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Suarez - Serial Biter

Give him another 4 months for the sheer cheek of appealing. Take your punishment and get some help,Suarez you knob.
Doubt it would be rectified by the time Uruguay play anyways.

Im surprised Liverpool havent come out yet and appealed.

How can Liverpool appeal.
The punishment is against Suarez and Uruguay.

Liverpool are a 3rd party who it effects, as he is their employee but they have no right of appeal.

If he was sent to prison for a criminal offence for 4 months, Liverpool would have no rights, and it is the same here.
They should be able to stop his wages for that period, and if they are forced to sell at below market rate may have a case to get Suarez to pay the difference (a la Chesea v. Mutu)
How can Liverpool appeal.
The punishment is against Suarez and Uruguay.

Liverpool are a 3rd party who it effects, as he is their employee but they have no right of appeal.

If he was sent to prison for a criminal offence for 4 months, Liverpool would have no rights, and it is the same here.
They should be able to stop his wages for that period, and if they are forced to sell at below market rate may have a case to get Suarez to pay the difference (a la Chesea v. Mutu)
I think that they might have a case to appeal. They are being punished for an offence committed whilst he was not under their control. I think that they could well have a case that the whole punishment should be served on international duty.

I am not saying that an appeal would be successful but if they think that they have a case to make, I would expect them to give it a go.
I think that they might have a case to appeal. They are being punished for an offence committed whilst he was not under their control. I think that they could well have a case that the whole punishment should be served on international duty.

I am not saying that an appeal would be successful but if they think that they have a case to make, I would expect them to give it a go.

Legally they may have some sort of case, but it would appear a poor decision to support a serial offender and bring bad publicity to the club and owners in the USA where this World Cup has made a massive impact. Recently an owner of a netball (sorry basketball) team had to sell because of the bad publicity he received for a racial comment made in private to an individual.
Legally they may have some sort of case, but it would appear a poor decision to support a serial offender and bring bad publicity to the club and owners in the USA where this World Cup has made a massive impact. Recently an owner of a netball (sorry basketball) team had to sell because of the bad publicity he received for a racial comment made in private to an individual.
I don't think that will bother them when there could be millions at stake.
its interesting, although distilled down its football governing body ban footballer from playing football because of something he did on a football pitch

also if all 3 biting incidents were taken into account (and who knows the accusation and ban for racist language as well) as everyone assumes they are due to the length of the ban, then its only right that it covers all forms of the game, else uruguay could say they were being punished partly because of something that happened in a liverpool shirt
If the ban was for a year or two, then I would expect Liverpool to do everything they could to get it reduced. But they only miss him for the start of the season and surely, even for Liverpool, the bad publicity would be too much. Suarez being banned for part of the season is pretty much part of the parcel.

If they can keep him he will get a proper rest and can fully recover from his injury. Players often suffer from a post-world cup hangover and this way a fresh and hungry Suarez will be available from late October.
If the ban was for a year or two, then I would expect Liverpool to do everything they could to get it reduced. But they only miss him for the start of the season and surely, even for Liverpool, the bad publicity would be too much. Suarez being banned for part of the season is pretty much part of the parcel.

If they can keep him he will get a proper rest and can fully recover from his injury. Players often suffer from a post-world cup hangover and this way a fresh and hungry Suarez will be available from late October.

I don't think that he will be playing for them next season, so the motivation for appealing would be to maintain his value in the transfer market.
I think that they might have a case to appeal. They are being punished for an offence committed whilst he was not under their control. I think that they could well have a case that the whole punishment should be served on international duty.

I am not saying that an appeal would be successful but if they think that they have a case to make, I would expect them to give it a go.

That was my point. Why are Liverscum being punished for something that happened in a different competition and not with them. Am I right in saying for arguments sake that a red card in a CL match would not mean he is suspended in the premiership? I think im right. So for all intents and purposes, what makes this instance so different?
That was my point. Why are Liverscum being punished for something that happened in a different competition and not with them. Am I right in saying for arguments sake that a red card in a CL match would not mean he is suspended in the premiership? I think im right. So for all intents and purposes, what makes this instance so different?

I think that the argument that he is a repeat offender holds some ground. I think that the punishment is about right but I also expect Liverpool to appeal because it could cost them millions.
I think that the argument that he is a repeat offender holds some ground. I think that the punishment is about right but I also expect Liverpool to appeal because it could cost them millions.

I think it is about right. I dont think two years or even a year is realistic - its just excessive. I think Liverpool will appeal whether theyre successful is another matter. I would find it staggering if Uruguay are successful though.
Say he'd tested positive for performance performing drugs while on international duty. He wouldn't been allowed to play for Liverpool. The ban is for something that has nothing to do with the game, like bans based on cards for fouls and other football infringements.

In Liverpool's case they signed him after his first biting offence, gave him a new contract after the second and now face the consequences for the third.
As Liverpool hold Suarez's registration, I think they might make representations. That said, it would merely serve to highlight that the last ban was seen as excessive yet it didn't work.

It might even lengthen the ban, and the delay may defer the start of the bit that affects Liverpool.

Who knows ?

Apparently they've only got 3 days to appeal - whether that's when the appeal is heard or a plaintive cry that their next match is due, I'm not sure.

Luis Suarez .... the gift that keeps giving. When he's not being an absolute star and showing amazing speed & skill, he's being a total Cnut.
He's a danger to other players. Snide despicable excuse for a human being.

I see from the table that Liverpool are already close to the relegation zone, but when the season resumes they won't be affected one jot by Suarez's ban.
I think that they might have a case to appeal. They are being punished for an offence committed whilst he was not under their control. I think that they could well have a case that the whole punishment should be served on international duty.

I am not saying that an appeal would be successful but if they think that they have a case to make, I would expect them to give it a go.

Let's be fair, if they appealed it would be the single biggest PR disaster in history!
Tomorrow in the Daily Mail - Extracts from the World Cup Diary of Luis Suarez: "Dog carcass in alley this morning. Tyre tread on burst stomach. The city is afraid of me. I have seen its true face. The streets are extended gutters and the gutters are full of blood and when the drains finally scab over all the vermin will drown. The accumulated filth of all their sex and murder will foam up about their waists and and all the Whor*s and politicians will look up and shout "save us!"... and I'll say 'No!'"
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