I don't think there's any solid religious basis for Jewish people being there. There's no solid religious basis for anything as it's all made up.
That doesn't mean that Jewish people didn't or shouldn't have the right to create a country there. Especially not if the area is almost empty and hasn't been developed at all.
My apologies if I'm not simplifying this enough so that it seems like nonsense. Simplifying things for others is not my strong point.
It isn't about simplifying things for others.
It is about having the empathy to see the other side.
Imagine you have a home you live in. Your family has lived there thousands of years. It is all you have ever known. fudge whether it was a country/ Palestine/ Ottoman/ British Empire or what. National borders don't define a persons home and sense of belonging. It doesn't change millenia of being in the same location - passing times and feeling affinity to the community you have and homes you have grown up in.
You suddenly have guests arriving back who have been gone 2,000 years. You are forcibly evicted from your own homes by the occupying power of the day. You have no choice in the matter. You will never see home again that is that.
Having been forced out your home your pretty tinkled off to say the least. You are told they will not push any further so long as you stick to this 50% zone.
You settle in the East (of the West Bank by the new border) and slowly but surely more and more is goin away. Your family lose their home again.
It is never enough and slowly you are put down to the last 20%. It isn't even where your great grandparents are from - because that was long sinc taken. But as close as you can get.
The people who you were reassured would never step across the 50% boudary now want to sell it to an orange man to turn into crappy badly decorated resorts and casions. Just because he can.
Forget for a second the ins and outs of the formation of Israel.
What is done is done. We can never go back on that. We all need to be realisitic and accept Israel is here to stay.
But can you really not understand why it is also sensible to understand why a Palestian is now tinkled?