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Politics, politics, politics (so long and thanks for all the fish)

One of the GB Scarabot misinformation posts. France has oodles of nationalised industries. They are not in the EU?

The UK parliament controls most laws, including tax laws. There are bands on things like VAT but within these broad bands the EU set we have freedom to make changes. The notion we can’t push for higher wages within the EU really shows up the botty misinformation slant. Hehe good one Scara

France has state owned industries, but it is illegal for them to have nationalised industries. So EDF is state owned, but it has to compete in an open marketplace - its not allowed to run the whole sector nor receive state aid. With Brexit we are now allowed to establish 'British Energy' and have them own and provide all means of energy.

EU law forces their members to only have 2 rates of VAT (standard at least 15%, low at least 5%). And low can only contain certain named items - famously not including tampons. So it prevents members from say doing things like - EVs 0% VAT, petrol cars 15% VAT, diesel cars 25% VAT. Or setting VAT by distance between point of production and point of consumption, to encourage localism. It doesn't allow green taxes, because the whole EU system is designed to protect big businesses.
Crash the Pound knowing the BoE will bail out the Govt. Make a load of money from it by shorting the Pound.

Retain support "coz yeh, Bank of Ingurlund fixed it. Yehh! We iz the best. Royal Britannia, England rules Waves...... Swee, eee, eeeeeettt Caaaroline"
Did everyone see an extraordinary and arguably corrupt emergency budget?

There was always going to be issues when the Covid debt/slow return to work low productivity storm hit. Obviously better governed countries are managing this better, but it seemed inevitable.
Or how much damage they've done by then!

We’re left hoping that the sensible tories, and the ones on a shaky majority, do enough with labour to curb the worst of it or at least delay it long enough for it to all collapse.
Must admit that isn't something I'm comfortable with but times are getting desperate for a lot of people.
There was always going to be issues when the Covid debt/slow return to work low productivity storm hit. Obviously better governed countries are managing this better, but it seemed inevitable.
A downturn was inevitable, yes. But a downturn in line with everyone else in the world having a downturn because the reasons for it were global.

So again, no, no-one saw this cluster fudge of a budget coming
A downturn was inevitable, yes. But a downturn in line with everyone else in the world having a downturn because the reasons for it were global.

So again, no, no-one saw this cluster fudge of a budget coming

But why would you not fix your rates for the longest term possible while they were still at a historic low if you foresaw any type of bump coming?
A downturn was inevitable, yes. But a downturn in line with everyone else in the world having a downturn because the reasons for it were global.

sorry are you saying the issues facing the UK are being felt by others across the world? LOLZ. UK having higher inflation than Germany despite having lower reliance on Russian gas. It's not a global issue, it's a fudged up govt issue.
Last week it was QT to fight inflation, now it's "short term" QE via long term bonds.
Not sure how QE ever helped inflation or strengthen a currency! I get that they are doing it to prop up the pensions etc but what a fking mess, in the middle of a global economic slowdown!
A downturn was inevitable, yes. But a downturn in line with everyone else in the world having a downturn because the reasons for it were global.

So again, no, no-one saw this cluster fudge of a budget coming

Every sensible person has been totally blind sided by this stupidity, I'm not even going to dignify it by calling it a budget, but there was always a chance interest rates were going to start creeping up over the next few years.
Mad vlad has put it on steriods and hurried it along.
The cautious of us* took the safety net of fixed term, many didn't, they've been unfortunately caught in a poop storm.

* i wanted to say cautious and sensible but couldn't bring myself to include Gutter Boy in a group of sensible people.
Not with a different government. The whole point of it was to give UK governments more power. So this could be to deregulate (as the current one is trying), but it could equally be to nationalise (illegal under EU competition and state aid laws), have green taxes (illegal under EU competition state aid laws) and push for high wages (illegal under EU freedom of movement laws).

Brexit was always right/left neutral, it was simply about regaining power.
Thanks for the reply GB you always have an interesting take that is worth a read.

I am no economist but in the current situation with the £ tanking, you might think, on a simplistic level, that it would be good for exports. The problem is that exports to our biggest trading partner have also tanked because of Brexit. So with a weak pound imports are dearer and debt becomes more expensive, it's difficult to build up exports because of the restrictions in the EU market. What other levers would be available to get us out of this mess?
Thanks for the reply GB you always have an interesting take that is worth a read.

I am no economist but in the current situation with the £ tanking, you might think, on a simplistic level, that it would be good for exports. The problem is that exports to our biggest trading partner have also tanked because of Brexit. So with a weak pound imports are dearer and debt becomes more expensive, it's difficult to build up exports because of the restrictions in the EU market. What other levers would be available to get us out of this mess?
It's the leavers that got you into this mess.

Coat please.
Nope just posting something relevant in the news, no ulterior motive like youseem to think with all my posts
Even Starmer has said it's bad and that's saying something coming from him and Labour
She has rightfully been suspended and should have been a while back as she is a prick
Your post said "good old Labour." So very clearly there was an ulterior motive. Clearly what Rupa Huq said was crass and ignorant but it doesn't reflect the position of the Labour party.