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Tennis thread

It's funny how people go on about Federer being a true gent etc, when he's clearly a bad tempered, arrogent c*** who knows how to play the media game very well. Murray is said to be a genuinley decent bloke by all who've met him. He has a very dry sense of humour and makes little attempt to ingratiate himself to the press. In my book he deserves more respect for that, but I guess the superficial stuff is more important to people or simply an excuse as any to express anti-Scottish sentiments.
It's funny how people go on about Federer being a true gent etc, when he's clearly a bad tempered, arrogent c*** who knows how to play the media game very well. Murray is said to be a genuinley decent bloke by all who've met him. He has a very dry sense of humour and makes little attempt to ingratiate himself to the press. In my book he deserves more respect for that, but I guess the superficial stuff is more important to people or simply an excuse as any to express anti-Scottish sentiments.

Federer is good in defeat. The only player he is perhaps ungracious to is Djokovic, but there is clearly no love lost between the two players. He's always been very complimentary about Nadal. Every player on the tour speaks highly of Federer and how well he treats everybody from fellow players to the tea lady! Having met him in New York 3 years ago, I can vouch that he is a genuinely nice guy. Me and my sister bumped into him on the street, it wasn't at Wimbledon or the US open, it wasn't crowded, there were no press so he could have easily acted like a **** with nobody else around, but he was still a gent! He gladly posed for a photo, it was actually his wife who got the hump and had the look of woman who's tired of all the attention her husband gets.

I also like Murray, he gets a raw deal from the press. People actually believe that he hates England purely because the papers twisted an interview Murray did before the 06 World Cup when he jokingly said he wanted England to lose.
I don't get how anyone can think Federer is a sore loser. He's always a gentleman, if anything is severely disappointed when he loses but that's the mark of a champion.

I see Nadal as a bigger egomaniac. He carries himself like a petulant child. Great tennis player but.
It's funny how people go on about Federer being a true gent etc, when he's clearly a bad tempered, arrogent c*** who knows how to play the media game very well. Murray is said to be a genuinley decent bloke by all who've met him. He has a very dry sense of humour and makes little attempt to ingratiate himself to the press. In my book he deserves more respect for that, but I guess the superficial stuff is more important to people or simply an excuse as any to express anti-Scottish sentiments.

What the hell are you on about?

So by your argument Federer is not a gentlemen, Murray is and if anyone disagrees its because his Scottish?

Federer has been the top tennis player of his generation and even with him getting older he plays some amazing tennis and regularly makes the finals, winning many.

The reason I like the guy is because of multiple reasons. The first is how he plays the game, very low tempered, a professional and a master at the game. Secondly I like how he behaves during interviews, always having time and being in a good spirit while underrating himself, praising the good points of his opponent. Thirdly, even when he is having a disastrous game he rarely gets abusive and presents himself well. Unlike Murray who starts shouting, swearing and moaning to himself with his little sissy fits.

It's not that I dislike Murray, its how I hate suddenly everything associated with Wimbledon and tennis is related to him. His got talent that's for sure but players like Federer have achieved and been around for far longer and deserve to recognized for that.

Same thing with Henman. Never near the talent required yet everything was focused around him at the time.
I'd imagine that was more to do with the fact it's on British territory and he's/they are british.
I find all the top players immensely likeable, with the exception of Murray. I don't dislike him by any means, but he's the worst of a good bunch.

I guess I'm hoping for a Murray win tomorrow, but I'd rather watch Federer win a tight, competitive five setter than Murray win comfortably in straight sets. I'm just hoping for good tennis tomorrow, with a slight leaning towards Murray
As it's probably going to get more of a look-in in this thread than in the video game thread (which ive also posted it in).. what is the best Tennis game out right now for the Playstation 3.

There is obviously Grand Slam Tennis 2, Virtua Tennis 4 and Topspin 4.

Grand Slam Tennis 2 looks beautiful, but looking at the videos on youtube the game play for me looks a bit arcadey with the flashing ball etc. Once again same with Virtua Tennis, a bit too arcadey but Topspin although not the best looking game looks the best game play wise and looks actually realistic as opposed to the other two, I am leaning towards some Topspin 4 action..
I'd imagine that was more to do with the fact it's on British territory and he's/they are british.

No it'd Murrays fault. He can clearly control the BBC and the whole country projecting their hopes onto him!! :)

And Murray has more talent in his **** than Henman!
Murray in 4 if you fancy him. I can't see him coming through in 5 although if he can make it a slug fest that's good as roger will feel it more at 30. I've still got all of my wedge on Roger. The danger aspect isn't there if I'm hedging.

Can Murray fulfil his destiny?
Im a quarter swiss so I'm routing for Federer. Murrays a prick anyway. All these english losers getting on the bandwagon are embarrassing. he's scottish, they're british (yes I know scots are british) clinging onto all hope that they can finally see a british win.
As you said, Scots are British so STFU. More credible than someone a quarter Swiss supporting Federer, you're 3/4 British but support a Swiss player? Shameful. why don't you support Man Utd? They win all the time after all. Maybe Emirates Marketing Project now eh? fudging joke.
I wouldnt mind Murray winning. Im not the biggest of tennis fans (altho love the womens game haha) but seeing Murray win would be good. I certainly am not rotting for either im more just watching with interest.
As you said, Scots are British so STFU. More credible than someone a quarter Swiss supporting Federer, you're 3/4 British but support a Swiss player? Shameful. why don't you support Man Utd? They win all the time after all. Maybe Emirates Marketing Project now eh? fudging joke.

bit harsh fella. im not a bandwagon kinda guy, but thanks for being so aggressive.
Unlike your post? English losers? Yeah ok. Now off you go and continue hating your country for no reason whatsoever. You're the worst kind of self loathing glory hunter going. I've supported and followed Murray since he was 16 so I resent the suggestion in glory hunting. So keep chatting brick and I'll chat it back pal.
To add, bandwagon? Murray has already reached 3 semi finals at Wimbledon and 3 slam finals. Glory hunter fail I would suggest
Unlike your post? English losers? Yeah ok. Now off you go and continue hating your country for no reason whatsoever. You're the worst kind of self loathing glory hunter going. I've supported and followed Murray since he was 16 so I resent the suggestion in glory hunting. So keep chatting brick and I'll chat it back pal.

Mate, you are not my pal.

See what I did there