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Next Manager?

If we subscribe to the logic that we can’t believe everything we read/hear and go with the facts which isn’t unreasonable then we are left with the fact that we sacked a manager nearly two months ago and don’t have a replacement. If you’re going to sack a manager you’d have to assume there is some kind of succession plan in place to replace the incumbent. Either we have had talks with numerous managers who have turned us down or we have pulled the plug on, or we have gone nearly two months without doing anything and meanwhile other clubs are buying players and we can’t because we don’t have a manager.

We obviously have had talks with managers, some instigated by us and some no doubt instigated by the managers.
If, for instance, gattuso calls us up and says "hey listen, I'm available, what about it?" and we say no and put the phone down, does that constitute talks?
What doubt very much is that we have had done deals with at least three different managers only for them all to fall through.

The plan does seem to be a bit haphazard, but as we have no idea what the plan is I will wait until the club reveals it before judging it.
I certainly won't judge it on what journos who get a lot more wrong than right say.
I get that they have inches to fill. But we are a brand 'supposedly' and it doesn't trake much to quieten some of the bs, especially the ones sourced from Italy. It just takes a british-based Journo to say "The club don't understand where these stories are coming from" or "sources close to the club have deined x y z"...
Doesn't have to be for every rumour just the crackpot ones that potentially damage the clubs image and make us look like West Ham on steroids.
We aren't the only club that journos can make rumours up about either...

Well we aren't the only club with these stoegoing around, Leicester for instance we're on the verge of signing Soumare 7-10 days ago, what's happened there..........
But this is the biggest story just now in club football, during silly season, and the euros to boot. Its going to get a lot traction, because there is fudge all else happening.
Some of you still don't get how club reporting works and think everything journos put out are "rumours".

Gattuso was happening 100%.

Club reporters Gold, Kilpatrick, Pitt Brooke confirmed it.

They don't put anything out with first contacting the club press office. Why? because they'll lose access.

The likes of Gold and Kilpatrick don't have any other source of info within football bar the club itself. Without them they are out of a job. The are not big time journos. They work for small titles.

Right now the club is leaking a good news Son contact story to them.

They would not have that story if they were making unsavoury stories about the club up.

Even if the nonsense originates from the club, why do you presume it is always true? Is it only agents etc that can use the media to their own ends?
Some of you still don't get how club reporting works and think everything journos put out are "rumours".

Gattuso was happening 100%.

Club reporters Gold, Kilpatrick, Pitt Brooke confirmed it.

They don't put anything out with first contacting the club press office. Why? because they'll lose access.

The likes of Gold and Kilpatrick don't have any other source of info within football bar the club itself. Without them they are out of a job. The are not big time journos. They work for small titles.

Right now the club is leaking a good news Son contact story to them.

They would not have that story if they were making unsavoury stories about the club up.
Sorry but you are placing way too much on the likes of Gold being 'club sources'. At best they get drip fed info that is not sensitive, they have been proven time and time again to be wrong about the managerial situation.

Yesterday with Ali Gold was a prime example. Saw in the morning he had an article about Fonseca tying up loose ends before joining. Then a couple of hours later it broke from Italy about Gattuso and guess what, within an hour he was tweeting about how Gattuso was close - but he did add the caveat of 'but it could change, because it's Spurs'. Yeah, that really sounds like he's closely connected when it comes to who our manager is......
Some of you still don't get how club reporting works and think everything journos put out are "rumours".

Gattuso was happening 100%.

Club reporters Gold, Kilpatrick, Pitt Brooke confirmed it.

They don't put anything out with first contacting the club press office. Why? because they'll lose access.

The likes of Gold and Kilpatrick don't have any other source of info within football bar the club itself. Without them they are out of a job. The are not big time journos. They work for small titles.

Right now the club is leaking a good news Son contact story to them.

They would not have that story if they were making unsavoury stories about the club up.

