I'm out.
I'm not denying that Luka Modric wouldn't have minded a punt at Chelski last season, but he did not seek the move, the move was presented to him via Chelsea and his agents, and he was thus instructed how to behave, etc. The player was happy with Spurs until that all happened, starting in 2010. Chelski thought they could throw money at the situation, and to be fair, a WHOLE lot of our own supporters doubted Levy's resolve. If you remember mate, I didn't.
I maintain Mamic holds a strong influence over Modric's life, given he is a "father figure" to the player, and as such, an angry "father figure" wouldn't be good.
Again, I am not denying he wouldn't be happy to have a punt at Madrid, what I have said is that we had a price, the price was there since May15th or whatever, it was all going along nicely with them trying a player-cash deal, us wanting other players-cash deal, and then suddenly Madrid realized they were the only player in town, had ,managed to unsettle the player massively, and thus Madrid and the agents start instructing Modric on "how to get the move through"...I absolutely maintain 100% that he would've behaved as normal and trained professionally had he not been firmly told by those around him to abstain from traveling/training. Once again, the agents have, IMHO, massively mis-calculated Levy's resolve. I further believe that everyone is now scrambling because they have had it proven to them again that Levy won't bend for anything which doesn't suit us. I've been consistent in saying all of this mate. Since last year.
I appreciate a difference of opinion, and strong ones too. What I think is sad, is when people consistently take the tinkle and ridicule others. I try very hard not to ridicule opinions I don't agree with, even ones I know are wildly off base. I think the same courtesy would be a good thing...