Vivian Woodward
I urge everyone to read this blog:
He makes a very good point but he lets himself down with his ramblings on what the EU is. But overall its a good piece.
I urge everyone to read this blog:
The "Better to influence from within" argument has never held any weight with me on the EU. We've never had anything much in the way of influence and the only way to get it would have been unacceptable sacrifices.I heard a lot from remainers that we need to be in the EU to bring about change, does anyone really think they are capable of change. They have never listened to us and we have never had any influence.
So we have UKIP/BNP/EDL types at one end of the spectrum getting bolder under the belief that the country agrees with them, and an IRA sympathiser lining up to take over what appears to be an increasingly anti-semitic Labour party at the other end.
Might be some fireworks on the way......
The "Better to influence from within" argument has never held any weight with me on the EU. We've never had anything much in the way of influence and the only way to get it would have been unacceptable sacrifices.
Those of you who think the EU is a democratic institution need a reality check. Go back to my previous post and read what Martin Schulz - the President of the EU Parliament said about the referendum. You only have to see who are backing the EU, rich bankers like Peter Sutherland, George Soros, the very people who are the antithesis of anything democratic! The mainstream media are doing their best to shame the leave voters for voting out of a corrupt organisation because they are trying to control the narrative for the establishment. Apparently we need the EU! According to them the sky is falling and our economy is doomed without them! It is ironic the so-called conspiracy theories have more basis in fact than what the mainstream media trots out daily on the news! It appears once you're in the EU, you're in the EU and there is no leaving it!
Funny, I thought we had just left.
Yes there is an undoubtedly undemocractic element in the EU governance, but the claims made in that article have as much credibility as the the ones of out voters all being uneducated, racist, pensioner yokels.
This kind of rubbish does no one any good.
Technically we haven't left. The referendum was just an advisory. The MPs could vote against the decision in Parliament. Westminster could even negotiate a "deal" with the EU council and hold a second referendum. The claims are not really rubbish if you had done any research on the EU and its long-term goals. It's fundamentally undemocratic.Funny, I thought we had just left.
Yes there is an undoubtedly undemocractic element in the EU governance, but the claims made in that article have as much credibility as the the ones of out voters all being uneducated, racist, pensioner yokels.
This kind of rubbish does no one any good.
Funny, I thought we had just left.
Yes there is an undoubtedly undemocractic element in the EU governance, but the claims made in that article have as much credibility as the the ones of out voters all being uneducated, racist, pensioner yokels.
This kind of rubbish does no one any good.
Now now, that's entirely inaccurate.While I agree with the gist of what your saying. I think when you get a direct quote the is absolutely no room for doubt, the president of the EU parliament thinks the public should not be allowed to vote.
I have never once wavered in my decision to vote out and that and the new EU army means I never will.
I like the way everyone started standing up to them once they got off the tram.
Isn't even posting that considered a little racist these days? I mean when an extremist from another walk of life does it we would all knock the person posting it as racist because not everyone who was similar in background to the extremist was extremist.
A couple of tossers on a tram with beer inside them, they have always been punks who shout up after smelling the barmaids apron.
But what was the reason these tossers acted this way, this week?