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Official Benoit Thread

The press are well known for rearranging quotes or changing just a couple of words that can alter the context completely. Also, from what I've read on Twitter Benny's English isn't great either. Until I see it on the telly unaltered I'll treat it with a pinch of salt.
It's obviously a competitive squad vying for playing positions... Do you think what Ekotto said changes this in any way?

not ekotto, your perception of how naughton takes this is what i am talking about. if naughton is cool with that and ekotto feels its a given...then what he says would indicate a lack of competition for places. obviously i dont think this but that for me falls in line with naughton having something to say about this.......both in training and off field.

He's just confident about winning his place back in his team. He thinks he's better than Naughton at left back, and he's saying just that. He's even being rather careful about it just pointing out that he has a better left foot, something that is obviously fudging true. Naughton is right footed...

this is the bit that amazes me slightly , i cant see how you cannot see that there is a problem with this. a team is suposed to be a unified front and be seen as one entity in all things that concern each other but then you have players talking about each other to the press. "yeah i am better than him , so i should get the place"...this isnt some kind of soap opera for us to watch....otherwise we would be watching dream team again on sky 1. keep that kind of bluntness indoors.......

What part of this is the same as dirty laundry?

A player that has been first choice for us for years thinks that he's better than a young player who has done reasonably well playing in a position that isn't his natural position. This is the same as dirty laundry?

whats the difference....? a manager comes out and says "X players has a bad attitude , so i am going to play Y player". " player A has been performing well, i am dissapointed and angry at this, how could he miss those chances, i am going to drop him cause my wife could have scored that"

why shouldnt managers say exactlty what they are thinking or lets say not show support for their players in public? cause its unprofessional i guess

you also ave to ask yourself why it isnt done alot more.....since you think this kind of talk is normal how come we dont hear about it alot more from 'professionals'?
not ekotto, your perception of how naughton takes this is what i am talking about. if naughton is cool with that and ekotto feels its a given...then what he says would indicate a lack of competition for places. obviously i dont think this but that for me falls in line with naughton having something to say about this.......both in training and off field.

this is the bit that amazes me slightly , i cant see how you cannot see that there is a problem with this. a team is suposed to be a unified front and be seen as one entity in all things that concern each other but then you have players talking about each other to the press. "yeah i am better than him , so i should get the place"...this isnt some kind of soap opera for us to watch....otherwise we would be watching dream team again on sky 1. keep that kind of bluntness indoors.......

whats the difference....? a manager comes out and says "X players has a bad attitude , so i am going to play Y player". " player A has been performing well, i am dissapointed and angry at this, how could he miss those chances, i am going to drop him cause my wife could have scored that"

why shouldnt managers say exactlty what they are thinking or lets say not show support for their players in public? cause its unprofessional i guess

you also ave to ask yourself why it isnt done alot more.....since you think this kind of talk is normal how come we dont hear about it alot more from 'professionals'?

Nothing of the sort. If Naughton sees himself as a right back, who may have to cover left occasionally, then he is not going to care about how he is competing for the left back position. he will be far more concerned about getting chances over Kyle Walker on the right.
That's a completely different example.

Imo Bae is basically saying 'I'm left footed, and Naughton is not' and 'I'm a left back whereas Naughton is a right back'.

Absolutely fudge all wrong with that. It's accurate and it's not exactly an opinion, which the Lloris and Brad example is.

There is no difference - both examples are making derogatory, bigot, and demeaning remarks towards fellow Spurs employee and a team-mate.

If I made a similar comment about one of my colleagues - would be straight at a disciplinary review. I have no idea what you do for a living - but this kind of brick has no place in the professional environment, perhaps only in Hollywood movies.

