Vinnie Samways
Forget a century. Short term there would have been anarchy. People would put their cards into bank machines, only to find no money in their account. How would you personally have reacted to that?
Businesses that were with the wrong banks would have collapsed overnight. Viable businesses. Other healthy banks would have fallen apart too as people took out all their cash.
Money only works when everyone has faith in it.
So unregulated markets don't work...unless you're an anarchist.
terribly, i'd have been fudging suicidal, but i'm an individual, and therefore irrelevant, that's the complication and the dichotomy of what we are dealing with
no, money works when money has faith in money
I couldn't be further from an anarchist, all I want is for everything to be kind of ok for me and my kids, if that sounds selfish it's because it completely and utterly is
my opinion is that the only thing you can trust is people's greed and self preservation, so that's what you anchor on, not morals, or any other lie people tell themselves to sleep at night