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Politics, politics, politics (so long and thanks for all the fish)

serious question for those who still think Tories are the answer. What is it that makes you think they're a better option than Labour? Over the last 12 years, what has improved thanks to this Govt for you, genuinely interested?
And no one called Crispin can answer.

i dont get it. i just dont get it. Sitting there, without reading the Mail and Sun, i want people to give an honest opinion why they think Tories are a better option? Before they used to trot out the "well the economy is safer with them" line. Cant even say that with a serious face now. So what else is it?
i dont get it. i just dont get it. Sitting there, without reading the Mail and Sun, i want people to give an honest opinion why they think Tories are a better option? Before they used to trot out the "well the economy is safer with them" line. Cant even say that with a serious face now. So what else is it?

For me it was all about Brexit. The working/lower-middle classes switched to them in 2019 because they were clear and strong on Brexit, whereas Corbyn shat the bed and backtracked.

But now that's all been done, I think it's quite natural for the masses to move back to a party that will look after its interests more, and use the new Brexit powers for good.

For me it was tactical - use the Tories to break free from Europe, and then take the wheel off them and use the power for good - nationalisation, green taxes (e.g. flexible VAT), higher wages (with no external undercutting) etc.

The only issue now is getting this to happen sooner, rather than having to endure the full next two years.
i dont get it. i just dont get it. Sitting there, without reading the Mail and Sun, i want people to give an honest opinion why they think Tories are a better option? Before they used to trot out the "well the economy is safer with them" line. Cant even say that with a serious face now. So what else is it?
I can't fully answer that but there is more than one category. Some I imagine are suffering the backfire effect, some are making green off it, some like what is happening because it is happening worse to 'others' and some are just a bit dim. In what percentages I couldn't tell you. Looking in from the outside it seems as clear as day that they are now just another hard-right party and have been tracking further that way for a long time. The UK media has a lot to answer for too.
Brexit was the worst thing to happen to this country. Only the ultra rich see will benefit, the rest of us are fudged.

Not with a different government. The whole point of it was to give UK governments more power. So this could be to deregulate (as the current one is trying), but it could equally be to nationalise (illegal under EU competition and state aid laws), have green taxes (illegal under EU competition state aid laws) and push for high wages (illegal under EU freedom of movement laws).

Brexit was always right/left neutral, it was simply about regaining power.
Brexit was the worst thing to happen to this country. Only the ultra rich see will benefit, the rest of us are fudged.

Brexit didn't need to be the worst thing to happen though, it could have been a watershed moment in politics.
But it turned into a poop storm, the sensible people of the country were let down by gullible fools, political pygmies and a "government" of self serving, i actually can't think of an insulting enough term for them.

From the campaigning, to the vote, to the negotiations to the implementation brexit has been a joke, a very bad one.
Considering that some elements of the tory party have been planning this for decades to be in the position we are in is unfathomable.
I can't fully answer that but there is more than one category. Some I imagine are suffering the backfire effect, some are making green off it, some like what is happening because it is happening worse to 'others' and some are just a bit dim. In what percentages I couldn't tell you. Looking in from the outside it seems as clear as day that they are now just another hard-right party and have been tracking further that way for a long time. The UK media has a lot to answer for too.

They need to gut the erg and it’s ilk in the same way Labour removed momentum.
Brexit was the worst thing to happen to this country. Only the ultra rich see will benefit, the rest of us are fudged.

The issues we face now with the dregs of the Tory party ‘leading’ the nation is directly linked to Brexit. The nation has been drifting politically since 2016. We have had a series of unelected PMs each worse than the last. Then there are small but many economic and freedom impacts from Brexit. Losses of trade, workers, businesses, exports, consumer rights and freedom. None seismic in themselves but cumulatively the impact on tax revenue and quality of life, it is significant.

I guess people can put up with being a slightly poorer nation. But a less fair one as well? That doesn’t sit well.
Not with a different government. The whole point of it was to give UK governments more power. So this could be to deregulate (as the current one is trying), but it could equally be to nationalise (illegal under EU competition and state aid laws), have green taxes (illegal under EU competition state aid laws) and push for high wages (illegal under EU freedom of movement laws).

Brexit was always right/left neutral, it was simply about regaining power.

One of the GB Scarabot misinformation posts. France has oodles of nationalised industries. They are not in the EU?

The UK parliament controls most laws, including tax laws. There are bands on things like VAT but within these broad bands the EU set we have freedom to make changes. The notion we can’t push for higher wages within the EU really shows up the botty misinformation slant. Hehe good one Scara
Ah an expert in race relations are we now :D Are you offended by the comment you've posted and would you care to explain why if so?
Nope just posting something relevant in the news, no ulterior motive like youseem to think with all my posts
Even Starmer has said it's bad and that's saying something coming from him and Labour
She has rightfully been suspended and should have been a while back as she is a prick
Not with a different government. The whole point of it was to give UK governments more power. So this could be to deregulate (as the current one is trying), but it could equally be to nationalise (illegal under EU competition and state aid laws), have green taxes (illegal under EU competition state aid laws) and push for high wages (illegal under EU freedom of movement laws).

Brexit was always right/left neutral, it was simply about regaining power.

you continue to spread misinformation while your country goes to shît.

are you not ashamed?