Change is different from gambling but I take your point. Not that the EU was static. It is a very young union that is still finding its feet.
Though I believe Brexit to be irrational - a public school boy fantasy of bygone imperial Britannia sold to the masses with an anti-immigration carrot - the issues around free trade are interesting. At the moment, the UK is confined by agreement from a large group of countries on trade deals. A bit like trying to go on holiday with a big group of people - it takes ages to decide where to go and everyone wants something else. Of course the large trade group also benefits the UK massively - its sheer size allows preferential deals with other nations and blocks. But with Brexit there should be a greater agility to trade in ways that suit the UK. We simply don't know how it will shake down but there is something there...
My feeling is that the negatives of Brexit outweigh the positives. Most of our trade is with the EU. Not with the US, China etc. but with Europe....and we are telling them to do one. Smart? No of course not! How we can tell the the EU we want out, but also want in with trade is beyond me. No one within the government seems to see the ridiculous irony of it.
We also had political strength as part of Europe. The EU formed out of the ashes of the most devastating of wars, and it has immense strength to unify nations and stand up for what is just. The EU carries weight that the UK simply does not. And we're ditching it. I could go on. But the point was, the issues are not all black and white. With change comes opportunity, especially to be more agile than a large block is.
I think there are lots of Tory's who are crapping themselves tbh, because they've taken the country into what they appreciate are uncharted and dangerous waters. Some are imploring, be brave, be a proud British conqueror like we were taught in private school

A colonial-like vision of our great country etc. Yet in the back of their minds they know that this is semi-fantasy. The UK is no longer imperial. We're a nation of 60m odd people, not an empire, and if trade doesn't work out as they would like, Brexit could move the UK to the periphery and accelerate the UKs demise as a key global nation (a trend that will occur regardless as the East rises). Being out of the EU weakens us politically with no influence on Europe and no access to Europe for the likes of the US, Japan etc. and their companies who chose the UK as their access point to the EU. But with change come opportunity. Stasis can lead to stagnation.