As I mentioned already - all one has to do is go back in the Lloris thread and look at people's reaction to Barthez' comments towards Hugo/Brad

You can't have it either way, mate
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Nothing of the sort. If Naughton sees himself as a right back, who may have to cover left occasionally, then he is not going to care about how he is competing for the left back position. he will be far more concerned about getting chances over Kyle Walker on the right.

i see your point here, but isnt the main thing all about getting in the team and helping them to win? shouldnt he be looking to get into the first team at all cost? no matter where he is playing

not like its him trying to get in at goal. its a defensive position he's looking at...he's been doing a decent job there...to the point that he looks like a decent LB back up. shouldnt he be trying to make A fullback position his own...no matter vwhere it is?
Welcome back Benny, you are a natural LB, with a tendency to get bored and go walkies. Thank you Naughton for covering for Benny, great learning experience.

I think Naughton has a great aptitude going forward. Have seen him dribble at speed at oppo's defensive line and i'd like to see him at RB. I think it'll happen.
There is no difference - both examples are making derogatory, bigot, and demeaning remarks towards fellow Spurs employee and a team-mate.

If I made a similar comment about one of my colleagues - would be straight at a disciplinary review. I have no idea what you do for a living - but this kind of brick has no place in the professional environment, perhaps only in Hollywood movies.

As I mentioned already - one one has to do is go back in the Lloris thread and look at people's reaction to Barthez' comments toward Hugo/Brad

You can't have it either way, mate

No, i'm afraid it's not completely different. One is pointing out facts and the other is stating opinions.

Your job has absolutely zero to do with this.

The Barthez reactions were about someone making comments about things they know nothing about, once more, nothing like the Bae comments.
i see your point here, but isnt the main thing all about getting in the team and helping them to win? shouldnt he be looking to get into the first team at all cost? no matter where he is playing

not like its him trying to get in at goal. its a defensive position he's looking at...he's been doing a decent job there...to the point that he looks like a decent LB back up. shouldnt he be trying to make A fullback position his own...no matter vwhere it is?

He has been doing a decent job there, it's likely that he knows it's not feasible long term because he's right footed and that he's perfectly ok with it because right back is his chosen position.

Imo he should be getting games at RB when we have a natural LB in simply because he has shown he has done well defensively and it would be nice to see what he can do offensively on his natural side.
not ekotto, your perception of how naughton takes this is what i am talking about. if naughton is cool with that and ekotto feels its a given...then what he says would indicate a lack of competition for places. obviously i dont think this but that for me falls in line with naughton having something to say about this.......both in training and off field.

I'm guessing that he's fine with the comment, he might be of a different opinion of course. Footballers are generally confident about their own abilities, I think it's almost a prerequisite to making it. If you don't believe that you have what it takes then it's going to be more difficult to make it. I have no problems with Naughton thinking that there's less of a difference in quality between him and Ekotto than Ekotto thinks, in fact I would expect it.

this is the bit that amazes me slightly , i cant see how you cannot see that there is a problem with this. a team is suposed to be a unified front and be seen as one entity in all things that concern each other but then you have players talking about each other to the press. "yeah i am better than him , so i should get the place"...this isnt some kind of soap opera for us to watch....otherwise we would be watching dream team again on sky 1. keep that kind of bluntness indoors.......

Team dynamics are interesting. There's a common goal, but there's also a very real competition for places. A competition that's helpful, if not necessary for success. I think you agree that thinking he's better so he should get the place isn't an issue, just him saying this in the press?

whats the difference....? a manager comes out and says "X players has a bad attitude , so i am going to play Y player". " player A has been performing well, i am dissapointed and angry at this, how could he miss those chances, i am going to drop him cause my wife could have scored that"

why shouldnt managers say exactlty what they are thinking or lets say not show support for their players in public? cause its unprofessional i guess

you also ave to ask yourself why it isnt done alot more.....since you think this kind of talk is normal how come we dont hear about it alot more from 'professionals'?

First off I think there's a difference between the manager and the players. The manager actually picks the team, players do not.

Secondly I think there's a difference between a player saying that he's better than some other player and a player (or worse, a manager) saying that player has a bad attitude. Same with someone directly insulting a player for a poor performance, I don't think your comparison is a good one. It's not like Ekotto said that Naughton was brick in some game and that his gran could have played better, just that he thinks that he's a better left back.

