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Official Benoit Thread

Are you really arguing that Ekotto doesn't have a better left foot than Naughton? Are you serious?

Inverted wing-backs? What teams play with a left footed right back because it's an advantage to have a left footer out there? Seems generally accepted that when right footed players play as a left back it's because no left footed players of equal quality are available. Seems generally accepted that being right footed and playing as a left back is an obstacle that needs to be overcome, not an advantage.

Beyond generally accepted and onto our strategy we have Gareth Bale as our left winger. He likes drifting inside and that's part of our strategy. Having a left footed left back is good for us as it helps give us real width down that side. I really don't think AVB will be looking to bring in a right footed first choice left back because that will be advantageous. Do you disagree?

No, I'm not - what I am saying is the way in which he has gone about goading in his team-mate's face is compeltely unprofessional and out of line.

Even your Lennon/Townsend example I would consider completely and utterly out of line, and have the former fined if indeed happened. That's not the way to blood our youngsters or galvanise competition for places.

Even if he's the best LB in the league - these are not acceptable comments. It is not the contents of his message which are the problem here - more the way in which he has delivered them and the fact those have been made public. No professional environment operates in this manner, and this is not the way footballers should compete for places
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So any player saying in public that they are better than a team mate at something are demeaning the other player?

Yes, I 150% believe so - whether it's rivals, or team-mates - that is not in the spirit of the game and breeds negativity, as far as I'm concerned.

I will admit that I will give any Spurs player more leeway than I give Barthez or some other (ex-)player that's not associated with Spurs. I don't know why a Spurs fan shouldn't. I will assume that our players will have the club's interests in mind. I doubt my reactions to what Barthez said could be described as frothing though.

Bias shouldn't be part of this argument, imv - irrespective of your take on Barthez as a player/person. This has nothing to do with supporting Spurs and one's dedication to the 'cause'

He made a similar derogatory comment towards one of our players and was flamed/abused/ridiculed, etc. Even Brad himself chipped in on Twitter! You can't have double standards when dealing with this kind of situation situation, imv - either both should be accepted as 'place rivalry' or both frowned upon and discouraged.
Guys, Benny was talking about his left foot. Not his overall ability as a left back, or attacking threat, positional sense, or anything else that you need to have as a defender.

Benny saying that his left foot is better than Naughton's is, in my eyes, no different to Bale (hypothetically) saying that he's better at headers than Lennon, or Walker saying (again hypothetically) that he's quicker than t'other Kyle. It's just fact, and teammates with anything like a decent relationship should be able to acknowledge things like that.

It's hardly "anything he can do with a football, I could do with a football" territory!
Bottom line.

Bae is a left back, Naughton is not.

Bae is left footed, Naughton is not.

He's not said anything that isn't true.

I can't be bothered to discuss this any further, because there is nothing to it.

ah i see now why there is nothing to it for you, especially when you take just those two sentences alone. but perhaps apply the context and what he is saying / talking about

this reminds me of wat mick was arguing saying that rebrovs comments to pav wasnt a prejudicial one....anyone remember those comments? there is more crime in tottenham because it has alot of minorities. something like that LOL
I think BAE is going to come a cropper on twitter. At some point he will be forced to apologise. Its the nature of the beast, now the media are onto his twitter.
Unprofessional - never. Just calling like it is.

Refusing to play for the club on the other hand, now that's unprofessional.

You walk into a room of typists at your work. One isn't as fast as the rest. Has only just started in the job. You go over to new employee and ask them to type up something. Then at the other end of the room you hear a shout, Oi... she's rubbish and slow and I can do it better than she can in half the time. Room falls silent.
*waits for the arguments about whether his comment on Twitter is morally correct*

Whatever way the media wish to spin it. Yes it was a blokey type reply by him which I guess can be seem as hero territory by some, but it was also a tad creepy.

Headline. Creepy spurs player... blah blah blah

What way do you think his sponsors are going to look at it.
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No, I'm not - what I am saying is the way in which he has gone about goading in his team-mate's face is compeltely unprofessional and out of line.

Even your Lennon/Townsend example I would consider completely and utterly out of line, and have the former fined if indeed happened. That's not the way to blood our youngsters or galvanise competition for places.

Even if he's the best LB in the league - these are not acceptable comments. It is not the contents of his message which are the problem here - more the way in which he has delivered them and the fact those have been made public. No professional environment operates in this manner, and this is not the way footballers should compete for places

So saying that Ekotto has a better left foot than Naughton is completely uncontroversial for just about anyone to say, unless you're a footballer (or manager) speaking in public?

Yes, I 150% believe so - whether it's rivals, or team-mates - that is not in the spirit of the game and breeds negativity, as far as I'm concerned.

Rivals too? Does this extend to talking about others than yourself too? Could Vertonghen say that Ekotto has a better left foot than Naughton or would this be demeaning too?
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You walk into a room of typists at your work. One isn't as fast as the rest. Has only just started in the job. You go over to new employee and ask them to type up something. Then at the other end of the room you hear a shout, Oi... she's rubbish and slow and I can do it better than she can in half the time. Room falls silent.

That's really not a good comparison to what Ekotto did...