So that's three managers that were 100% done deals, all reported by these journos, why would the club reward them with stories for printing bs?
And if it isn't bs where are the articles calling out Levy?
Main problem is that, regardless of who's appointed, it's getting a little late. If we appoint a national team manager or someone unemployed, it's only a problem for us but if we try to sign someone working at a different club, it's quite likely that they won't be too keen on seeing their man go just a few weeks before the start of the new season.

Again, regardless of whether the rumors/reports were true or not, it's a very poor way of dealing with things, particularly when you consider Mourinho was gone before the end of the season. Some people seem to think it's fair to take a couple of months to appoint a manager. I don't.
Redknapp is on his way, currently at the training ground entrance speaking to press through his car window.
We obviously have had talks with managers, some instigated by us and some no doubt instigated by the managers.
If, for instance, gattuso calls us up and says "hey listen, I'm available, what about it?" and we say no and put the phone down, does that constitute talks?
What doubt very much is that we have had done deals with at least three different managers only for them all to fall through.

The plan does seem to be a bit haphazard, but as we have no idea what the plan is I will wait until the club reveals it before judging it.
I certainly won't judge it on what journos who get a lot more wrong than right say.

I think the fact that we don’t have a manager two months after sacking Jose is bad enough and we’re allowed to judge the club purely on the basis that it has taken this long with not much in the way of results. If we get Potter today for example, some may be underwhelmed given the names we have been linked with but most see we are not as attractive as we thought we were so beggars can’t be choosers. Not saying we need to rush it but come on, two months is more than enough time to identify your target and go and get him. Bad enough we have to put up with this when we sign/sell players let alone appointing the manager. At least when Ramos and Jol were sacked Levy acted swiftly and brought in replacements instantly.
Yep. Which is not the same as offering them the job.

I think it's more the fact that the good managers are not being linked to the job, and it's been a lifetime since mourinho got the chop.

Shambles... are we really the new west ham of the media? Its embarrassing
Well we aren't the only club with these stoegoing around, Leicester for instance we're on the verge of signing Soumare 7-10 days ago, what's happened there..........
But this is the biggest story just now in club football, during silly season, and the euros to boot. Its going to get a lot traction, because there is fudge all else happening.

I hear that p[partially, but tbf real silly season is when there is nothing to report: no football season, no Euros, No World Cup, nada. Usually at that point is when silly season and clickbait takes hold as there is nothing else for the journos to report on. Yet, with everything else going on at the Euros there's till time to report bs about Spurs constantly?
May as well sink to new levels of circus by approaching Ancelotti

I think the fact that we don’t have a manager two months after sacking Jose is bad enough and we’re allowed to judge the club purely on the basis that it has taken this long with not much in the way of results. If we get Potter today for example, some may be underwhelmed given the names we have been linked with but most see we are not as attractive as we thought we were so beggars can’t be choosers. Not saying we need to rush it but come on, two months is more than enough time to identify your target and go and get him. Bad enough we have to put up with this when we sign/sell players let alone appointing the manager. At least when Ramos and Jol were sacked Levy acted swiftly and brought in replacements instantly.

Yeah totally agree on that, no problem with people having an issue with that.
My issue is more with the over reaction to the rumours about who are about to strike a deal with.
I mean come on, is it really feasible that gattuso had left his job yesterday morning and had agreed to sign with us less than 12 hours later.
You don't think that calling into question the reliability never integrity of any journo prepared to publish that is justified?
I hear that p[partially, but tbf real silly season is when there is nothing to report: no football season, no Euros, No World Cup, nada. Usually at that point is when silly season and clickbait takes hold as there is nothing else for the journos to report on. Yet, with everything else going on at the Euros there's till time to report bs about Spurs constantly?

What else is there to report on?
Other the unfortunate story of Eriksen, what is there?
What transfers?
Which other vacant managers position? Everton, fsw was another done deal the other day, what happened there...........