Jeepers, what a day.
All excited at the prospect of getting back to the Lane, then found out the f#ckin car wouldnt start. No way though was we coming down and not seeing the match. Just as we booked a taxi from the hotel, remembered my phone was still in the car, and managed to get the f#cker going at the 4th attempt.
Just made kick-off. Thanks to big Vic it was worth the hassle. How weird did the Lane look, very Britannia Stadum-esque I thought.
Deffo deserved the win should have finished 3-1. Far too early I suppose, but I hope to GHod that no.9 is not cursed. Janssen is amazing off-the-ball, but thats another chance gone begging that he should have buried. Hoping that once he gets that first one, loads will follow..
Back at the Car park, took 4 more attempts to get going, was going to stay over tonight, but thought f#ck that, lets just get home and have a good look at the poxy thing in the morning