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Summer Targets - choose 4 - You are the Manager.

He's not worth that much but Andy Carroll isn't worth and never was worth ?ú35M either.

We don't sell players that are on long contracts and that don't 'want out' unless we receive an offer which is ridiculous.

But a hundred million, Greg? A hundred million? For three players? Plus 40 million for Krul?

Certainly, if you come down to the heart of it, all four are probably more valuable than Carroll was when he was sold. That does not, however, mean that Saudi Sportswashing Machine will start demanding 40 million plus for them.

It's not good business, simple as. Modric and Bale are both integral parts of our club. Yet both of them have been targeted by rivals, in one form or another. Sure, we're reluctant to sell. But I'm sure that if someone offered 80 million for the pair, Levy would be sorely tempted. Is it an excessive fee for the pair? Sure, but it's not like we've recently come out of debt or anything. We're financially stable, and selling them for anything less than that would do more harm to the team than good. And, after all, these are two of the best players in the Premier League, with CL experience, and consistent performances across a two to three year period.

Now, Ba has a dodgy knee. Krul's good, but not at a level where he could conceivably eclipse the likes of De Gea or Cech, both of who moved for less than 20 million. Cisse's had a half a season in the Premier League- admittedly a fantastic half, but just a half nonetheless. Ben Arfa's had a history of both injuries and questions over his temperament, and he's only played for about sixty percent of this season anyway.

They are great players, don't get me wrong, and I'd love it if those four turned out to be our incoming transfers this season. But no one is going to buy them at a 100 million plus valuation. No one. Not even City are that crazy. And therein lies the problem, because you, like us, are not funded by a Sheikh or an oil baron. You have to live within your means, much like us. And that means that, sooner or later, you'll have to sell a few players, unless you have a sustained period of great success. So why price them out of the market and then risk getting vastly reduced fees as their contracts run down?

Sure, your board will probably try to keep hold of them, and that's good. But pricing them completely out of the market isn't helpful to either the club or the players, in the end.

I'd say 90 million would snag the four, but it's all academic anyway.
Unless you are willing to considerably break the world record transfer fee for a goalkeeper, you can't afford Tim Krul.

Goalkeepers are traditionally very underpriced compared with outfield players. Other than 4 exceptional ones (Buffon, Neuer, De Gea and Peruzzi), no keeper has ever cost more than ?ú10m.
Ben Arfa, Cisse and Ba would cost you in excess of ?ú100M.

Doesnt Ba have that famous ?ú5m release clause in his contract?!? Ben Arfa maybe ?ú10 and say ?ú18m for Cisse (I'm being kind to Saudi Sportswashing Machine)....even if you paid slightly more than these amounts you get them for less than ?ú40m
I've watched Jan V for several seasons with Ajax, and he's more than good enough for us.

Can't believe they have managed to retain him for the last 2 seasons.
I've watched Jan V for several seasons with Ajax, and he's more than good enough for us.

Can't believe they have managed to retain him for the last 2 seasons.

Hmmm, yeah that doesnt tell us much.
obviously you dont have to explain that but care to share what he would bring? what does he have that we dont have now or that we dont have to acceptable levels

is he going to be a starter? and whose place will he take?
I've had the pleasure of watching him play, he really is a great prospect and I hope he ends up here. For what it's worth, here's what I know.

Shortly put he is a left footed central defender who joins the attack very often. Very agile and fairly quick. He is also a very intelligent player who reads the game well. You'll often see him intercepting passes and then go on to run the ball 30-40 meters up the field before passing. Technically great for a central defender (just watch the provided, obligatory youtube video at 1:54!), most obvious his passing which is excellent. He scored 8 goals in 30 games for Ajax this season, none of which are penalties, not bad for a central defender. Considering he is just 25 (this april) this is a player who could potentially serve the club for many years.

Much like Vermaelen he likes to go forward, and often leaves gaps behind him. Suggesting him alongside Kaboul might not be a good idea for that reason as Kaboul is our main 'stopper'. He would need a covering partner, or mainly be played in games where we expect to dominate so he can join the attack.

He would learn tons if he joined us as he would learn from Ledley and Gallas before they fade away into football history.

