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OT: What next for Harry?

Sense and sensibility at last=D> i suppose now we will be accused of being a LEVY fanboy or even worse a Redknapp hater, i wonder if that is worse then being a Redknapp kiss arse. :-k

I've noticed you do this a lot. Wait until someone more articulate than yourself comes along and actually writes a sensible, valid post and then congratulate them. And then add a pointless emoticon at the end of it.
The basic fact is Redknapp left us in a stronger position than he found us. He left us with a stronger squad, a better first XI and with a very young squad with a couple of very experienced pros that even the new Manager is still utilising.

Regardless of people's thoughts on the man I am struggling to understand the concept that any Spurs fan cannot appreciate this from a pure cold analytical footballing point of view. Even the so called collapses are overplayed. Last 16 games from last season we got only 3pts less than we have managed the first 16 games of this season. If 3pts is the difference between a disasterous collapse and a great start to the season I can see why we turn on our Managers so quickly!

Like for like basically. I don't actually like any sort of comparison to be fair unless it's over a full season. Judging a run of results over even half a season isn't accurate due to many factors. But if one must judge a run of results during the course of a season I think it has to be done from halfway point to halfway point rather than even just 16 games.

So you're invalidating your own posts? Saves the middle man some effort i guess.
^ fella these are MANY of the same points/doubts that plenty of us have raised in the past which nobody ever seemed to want to address - rather than accept the valid arguments/fears we put forward the majority of the 'opposition' chose to focus solely on what he achieved above all else and by doing so they just reinforce their belief that it's crazy for anyone to question his role at the club. since the argument has worn on peoples opinions have become more and more polarized as each side digs their heels in - but im sure there are very few that were in favor of his sacking that were not appreciative of what he achieved, just that with a little more focus he could (and should) have done a little better and primarily, in my case at least, there were huge doubts over his ability to over see the transition we find our selves in now due to his patchy transfer record and poor use of squad players, not to mention our alarming final run in collapse in not one but two of his three seasons here.

I have answered the points he made in an earlier post. He raised some valid points btw, I'm not saying Redknapp never got things wrong.

But, he also gets ZERO credit for the development of players like Bale, Ekotto, Lennon and Dawson for example. Lennon played his best football under Redknapp. He gets slated for trying to put Bale on loan and is accused of being lucky that we didn't get rid of him, which may be true, but doesn't get any credit for getting some fantastic performances out of him either whereas AVB gets credit for the same thing.
I've noticed you do this a lot. Wait until someone more articulate than yourself comes along and actually writes a sensible, valid post and then congratulate them. And then add a pointless emoticon at the end of it.

i asked a question, if some fans can be seen as Levy fanboys ( i forget who said that:) silly me it was you) then are Redknapp fans called arse kissers .I assume YOU would know that.
The collapse that people mention will be the 10-11 game period (whatever it was) where we were bang in the relegation places of the form table and which saw us surrender 3rd place and with it Champions League football. The 'last 16 games' you keep mentioning doesn't have much relevence.

And as i said, i think most people on this side of the fence are more than aware of the good things Redknapp done during his time here - but looking towards the following seasons there was, in some of our opinions, enough to cast doubt over whether he was the best man to take us forwards.

It's all been said before, shame you only registered recently as im sure there would have been plenty for you to get involved with on the debate - but basically there are very few posters who don't appreciate his time here, no matter how many people will try and say otherwise, it's just some felt he wasn't the right man to carry on the job

So the last 16 games have no relevance, despite including the 10/11 game awful run that people keep talking about? Interesting.
No, he's just pointing out that our points total from 16 games this season is less from a similar amount of games last season.

Other way around actually! We have 3 more points this season from our first 16 games than we accrued from our last 16 games last season. The point I am making is actually more one of perception, and how 3pts swing can be the difference (in some fans eyes on this forum anyway) from a positive run of results to an absolute disaster. Who'd want to be a Spurs Manager with those sort of fine margins? :p
What's next for Harry?...

A win?

Other way around actually! We have 3 more points this season from our first 16 games than we accrued from our last 16 games last season. The point I am making is actually more one of perception, and how 3pts swing can be the difference (in some fans eyes on this forum anyway) from a positive run of results to an absolute disaster. Who'd want to be a Spurs Manager with those sort of fine margins? :p

Yeah I've just noticed I made a mistake.

I agree with your rationale of judging a manager over a season and not just a sample of 8 games or 16 games. By all means you can be critical if a manager or team goes on a bad run, but look at the bigger picture too. I would like to see our current manager be a bit more adventurous at times, but I accept that we can't be too critical of him until he gets all/some of the players that he wants to mould his team.
Mate you're a hypocrite that always....nah i'm joking lol..just wanted to annoy you for a second.

Ok that post is very hard to argue with generally. Harry's approach is generally a short term approach rather than a long term one but it's still an approach that has made us a profit on the players sold (including the ones we could potentially sale). Your argument is different to Jordinho's though so we're talking about 2 different things. He's already explained what he meant and that was that he feels the players that we did sign were not as good (value for money wise and ability wise) as the ones we could have signed. That's a totally different argument then the one you just put up.

Levy ok'd the Bellamy signing though and it was only down to us striking a bizarre deal with City that we didn't get him. He also probably ok'd the potential Diarra signing too but it didn't work out so i'm not entirley sure he's against these potential signings as you think.

He would not have wanted to sign Friedel, Parker and Bellamy in the same window. It's why it took so long for Parker to come; Harry thought he was getting Bellamy.
Well I'm glad we didn't get Bellamy. He's a taco and he's really not worth the trouble.

I used to HATE Bellamy but was shamelessly turned around when I read of his sterling efforts in Sierra Leone and the fact he outs in his time as well as his money.

To be fair I also felt we needed a player like him though (a nasty fella on our side) and was not sure that Parker (who had rejected us twice) was the man. But I was proven very very wrong on that count. I only wish we'd looked after him better!
I used to HATE Bellamy but was shamelessly turned around when I read of his sterling efforts in Sierra Leone and the fact he outs in his time as well as his money.

To be fair I also felt we needed a player like him though (a nasty fella on our side) and was not sure that Parker (who had rejected us twice) was the man. But I was proven very very wrong on that count. I only wish we'd looked after him better!

I see what you're saying. All the top teams have at least one **** in their side.
I should re-phrase this, you're right.

He DIDN'T want to sign those three in the same window because of the ages and wages involved versus where Harry was perceived to be going 12 months on. He had to be twisted to sign parker. I'm glad he was. An important signing last season for sure! There is also an argument for saying that a Bellamy might've made the diff for third and thus allowed u to get the money to sign whoever else. But Levy has always been against squads with too many older high-wagers, and Friedel, Bellamy, Gallas, Parker was considered too much, especially given the Ledley situation.