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Quacks & Pseudoscience

Ah yes. People fighting for vaccine damage kids are stupid. The arrogance of the scientist.

You have no idea what my experience of vaccine damage is. And your sweeping statement that I have little knowledge of it is very offensive.

I didn't say stupid. Please stop misrepresenting what I'm saying.

I didn't make claims to your experience of "vaccine damage". Please stop misrepresenting what I'm saying.

I didn't make a sweeping statement that you have very little knowledge in general. What I said was that when it comes to interpreting scientific information and statistical analysis you've proven yourself to have little knowledge.

I don't get why it's so insulting to you to point out that in this specific area you appear to have little knowledge. It's simply a question of education/learning and experience. To not have an education in a field is perfectly fine and nothing to be ashamed of. Just stop talking as if you're an expert in the field and show some humility and willingness to learn...
Where I work is irrelevant and you seriously do not understand the scientific community if you think that people cannot challenge established views within it.

I have not seen any evidence that flu vaccination is dangerous but I have not read up on it that widely.

There are side-effects and "dangers" to all drug based intervetions, including vaccines, including the flu-vaccine. Essentially the body is complex enough that anything that has an effect will have side effects.

Most serious people talk about the balance between risk and benefit. The benefits have been shown to outweigh the risks substantially enough for professional organizations who evaluate evidence to make their recommendations. On vaccines and other drugs. For me it's completely unethical to talk about "completely safe" for this reason. It's a straw man and detracts from the real conversation. Do the benefits outweigh the risks?
Where I work is irrelevant and you seriously do not understand the scientific community if you think that people cannot challenge established views within it.

I have not seen any evidence that flu vaccination is dangerous but I have not read up on it that widely.

OK. But I think you a naive if you think that even questioning the effectiveness of a vaccine will not be damaging to your career if you work in a medical or scientific environment.
OK. But I think you a naive if you think that even questioning the effectiveness of a vaccine will not be damaging to your career if you work in a medical or scientific environment.

Questioning the effectiveness of a vaccine the way you're doing it would kill your career in a scientific environment. And rightly so imo.

Questioning the effectiveness of a vaccine through a placebo controlled double blind study like the rotavirus vaccine study will do no such thing. As the study you talked about previous did. They showed a clear efficacy, with overwhelming statistical confidence. They showed small side effects, with overwhelming statistical confidence. And thus they helped answered the question of risk vs. benefit for this vaccine.
What makes "a real salt water-based placebo" the appropriate placebo for this study? What makes it superior to the placebo used in the study?

Well you are the doctor but I would say that the double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomised clinical trial is pretty much enshrined as the gold standard. The placebo needs to be a sugar pill or salt water based. And the drug needs to beat the placebo twice.

Except of course if it is a vaccine when none of the above applies because to do so would be unethical. Apparently

Instead, a doctor says trust me, it is safe. And then off we go. 49 times by the time they are 6.
Well you are the doctor but I would say that the double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomised clinical trial is pretty much enshrined as the gold standard. The placebo needs to be a sugar pill or salt water based. And the drug needs to beat the placebo twice.

Except of course if it is a vaccine when none of the above applies because to do so would be unethical. Apparently

Instead, a doctor says trust me, it is safe. And then off we go. 49 times by the time they are 6.

I'm not a doctor.

What's your source on what the placebo "needs to be"?

Here's the information from the study:

The HRV vaccine (Rotarix, GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals) contained 10(6.5) median cell-culture infective doses of the RIX4414 vaccine strain. The placebo had the same constituents as the active vaccine but without the vaccine virus. After the vaccine or placebo had been reconstituted with 1.3 ml of liquid calcium carbonate buffer, an oral dose was administered in a blinded manner to infants when they were approximately two months of age and again when they were four months of age. Infants received routine immunizations according to local regulations; oral poliovirus vaccination was provided at least two weeks before or after the administration of a dose of the HRV vaccine.

What would make this placebo acceptable to scientific standards for drug testing in your opinion? It seems perfectly standard to me. I would not react to this being the language in a scientific paper on a non-vaccine drug trial at all.
I'm not a doctor.

