Tony Galvin
Fantastic stuff.
Cameron has given Brexit the finger once and for all, and in doing so every single person in the UK, by effectively saying he will not exercise clause 50 and that a Brexiter can take that one on. I expected nothing less from someone who was foolish enough to base a general election around the promise of such a referendum due to 'fear' of UKIP's 'rising popularity'. Meanwhile, Brexit realizes that Farage is actually nothing more than a one-track clown shoe who could not realistically be trusted to fry an egg, let alone handle tricky negotiations with the Brussels snakes and come out with anything tangible. But Boris has suddenly realized that the very thing he craved he's potentially going to get, and it's obvious the thought that HE will go down in history as the man who ACTUALLY exercised clause 50 and had to negotiate the damn thing is an absolute bastard of a legacy to deal with. So Brexit, having convinced 17 million people that Britain will be British again, that Britain will suddenly be able to look after every British person within it's borders that it's shafted, that immigration will suddenly drop like a lead balloon, and that Britain will have to answer to no-one else ever again, suddenly finds that the weight of such implied promises is ridiculously heavy, not to mention generally unhelpful in a progressive society. So NOW the message shifts to 'let's wait a bit and see how it all shakes down.' I've seen some here exclaim hysterical laughter at those questioning Brexit, well allow me a hysterical laugh at anyone who thinks THAT is a tenable way to run ANYTHING. Even a tinkle-up in a brewery begins with a plan to go in and raid the booze, and once you have it in your possession you fudging well drink it because you had a plan before you told those involved it was the thing to do! Can you imagine going into your boss roaring about some important changes you thought would improve the way your company works, getting a bunch of co-worker son board, hearing from management that you can move ahead and then saying to them 'hang on, a few of these things might not quite be what they said they were, we're actually now going to sit back and see how it all pans out for a bit before we enact anything proposed'? You'd be laughed out of your job. Unless you stressed clearly that your plan was going to take time, anyone would expect you to hit the ground running the next day!
How long will Brexiters tolerate the fact that almost everything they thought would happen with a Brexit referendum win will actually take ages to enact on any scale as much because Brexit has no concrete plan of action?
A hot mess.
Cameron has given Brexit the finger once and for all, and in doing so every single person in the UK, by effectively saying he will not exercise clause 50 and that a Brexiter can take that one on. I expected nothing less from someone who was foolish enough to base a general election around the promise of such a referendum due to 'fear' of UKIP's 'rising popularity'. Meanwhile, Brexit realizes that Farage is actually nothing more than a one-track clown shoe who could not realistically be trusted to fry an egg, let alone handle tricky negotiations with the Brussels snakes and come out with anything tangible. But Boris has suddenly realized that the very thing he craved he's potentially going to get, and it's obvious the thought that HE will go down in history as the man who ACTUALLY exercised clause 50 and had to negotiate the damn thing is an absolute bastard of a legacy to deal with. So Brexit, having convinced 17 million people that Britain will be British again, that Britain will suddenly be able to look after every British person within it's borders that it's shafted, that immigration will suddenly drop like a lead balloon, and that Britain will have to answer to no-one else ever again, suddenly finds that the weight of such implied promises is ridiculously heavy, not to mention generally unhelpful in a progressive society. So NOW the message shifts to 'let's wait a bit and see how it all shakes down.' I've seen some here exclaim hysterical laughter at those questioning Brexit, well allow me a hysterical laugh at anyone who thinks THAT is a tenable way to run ANYTHING. Even a tinkle-up in a brewery begins with a plan to go in and raid the booze, and once you have it in your possession you fudging well drink it because you had a plan before you told those involved it was the thing to do! Can you imagine going into your boss roaring about some important changes you thought would improve the way your company works, getting a bunch of co-worker son board, hearing from management that you can move ahead and then saying to them 'hang on, a few of these things might not quite be what they said they were, we're actually now going to sit back and see how it all pans out for a bit before we enact anything proposed'? You'd be laughed out of your job. Unless you stressed clearly that your plan was going to take time, anyone would expect you to hit the ground running the next day!
How long will Brexiters tolerate the fact that almost everything they thought would happen with a Brexit referendum win will actually take ages to enact on any scale as much because Brexit has no concrete plan of action?
A hot mess.