Vic Buckingham
The frustrating thing about the Modric situation is that it comes at a time when the Olympics & lack of striker have really hampered our pre-season plans. I have immense sympathy for AVB on this because it's completely fudged up pre-season in terms of being able to gel the unit into a working system.
And he is now the second Manager to claim Modric's head isn't right. Last time around the Modric apologists accused Redknapp of lying. Is AVB lying too? Or will you start to see now that Modric isn't an innocent lamb and knows full well what he is doing regardless of "advice" he is receiving. Modric is completely fudging AVB over. He isn't even giving the man a chance, despite the fact he was willing to sign for him 12 months ago.
A genuine question. Have you considered the possibility that perhaps AVB wants him isolated from the squad until his future is sorted out? Is it possible that AVB doesn't want any negativity or uncertainty on the training pitch or in the squad if he can see it and avoid it?