What's your source on what the placebo "needs to be"?

Here's the information from the study:

What would make this placebo acceptable to scientific standards for drug testing in your opinion? It seems perfectly standard to me. I would not react to this being the language in a scientific paper on a non-vaccine drug trial at all.

Salt water.
There are side-effects and "dangers" to all drug based intervetions, including vaccines, including the flu-vaccine. Essentially the body is complex enough that anything that has an effect will have side effects.

Most serious people talk about the balance between risk and benefit. The benefits have been shown to outweigh the risks substantially enough for professional organizations who evaluate evidence to make their recommendations. On vaccines and other drugs. For me it's completely unethical to talk about "completely safe" for this reason. It's a straw man and detracts from the real conversation. Do the benefits outweigh the risks?

I absolutely agree
I absolutely agree

So after 20 pages of mostly civilised debate we agree that there are adverse effects of vaccines.

What we (strongly) disagree on is their prevalence.

From a point of view of someone who fights for victims of vaccine damage that simple statement from the pharma industry would go a long way to moving this debate forward. But sadly the Pharma industry has taken the stance that they will not concede anything, and will fight everything however unreasonable or lacking in compassion and will only concede something if forced to do so by a court of law.

As a result the debate has become polarised.

Most parents of vaccine damaged kids want an acknowledgement that the vaccine was at least a contributing factor to their childs condition(s) and is more common than is reported. Instead they are forced to put up with abuse from the pharma and medical industry and their supporters. And to fight for many years for someone to even hear their case. It has to change.

And I am not sure that simple admission from the medical industry invalidates your risk / benefit argument.
So after 20 pages of mostly civilised debate we agree that there are adverse effects of vaccines.

What we (strongly) disagree on is their prevalence.

From a point of view of someone who fights for victims of vaccine damage that simple statement from the pharma industry would go a long way to moving this debate forward. But sadly the Pharma industry has taken the stance that they will not concede anything, and will fight everything however unreasonable or lacking in compassion and will only concede something if forced to do so by a court of law.

As a result the debate has become polarised.

Most parents of vaccine damaged kids want an acknowledgement that the vaccine was at least a contributing factor to their childs condition(s) and is more common than is reported. Instead they are forced to put up with abuse from the pharma and medical industry and their supporters. And to fight for many years for someone to even hear their case. It has to change.

And I am not sure that simple admission from the medical industry invalidates your risk / benefit argument.

We said that there can be adverse affects from vaccines right at the beginning of this discussion and I have not seen anyone say different since. Drug companies say the same, the clinical trials of vaccines show what these can be and how prevalent. The overwhelming balance of scientific opinion on this is that the benefits of vaccination outweigh the risks.
The overwhelming balance of scientific opinion on this is that the benefits of vaccination outweigh the risks.

Surely that is not the debate. (for most vaccines)

The debate is about how prevalent vaccine damage is from these vaccines.

We both accept there will be collateral damage, Pharma need to be truthful about the extent of it.

Which brings back to the film Vaxxed and the CDC whistleblower. Why won't they put him on trial for his lies or investigate his claims? And surely giving him a research fund of many million of dollars out of blue and only a few months after describing him as mentally ill seems a bit odd?

You can see how the Pharma industry does not help itself.
We said that there can be adverse affects from vaccines right at the beginning of this discussion and I have not seen anyone say different since. Drug companies say the same, the clinical trials of vaccines show what these can be and how prevalent. The overwhelming balance of scientific opinion on this is that the benefits of vaccination outweigh the risks.

And there seems to be very little consistency between the scientific findings of risks and the claims from the anti-vaccine movement. As presented in this thread by JPBB.
Surely that is not the debate. (for most vaccines)

The debate is about how prevalent vaccine damage is from these vaccines.

We both accept there will be collateral damage, Pharma need to be truthful about the extent of it.

Which brings back to the film Vaxxed and the CDC whistleblower. Why won't they put him on trial for his lies or investigate his claims? And surely giving him a research fund of many million of dollars out of blue and only a few months after describing him as mentally ill seems a bit odd?

You can see how the Pharma industry does not help itself.

