Terry Dyson
I am stupid for believing vaccine damage exists?
I am stupid for trying to give a voice to all those vaccine damaged people who you deny exist?
I am stupid for questioning whether every vaccine is safe and necessary?
I am stupid for questioning whether Pharma's financial interests influence vaccine policy?
Frankly, your causal insults are typical of the way the Pharma industry, the medical industry and their supporters treat vaccine damaged people
But it is that patronising, arrogant, dogmatic attitude that drives the vaccine damage movement forward.
Your refusal to listen, your lack of compassion and your outright fear of this movement will in the end bring the changes to vaccine policy that are needed
This is going to be a big issue in the next few years. Hillary has promised nationwide obligatory (and forced) vaccination for everyone within 2 years of her presidency (that's the pay back for. Pharma funding her campaign)
Your argument that vaccine damage doesn't exist because a doctor says so just is no longer credible. It reminds me of the Doctors prefer to smoke Camels campaign. We simply don't believe your trite self serving arguments when on the other side of the argument are the thousands, even millions of damaged kids.
How was the damage from smoking demonstrated? Science...
You've shown an inability to interpret scientific evidence and an unwillingness to learn. Luckily when the majority of people thought smoking was harmless there were scientifically minded people who were interested in the cold hard facts science could bring to the discussion. Science denialism did nothing good in that example, and certainly caused a lot of harm.