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The Goon Thread

Van Persie signed in 2004. Since then they've finished either 3rd or 4th every season, each year they've lost one of their big players that you have mentioned above. Even with Van Persie out injured and losing Henry then Nasri then Fabregas, they've still consistently finished 3rd or 4th. So whatever Wenger is doing or whoever he is replacing them with is working whether we think his replacements are mediocre or not.

The transfer window is still open, who know's who they'll have by the end of it. Even if they don't sign anyone, they'll still be up there, Wenger as big a **** as he is, is a very good manager.

This is probably our best chance in years to finish above them, but its not a by-gone conclusion just because they've lost RVP.

This sounds painfully familiar.
That video is hilarious.

He is arguing that RVP should stay because Podolski is "German and knows what to do!" and Giroud "scored 20 goals in the French league or something like that!"

Love it. He has no idea who Giroud is.

Probably a wum.

Hate to break it but he's taking the tinkle.
Van Persie signed in 2004. Since then they've finished either 3rd or 4th every season, each year they've lost one of their big players that you have mentioned above. Even with Van Persie out injured and losing Henry then Nasri then Fabregas, they've still consistently finished 3rd or 4th. So whatever Wenger is doing or whoever he is replacing them with is working whether we think his replacements are mediocre or not.

The transfer window is still open, who know's who they'll have by the end of it. Even if they don't sign anyone, they'll still be up there, Wenger as big a **** as he is, is a very good manager.

This is probably our best chance in years to finish above them, but its not a by-gone conclusion just because they've lost RVP.

They got 3rd last year because our manager's name was in the press every day with stories about him leaving, that derails a team completely. Every single time that happens the team he is currently manager goes to brick.

They also had the gift of Chelsea performing well below where their own finances suggest they should be.

There is also the fact that Liverpool, one of their previous competitors have seriously mis-managed themselves over the past couple of years and taken themselves out of contention.

So yes, they have remained in the top 4 while losing key players, but every year it's like they have papered over the cracks. They are there by virtue of being a little less brick than the clubs they are competing with. One of these days, constantly losing key players and replacing them with players that aren't as good will catch up with them. It has to.

Next season Chelsea are going to have to do something pretty special to emulate the fudge up of the season just gone, so they should be ahead of Arsenal. If we have the rumoured investment/hold on to key players/use the money to replace them well (something we aren't shy about doing but Wenger seems to be) then we can definitely finish ahead of them. Saudi Sportswashing Machine, if they get Debauchy have a seriously good team that may be able to challenge them.

It's happening, slowly but surely unless they change something, it will blow up in their faces eventually and they will finish 6th. One of these years, they can't rely on gifts from 2 or 3 different clubs that basically give them a free pass to finish ahead. If our manager wasn't linked away we would have been out of sight of them even this year.

The thing is though, because it is so obvious that something will have to change for them, I can see them eventually allowing this Uzbeki sugar daddy to have more control of the club and invest, because Kroenke's investment be as highly valued if they are falling behind a load of other clubs. If that happens, they will be back up again as a serious threat. And it will take a year of serious failure to make them realise they need to do it. So I think it will happen. In a way I'm quite glad that they seem to be content with carrying on as they are, papering over the cracks, and letting other teams roll over for them and letting them think everything is fine because they are still qualifying for the Champions League. As long as that happens, they won't address the glaring issues they have and change direction. But one of these days, the top clubs will be performing as they should do, and Arsenal will get locked out.
This sounds painfully familiar.

We said it last year and guess what we only finished 1 point behind having lost 1 game less and with a better defensive record. The key to them finishing above us was they scored more and the reason why is RVP. I seriously doubt they can replace his goal/assist contribution with either Podolski or Giroud. Obviously its early to call now as we dont know what our full team and theirs will be when the 1st game comes around but this is a serious boost to both our CL hopes and our chances to finishing above them.
Van Persie signed in 2004. Since then they've finished either 3rd or 4th every season, each year they've lost one of their big players that you have mentioned above. Even with Van Persie out injured and losing Henry then Nasri then Fabregas, they've still consistently finished 3rd or 4th. So whatever Wenger is doing or whoever he is replacing them with is working whether we think his replacements are mediocre or not.

The transfer window is still open, who know's who they'll have by the end of it. Even if they don't sign anyone, they'll still be up there, Wenger as big a **** as he is, is a very good manager.

This is probably our best chance in years to finish above them, but its not a by-gone conclusion just because they've lost RVP.

When they lost Henry they still had Ade, RVP, Fabregas...
When they lost Ade they still had , RVP, Fabregas, Nasri...
When they lost Fabregas and Nasri they still had RVP.
Now they're losing RVP they've still got .............

When they lost big players previously they've always had big players still there, that list gets smaller every year till we've got to the point where RVP is their last big hitter, they're left with zero world beaters, whereas even 5 years ago they had 4 or 5 in the squad.

Arsenal will still be up there (challenging for 6th to 4th) because Wenger instills belief and everyone plays the same system throughout the club, but it's undeniable they are getting worse every year and they were dragged to 3rd place by 1 player, RVP, who is no longer there !
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Sky Sports @SkySports

Alisher Usmanov expresses "deep reservations" to Arsenal board about management of club, including handling of discussions with RVP.
Besides being an Arsenal player, what has the guy done wrong? As much as I want to hate his guts, I think in recent years he has been a fairly likable bloke. Still, a very slappable face, mind.

I'm pretty sure there's at least one girl in Holland who would disagree with you if she could break her gagging order.
the thing with Arsenal is that even when they lose very good/world class players, they always seem to cope. Obvioulsy now their team is of a much lower calibre than it was 5 years ago. This in my view is down to Wenger, who despite being a total nobhead, is one of the best football managers the game has ever seen. The Goons real demise will start when he leaves.
Because Kroenke is a serious business man and Usmamov has Romanesque itchy fingers with his toy.

By all rules of natural law Arsenal should be challenging and should be the biggest team in London by a considerable distance.
Knew Usmanov would come back in, and if he gets his way he will be a problem for us.

Right now we can laugh. Their club is a bit of a laughing stock. But these things go in cycles. They could well have a terrible year next year, and finish 6th. No CL money. Tougher to pay for the stadium or whatever. Spurs pull ahead. Chelsea pull further away. They will barely be able to see the Manchesters. And at that point Stan will realise there is no way they will get back into the CL hoping to run the club the way he does, and the value of his investment will get lower and lower, so he will have to bow to the inevitable fan pressure as well as logic by this point, and sell to Usmanov.

Then he will spend massively, and Arsenal will be up there again. So everything goes in cycles. But that's the case with every club, so I guess we can say we may as well laugh while we have the chance.
Looks like the 'sack Wenger' phalanx will be focusing on Kroenke from now on.

Get Wheelchair and Chamberlain on massive contracts, sign Goetze and wait for them to grow into top players. We won't be winning anything major in the next 3-4 years. Might as well prepare for 2016.
Looks like the 'sack Wenger' phalanx will be focusing on Kroenke from now on.

ah yes, the old "get them young and make them top class so they perform in 4 years time" theory - works brilliantly, until they decide they are growing faster than the club and Manchester isn't all that rainy after all