John Gorman
Isn't this mostly the Ukraine's fault. I mean break away by all means do it without any blemish. But wage a fringe war on minority groups, ally with the US, Nato membership too quickly and I guess you can expect something a reaction fro. Putin like this. I mean if Russia lives in your neighbourhood you'd won't want to draw any attention at all. Ukrainians and Russians can just get along just fine without NATO.
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If your "brothers" seek to align themselves with a defensive organisation, and YOU are the only thing they are afraid of, should you not ask yourself _why_?
If Ukrainans and Russians could get along just fine they would not _need_ NATO, you mean.
Recent events shows quite clearly why they thought they did need NATO.
Russia could not offer Ukraine the same liberty, democracy or financial prosperity as the west could, and instead of accepting that and try to improve relations on that basis to keep Ukraine neutral, they did as they always has done, started their bullying.
Putin has apparently always been obsessed with how history would remember him.
Well, good on him, he is now firmly in the history books, right next to certain other persons nobody would like to be associated with.