Pat van den Hauwe
After hearing about the bear on here i gave it a go. Watched the first 3 episodes and thought it was very good. Very well acted and filmed. Not sure i can watch anymore though. You see them go through the stress and chaos and have a hope that it will soon turn around. If it was a film it could, but a series? No, whatever ups they have there will be a down. For any bonds they create there will be friction created, it's the nature of the show.
Really good show but not sure i'm in the mood for it.
That was my feeling with Ozark too. If you are working for the cartel there is always gonna be more downs than ups. There was never any moments to relax or enjoyment before the next major crisis, every episode ends with relief and the next starts with stress again lol. I mean it was good but I'm glad they eventually ended it.