Like I said, I think most players answer questions with bland cliches. They are not confident about giving their own opinion and they are often very worried about what other people think about them.

It's also somewhat to do with the questions asked, journalists don't ask Bale if he's worried about losing his place in the team to Dempsey.
No, i'm afraid it's not completely different. One is pointing out facts and the other is stating opinions.

Your job has absolutely zero to do with this.

The Barthez reactions were about someone making comments about things they know nothing about, once more, nothing like the Bae comments.

What 'facts' has BAE pointed out - something about a 'better' left foot. Better in terms of what? Better in terms of what strategy - what about inverted wing-backs, etc.

Barthez surely knows a bit more about Lloris than most on here - and also stated the obvious, yet was slated with great venom. Again the fan-favourite players on this board are protected and biased against, nothing new.

Your job has everything to do with this because soon after becoming part of a professional environment you learn what is acceptable (comments) and not
Bottom line.

Bae is a left back, Naughton is not.

Bae is left footed, Naughton is not.

He's not said anything that isn't true.

I can't be bothered to discuss this any further, because there is nothing to it.
I sometimes wonder if journalists asks a question, gets a one syllable answer, then use the wording of their question to create a quote.
I hope he's dealt with harshly

5 shave and polish jobs on Brad's nut for example or a steam ironing afternoon on AVB's trenchcoat collection
If that is the case - he should come and deny it soon and/or launch a lawsuit against the newspaper in question

We often hear players say they've been misquoted, but this one barely registers as something that needs to be dealt with.
That difference is that Ekotto has proven himself for us over years, Naughton has not

Why did you ignore the rest of my post btw?

I was looking at the comparison you had made with the Lloris/Friedel situation. I wasn't saying that players should get into the team on past merit. I was just pointing out one of the differences in the situations you compared.

I ignored the rest of your post because I wanted to know what parts of my posts were unclear to you so that we could clear up the first misunderstanding before continuing. I have previously asked you similar questions while answering the rest of your posts and you have ignored my questions. So I would rather take it step by step.

Using your Lennon/Townsend example - in my view, it is completely and utterly degrading and arrogant to another team-mate (even one who's apparently inferior) to demean their abilities in any way whatsoever - especially so in public.

So any player saying in public that they are better than a team mate at something are demeaning the other player?

Going back to my Lloris example - this very board would have demanded blood and public stoning should he had said something similar (rememeber Barthez' comments and the subsequent reaction on here! - people were frothing) - yet BAE being a massive fan-favourite, it is being dimsissed as Twitter banter or similar. Sorry, not for me.

Not sure why you would go back to an example I have already pointed out as not being a very good comparison without arguing why it's a good comparison.

I would rather discuss what has actually been said rather than discuss the motivations of the people who are commenting on what's being said.

I will admit that I will give any Spurs player more leeway than I give Barthez or some other (ex-)player that's not associated with Spurs. I don't know why a Spurs fan shouldn't. I will assume that our players will have the club's interests in mind. I doubt my reactions to what Barthez said could be described as frothing though.
What 'facts' has BAE pointed out - something about a 'better' left foot. Better in terms of what? Better in terms of what strategy - what about inverted wing-backs, etc.

Are you really arguing that Ekotto doesn't have a better left foot than Naughton? Are you serious?

Inverted wing-backs? What teams play with a left footed right back because it's an advantage to have a left footer out there? Seems generally accepted that when right footed players play as a left back it's because no left footed players of equal quality are available. Seems generally accepted that being right footed and playing as a left back is an obstacle that needs to be overcome, not an advantage.

Beyond generally accepted and onto our strategy we have Gareth Bale as our left winger. He likes drifting inside and that's part of our strategy. Having a left footed left back is good for us as it helps give us real width down that side. I really don't think AVB will be looking to bring in a right footed first choice left back because that will be advantageous. Do you disagree?