Pharmaceutical companies are honest about potential damage. The beauty about the scientific method is that they publish the outcomes of their trials and the methodology. This includes Anyone who suffered adverse effects after receiving the vaccine. Anyone is free to review and challenge either the outcome or the quality of the trial. That is what I have quoted when you have made false claims about the damage from certain vaccines.
Surely that is not the debate. (for most vaccines)

The debate is about how prevalent vaccine damage is from these vaccines.

We both accept there will be collateral damage, Pharma need to be truthful about the extent of it.

Which brings back to the film Vaxxed and the CDC whistleblower. Why won't they put him on trial for his lies or investigate his claims? And surely giving him a research fund of many million of dollars out of blue and only a few months after describing him as mentally ill seems a bit odd?

You can see how the Pharma industry does not help itself.

Pharma are presenting their studies. Surely those studies show the prevalence of vaccine damage. How those findings are interpreted is up for discussion, but the discussion here has been far from fruitful: (summarizing just a couple of the rotavirus discussions)

-When the pharma study shows an overall mortality rate of around 0.2% in the experimental group you claim that there's a accepted mortality rate from the vaccine of 0.2%. Which would mean that all kids that died in the 30.000+ sized experimental group died of the vaccine. Which is ridiculous.

-The pharma study concluded, based on a statistical analysis that is widely use in medical science and other branches of science, that the difference between the experimental and placebo groups in mortality rate wasn't statistically significant. Meaning that it's likely due to normal variance. You concluded that the difference was because of the vaccine and that the vaccine killed kids. This is an interpretation of the data that would topple science as we know it if it was valid. Significance testing as used here is instrumental in much of science, but you of course know better than most scientists on how to use statistical significance testing.

-When the pharma company study shows the efficacy of a vaccine to be around 85% with a less than one in one thousand statistical chance of the demonstrated efficacy being due to chance you concluded that they can only know it has a better than 50/50 chance of working. Again related to statistical significance testing, again, instrumental in much of science. For your conclusion to be true it would invalidate science in most fields.

-When placebo controlled double blind studies are published by Pharma companies you will claim that vaccines are not tested in the same way as drugs because they didn't use sugar pills as their placebo. Despite "sugar pills" just being a common short hand for placebo and non-sugar-pill placebos being fairly common in placebo controlled double blind studies. Not actually a real standard placebo controlled studies have to live up to.

After making these utterly inflammatory claims. About areas you haven't studied, against the judgment of the peer-reviewed published experts you quote mine, with the confidence of a 12 year old boy claiming to know what a tit feels like. You go on to blame the pharma industry for being polarizing... It's baffling. These are peer reviewed articles in serious scientific journals. They wouldn't allow the authors to make basic mistakes in the interpretation of a basic issue like significance testing.

I've said it before, I'll repeat it. Think of a topic where you're actually something of an expert. Think of something you know a lot about. And imagine a conversation with someone who has no education, no experience and who demonstrate by making basic errors that they don't have any real knowledge in the field. Imagine them speaking with the kind of arrogant confidence you're showing here.
This is the debate we should be having.

Are they honest about the actual damage? There is not much incentive to do so.

They publish the outcomes of clinical trials. If there were significant numbers of people who suffered harm after taking a vaccine, you would expect it to show up here.

There are also frequently follow up studies once a vaccine has been licenced. Again, if there were significant number of people suffering harm, you expect this to be shown up in them.

In the UK and the US you have public bodies who are responsible for licencing drugs. Evidence of effectiveness and potential side affects forms part of this process.
In the UK and the US you have public bodies who are responsible for licencing drugs. Evidence of effectiveness and potential side affects forms part of this process.

It's not working

There are so many vaccine damaged kids.

For every self serving link you provide I will show you a vaccine damaged child. I know who will win that competition

You say it is a coincidence. We are lying. We are stupid. And other trite reasons why it is more likely that the kids was struck by a meteorite. or they wore the wrong shoe.

The reality is that you don't care. All you are interested in is making as much money as you can.
Are we allowed to say you don't care about the children who would die if we stopped vaccinating them against preventable diseases?