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Tim Sherwood…gone \o/

Do you want Tim Sherwood to stay as manager?

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Re: Do you want Tim Sherwood to stay as manager?

He's a motivator, not a tactician. Whilst I don't like him I've always said that getting a team motivated is his skill and one he's very good at. There's no system to bed in, just a shot of confidence and some running about a bit.

Did Pav and Gio ever perform for us? I'm pretty sure they were well below par for their whole time here.

Modric didn't perform very well at first. 'Arry had him stuck out on the wing to start with (because he didn't have much in the way of a good left winger!) and only brought him inside where he performed best later on.

Arry had Luka as a number 10 at first where he was excellent. He played him off Pav or Bent and was our star player.
Re: Do you want Tim Sherwood to stay as manager?

All of those players played their best football under Harry in 09/10 when, unsurprisingly, they'd all had a season to settle themselves. Not to mention the other guys brought in at the end of the Commoli era.

I'm sure we got some performances out of them during Redknapp's first season because they had talent, but they all played to their worth on the next. Also not forgetting that he got to buy proven PL players in Defoe, Keane and Palacios in that January transfer window

I'm sorry but we played well and won games before the january transfer window.
Re: Do you want Tim Sherwood to stay as manager?

I'm sorry but we played well and won games before the january transfer window.

The win against Bolton and the Arsenal 4-4. And West Ham away.

We also beat Liverpool and Blackburn with really quite bad performances before January.

Anyway though, it's not the biggest crux of the point again. Do you deny that foreign players take time to settle, and that they will play better once they have done?
Re: Do you want Tim Sherwood to stay as manager?

The win against Bolton and the Arsenal 4-4. And West Ham away.

We also beat Liverpool and Blackburn with really quite bad performances before January.

Anyway though, it's not the biggest crux of the point again. Do you deny that foreign players take time to settle, and that they will play better once they have done?

I agree with this point in general but of course there are exceptions to the rule.

We also beat City away and drew with United before January btw.
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Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

Pav - the player, not the person - is my least favourite Spurs player ever, and all things considered (fee, wages, regularity of playing time, expectations around the team at the time) probably the worst Spurs player I've seen, with the exception of dear old Ramon. So, so, so, so, so unspeakably bad. At least Edinburgh and dross like that back in the day were paid peanuts, cost peanuts and were playing in a peanuts team with peanuts expectations. No such excuses for Pav.
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

Pav - the player, not the person - is my least favourite Spurs player ever, and all things considered (fee, wages, regularity of playing time, expectations around the team at the time) probably the worst Spurs player I've seen, with the exception of dear old Ramon. So, so, so, so, so unspeakably bad. At least Edinburgh and dross like that back in the day were paid peanuts, cost peanuts and were playing in a peanuts team with peanuts expectations. No such excuses for Pav.

i despised him too. He used to get barged off the ball on a weekly basis and go hiding the rest of the game. it's why i dislike Invisibilinho immensely too.
Re: Do you want Tim Sherwood to stay as manager?

I agree with this point in general but of course there are exceptions to the rule.

We also beat City away and drew with United before January btw.

My bad on City.

What exceptions are you referring to? I agree that sometimes players can come in and perform really well from the off (e.g. Michu) but in general, and foreign footballers all say it, is that they need at least 6 months before finding their feet and another 6 before they are producing their consistent best. Trying to assimilate 7 of them at once is surely going to make it more likely to go tits up than go well don't you think?
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

Pav more disappointing than Soldado? He cost half as much and at least scored somewhat regularly.
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

Some bitter-sweet news for some in the Next Spurs Manager v2 thread: http://www.glory-glory.co.uk/showth...rs-Manager-v-2?p=547858&viewfull=1#post547858


LvG: https://twitter.com/gstobart/status/460003204500299776

Van Gaal to Manchester United is a done deal. He'll be the next manager - just a matter of when it's officially signed and announced #MUFC

Sherwood: https://twitter.com/gstobart/status/459979827937017856

Sherwood out of a job in a few weeks and promoting himself to get another gig while giving Levy a dig in the ribs. Understandable #THFC
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

329 hours left of Timmeh

Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

I don't trust journalists. Sure there are discussions and options flying around. I don't think anything is confirmed. LVG is the odds on favourite to take the united job and logic tells us Sherwood will be replaced next season. Dress it up as ITK, but its just logical reasoning. Nothing is for sure.

I wouldn't be saddened if TS got the job. I'd prefer someone with a bit more experience. TS definitely has something but the lack of defensive attention, lack of building a foundation for the team - to defend as a unit - means I'd opt for someone else. But should TS retain the job, I would not be disappointed. He has an amazing points per game return, an ability to turn games around that we're losing, but as he admits himself, he's still learning. It's not easy being a manager. He's good at some things, but needs to step up in a few areas.
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

Here's a thought. West Ham are looking at sacking Sam at the end of the season. What are the odds that they will go straight for Sherwood?? The two sound like a match made in heaven, he will hate Spurs and the West Ham fans would instantly welcome him just on the back of that.
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

i miss the post game interviews where the focus is more about football,. tactics and choices than the manager:

[h=4]Zenit head coach André Villas-Boas explained at his post-match press conference after defeating Volga why Danny took Zenit`s penalty kick, tallied the results of the match, and noted that when a team has greater possession, it`s easier to keep a clean sheet.[/h]

— This was a difficult match because we wanted to play at a really high level, and to demonstrate authentic Zenit football. Even though we dominated all match long, it was hard to score the second goal. If we had scored a second goal in the first half, then it would have been a lot easier to play, and show our best qualities. But I`m satisfied, because Zenit won and played well.

