the conversion costs and £2m per annum in rent. Not sure what the terms are but they might also have to pay ongoing maintenance and service costs. The LLDC will also keep the lion's share of any naming rights income.

Which in the scheme of things, if they do a good job with the site lines, is daylight robbery for tax payers
Re: Northumberland Development Project

Daniel Levy's opening statement on taking over Tottenham talked about the stadium as a priority there was nothing at all about the training ground. It was a major part of the recommendations put forward by David Buchler at the time. It was only later down the line, way after the dust had settled and Enic and Levy had got there foot in the door was the talk of a structure of plans that included the training ground. Therefore Levy since 2001 has talked about changing the stadium to increase the size.. who knows had those initial promises been met, the other sides should have been done, thus pushing it to nearer 60k.

Of course there was an acknowledgement that something would eventually have to be done with the stadium but, other than the discarded proposal which I mentioned above, there were never any serious proposals in the first 7 years after ENIC took over.
Re: Northumberland Development Project

Which in the scheme of things, if they do a good job with the site lines, is daylight robbery for tax payers


But whatever job they do with sight lines, the pitch will still be significantly further away from the stands than at the new WHL. And the back row of the top tier at the Olympic stadium will be even more significantly further away from the pitch than the back row of the top tier at the new WHL.

You might not have seen the renders but the retractable seating will mean a huge gap between the front row of the top tier and the back row of the bottom tier (particularly at either end). This image gives you a good idea of just how unsatisfactory the Olympic stadium will still be as a football venue, even after its expensive makeover. Note the gap between stands and pitch and between top tier and bottom tier:

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Re: Northumberland Development Project

Tickets for the upper tier will probably have to be given away anyway.
Re: Northumberland Development Project

Of course there was an acknowledgement that something would eventually have to be done with the stadium but, other than the discarded proposal which I mentioned above, there were never any serious proposals in the first 7 years after ENIC took over.

To appease the takeover, Levy showed the hand of riches and promises
Re: Northumberland Development Project

To appease the takeover, Levy showed the hand of riches and promises


Standard procedure for an incoming owner.

At least Levy has delivered / is in the process of delivering on most of his promises - albeit that his task has been made all the more difficult by the emergence of oil rich Chelsea and Emirates Marketing Project during his tenure.
Re: Northumberland Development Project

Tickets for the upper tier will probably have to be given away anyway.

Well going by the fact they didnt sell out their ground today for a London derby, they wont have to worry about the back few rows as I doubt they will be selling enough tickets to fill that far up
Re: Northumberland Development Project

Well going by the fact they didnt sell out their ground today for a London derby, they wont have to worry about the back few rows as I doubt they will be selling enough tickets to fill that far up

I so hope they are in the Championship the season they move in...
Re: Northumberland Development Project

They haven't been given the stadium. Levy saw to that. They are just a tenant. They will pay £15m as part of the conversion costs and £2m per annum in rent. Not sure what the terms are but they might also have to pay ongoing maintenance and service costs. The LLDC will also keep the lion's share of any naming rights income.

Not quite maybe but according to SSN strapline this morning:

'Sky Sports understands the taxpayer will pay £185m in tax towards the cost of refurbishing the Olympic Stadium.'
Re: Northumberland Development Project

And they will drag out the usual line.. money has already been assigned and raised for this project. Are people that thick that they actually say.. well that OK then.. go ahead and spend that much it doesn't matter then. lol
Re: Northumberland Development Project

That render is an abomination of a football stadium. I don't actually know any myself, what do West ham fans think of the move in general? Leaving quite a characteristic ground like Upton Park for a mish mash of a stadium that doesn't know whether its a football stadium or athletics stadium, with the liklihood of swathes of empty seats for games that aren;t against us, Arsenal or Chelski?
Re: Northumberland Development Project

That render is an abomination of a football stadium. I don't actually know any myself, what do West ham fans think of the move in general? Leaving quite a characteristic ground like Upton Park for a mish mash of a stadium that doesn't know whether its a football stadium or athletics stadium, with the liklihood of swathes of empty seats for games that aren;t against us, Arsenal or Chelski?

Pal who is a ST holder is dismayed by the move, he said he is not in the minority either...
Re: Northumberland Development Project

They haven't been given the stadium. Levy saw to that. They are just a tenant. They will pay £15m as part of the conversion costs and £2m per annum in rent. Not sure what the terms are but they might also have to pay ongoing maintenance and service costs. The LLDC will also keep the lion's share of any naming rights income.

rather fitting that they are moving in to what sounds like a glorified council house
Re: Northumberland Development Project

rather fitting that they are moving in to what sounds like a glorified council house

Thatcher had the right idea sell them all off, we have more council housing in this country then most other countries is the reason the country is going down the pan down the pan.

what is the meaning of the adverts on this website im getting some really odd ones now.
Re: Northumberland Development Project

Thatcher had the right idea sell them all off, we have more council housing in this country then most other countries is the reason the country is going down the pan down the pan.

what is the meaning of the adverts on this website im getting some really odd ones now.

They are individually tailored by Google to reflect your interests based on what other sites you visit.
Re: Northumberland Development Project

They are individually tailored by Google to reflect your interests based on what other sites you visit.

I don't know what I'd been searching for but I kept getting ads for private jets recently (I swear I don't have enough money to buy a private jet).