My personal opinion:

Must buy if possible.
Luka Modric would thrive with Vertonghen behind him simply because he wouldn't have to come low to pick up the ball as often. Vertonghen is able to pass quick balls along the field up into space, something our current defenders do not, meaning we would have an added threat in terms of speedy attacks. I am not confident we have a good enough pairing for him atm, but I might end up wrong on that anyway. Caulker perhaps? I know little of Caulker.

Obligatory youtube:


edit: just realised that in the situation at 1.54 the ref had blown the whistle, but whatever. He's got great technique regardless.

thanks for this. ALOT more than most have cared to elaborate

seems that he is coming in as a player still yet to prove his bones but with good ball playing skills. kind of like a sweeper or the centre of a back three. i'm glad you mentioned he might not be the best with kaboul next to him...or that he would learn 'an awful lot' from king and gallas. cause lets face it there are few better at reading the game , positioning and playing man v man defense in finesse style than those two. so basically this Jan V guy still has some way to go before people reach climax about how amazing we would be when he steps into our starting 11.

talented player, smart, technical defender but still learning the trade

fair enough. i was hoping we would be after a technical version of dawson...or an outright monster like samba
We're buying THREE of Saudi Sportswashing Machine's players? Firstly, Greg would put a curse on this forum so potent it'll last until the universe goes dark, and second, assuming Saudi Sportswashing Machine will demand at least 15-20 million for both Cisse and Ben Arfa, that will result in us spending 40-45 million on three players, two of whom are injury-prone and a third who's impressed for half a season, much like Hernandez did last season.

Though the 'grunt' could be useful, I'll admit.;)

yeah but to put the opposition out of the running.. that's what clubs at the top do (no offence Greg, would have gone for top players of the next nearest club).
we need to rotate players anyway and we've got plenty. also we've got lots of savings from past 2 seasons, and still a lot of assets that we aren't utilising that we can clear out.
whats L de jong like ?

RVN/Berbatov mix. Calm with the ball at his feet in the box (DB), Likes to attack down the center (RVN), scores a lot of headers, takes crosses well, will attack the box on his own or with combination passing straight down the center. May not be the fastest player but gets in and isn't afraid to mix it up to challenge the Defense in the last third.

I would take de Jong and pair him with Kawaga - both like to play down the center third and both like to probe/attack the box directly. THFC spends too much time on the wide thirds or attacking from the side when we establish possession in the last third. todays Ade/VDV goal is some thing we need more of. De Jong and Kagawa can play off wide play but would give us the central attack we lack. I know Kagawa is Man Utd bound most likely. But I would take a serious shot at him for two reasons. He is real quick with the ball at his feet with combination passing or releasing a shot, he would help keep Bale out wide as he'll provide a consistent attack in to the middle. ( the one thing my fav Modric doesn't do).

I would also take F Santana for CB. 26, 6ft 3 and strong in the air. cost only 4-5 mil pounds, and is just in a bad spot behind Hummels and Subotic - a great CB pair that stays healthy.
whats L de jong like ?

Its a waste of time he plays in the Dutch league. Every time I've seen De Jong score he's completely unchallenged, with all the time in the world usually in acres of space. He plays for the same team that Bryan Ruiz (2 goals for fulham this season) got 42 in 95 games for. Weird stat is that Ruiz has scored more goals Twente this season, than he has for Fulham even though he left 9 months ago.

If Tottenham ever wanna get a nice fee for a young striker, they should send him over to the Eredivisie for a season.
@Oranje Spu and Modric THFC

amazing stuff, two opposite reflections of the same thing. one says he's a combination of berbatov and Robin van persie......or at least has some the qualities of both players....and is good in the air eetc etc

the other a bit more pragmatic in the view, factors heavily weighted on the fact that its the dutch league and advises caution (sentiments which i share very much modric thfc)

another mystery then . could be decent , could be not so good
I don't think L de Jong i anywhere near as good as the fees quoted, but I may not have seen him enough.

One thing I will say about the dutch league, is that the level of defending is mesmerisingly poor even though the league overall is not.

It's not that the players are brick, appearently teams just don't seem to bother defending too much or apply it during games.
I'm the manager? As in, I'm 'Arry? In that case:

Joe Cole
Kevin Davies
Sol Campbell

That's what you meant right?
We get this right and we could have a real title push next year. Important to bring in players with a real winning mentality too.