— Do your players practice penalty kicks at trainings? Was the Kerzhakov-Rondon duo something you purposely practice in training, or just an improvisation?
— We train penalties every week. Usually we spend ten minutes taking penalties at the last pre-game training. Five people took penalties this week: Danny, Rondon, Witsel, Tymoshchuk, and Ansaldi. Danny scored on all five of his kicks, and therefore we appointed him to take penalties today. Of course, it happens that a player can make a mistake - it's possible, and there`s no point criticizing him. Unfortunately, it happened, but it didn`t affect the outcome of the match. As for the second question, we practice a 4-4-2 formation in training, and we`ll use it if necessary. We used it today, and perhaps we will continue to use it in the future.
— Your team was much better in attack today, but the team`s defense still calls a lot of questions. I suspect you plan to improve it. Can you explain how?
— We can`t say that it`s necessary to train our defense and attack separately. We pay equal attention in training to playing in defense and attack, because it`s an overall issue, and to make a separation, coaching defense and attack separately, doesn`t make sense. It seems to me it`s not correct to talk about failures in our defense today. The team won 2-0 and controlled the ball 89% of the time. Whichever team has the ball more, that team can guarantee itself more that it won`t give up a goal. The better that all lines play, the stronger the team will play in defense as well.
— When you put Zyryanov out, did you plan him to replace Danny, or did you make some change?
— We wanted to replace Witsel, but we saw that Danny felt some muscle pain, so we decided to make the substitution we did, to avoid any risks.

— You used Fayzulin and Tymoshchuk as defensive mids today, giving Witsel more freedom. Will you continue to use Witsel in attack in the future? For example, against Lokomotiv.
— As far as as our starting lineup and tactics for the match vs. Lokomotiv, we have a long week to analyze the match. As for Witsel playing at this position, he played in it in Belgium, so he knows it well. We`ll analyze which lineup is optimal in each upcoming match.

same old AVB with more possesion than goals. he is hell bent at making it work, and I believe he can with the right players.

You know that we will just meet Zenit in a crunch match in the Europa league next season.
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

The very thought of Pullis at this club a year ago would have been laughable. Did I miss something? Is there something about his style or brand of football that we somehow now crave? Is he wanted by the Top 4? Like they say, a year is a long time in footy. Or in our case, 6 months.
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

Tim Sherwood hit out at managers ‘touting themselves’ for his job after Danny Rose’s header left Tottenham still with a faint chance of Champions League qualification.

Rumours abound that former Milan coach Massimiliano Allegri will take over at Spurs, but a host of other names including Glenn Hoddle, Louis van Gaal, Mauricio Pochettino and David Moyes have been linked with the job.

‘Every press conference I do it’s, “This manager’s coming in” - Van Gaal, then Hoddle, this one and that one,’ Sherwood said. ‘Some of these managers are touting themselves for my job. I don’t think that’s right.

‘At every press conference at our training centre it’s, “You’re keeping the seat warm for someone else”. Yeah I am, but the seat’s getting quite hot!’

The atmosphere was hot here. Rose headed the only goal and was the subject of a tackle that saw Stoke’s Ryan Shawcross sent off for a second bookable offence, then Rose escaped a red himself despite shoving Geoff Cameron.

Sherwood took Rose out of the fray but praised him anyway, saying: ‘He’s making good progress. Last season we had Gareth Bale running up the field and sticking it in the top corner, so we’ve had to find a different way to score.’

Champions League football is highly unlikely but Spurs could equal last season’s 72-point tally and Sherwood has fulfilled his brief of getting more goals.

Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

‘At every press conference at our training centre it’s, “You’re keeping the seat warm for someone else”. Yeah I am, but the seat’s getting quite hot!’

Oh Timmy. Did you **** yourself?
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

i miss the post game interviews where the focus is more about football,. tactics and choices than the manager:

same old AVB with more possesion than goals. he is hell bent at making it work, and I believe he can with the right players.

You know that we will just meet Zenit in a crunch match in the Europa league next season.

Interesting that the journalist seems to think the team looked suspect in defence and criticised the team's attack in previous games...same old AVB like you say! Possession is everything! If you have 90% of the ball, the percentages say you are less likely to conceed, even if your defence is bobbins and the percentages also say you're likely to score, from something, a mistake, a fluke shot, a Bale or Hulk thunderbolt!

Dominate the ball, push high up the pitch, squeeze the space, don't let the opposition settle or play, don't take risks, keep the ball! - the rest takes care of itself, even if its mind numbingly boring to watch!
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

Interesting that the journalist seems to think the team looked suspect in defence and criticised the team's attack in previous games...same old AVB like you say! Possession is everything! If you have 90% of the ball, the percentages say you are less likely to conceed, even if your defence is bobbins and the percentages also say you're likely to score, from something, a mistake, a fluke shot, a Bale or Hulk thunderbolt!

Dominate the ball, push high up the pitch, squeeze the space, don't let the opposition settle or play, don't take risks, keep the ball! - the rest takes care of itself, even if its mind numbingly boring to watch!

Not sure about you, but I like to watch Spurs with the ball - far preferable to them chasing (Stoke) another team all over the pitch.