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Mikey Moore

If and thats the important part if they are good enough. Only Ange and the training staff can truly judge this. He was around the first team last season so I imagine there is the belief that he can be.
I have seen a fair bit of narriative on here around Ange not being one to play the youngsters. He has flat out said on his TV punditry at the Euros that if a youngster is good enough he should be played. People on here just think because Ange isn't playing them he doesn't like playing youngsters when its just the fact he doesn't think they are good enough yet despite what fans think who just see them do some nice things at a much lower level and think therefore they should be thrown in.

Watch Gray next season, Ange will play him plenty - there is no chance Ange would have signed off us spending 35m on an 18 year old he wasn't intending on using this season, he has done this because he has real quality that he wants to use. I'm pretty sure it will be the same case with Bergvall (perhaps a longer 'settling in' period), even if a lesser sum was spent on him....
I have seen a fair bit of narriative on here around Ange not being one to play the youngsters. He has flat out said on his TV punditry at the Euros that if a youngster is good enough he should be played. People on here just think because Ange isn't playing them he doesn't like playing youngsters when its just the fact he doesn't think they are good enough yet despite what fans think who just see them do some nice things at a much lower level and think therefore they should be thrown in.

Watch Gray next season, Ange will play him plenty - there is no chance Ange would have signed off us spending 35m on an 18 year old he wasn't intending on using this season, he has done this because he has real quality that he wants to use. I'm pretty sure it will be the same case with Bergvall (perhaps a longer 'settling in' period), even if a lesser sum was spent on him....
I think we've all been around long enough to remember the multitude of previous names that were touted as the next big thing in our youth teams. From Scarlett, Mason, Caulker, Livermore, Velijokovic, Ifil, Pritchard, Skipp, Onomah etc etc etc.

If the any of the current set are going to make it I'm sure they will as we have the right kind of coach to ensure that, but I very much doubt in 8 years times everyone of the guys being lauded right now is going to have had the absolutely stellar career so many seen certain that they will have.

If they are good enough they will prove it.
I think we've all been around long enough to remember the multitude of previous names that were touted as the next big thing in our youth teams. From Scarlett, Mason, Caulker, Livermore, Velijokovic, Ifil, Pritchard, Skipp, Onomah etc etc etc.

If the any of the current set are going to make it I'm sure they will as we have the right kind of coach to ensure that, but I very much doubt in 8 years times everyone of the guys being lauded right now is going to have had the absolutely stellar career so many seen certain that they will have.

If they are good enough they will prove it.

This .. plus how many in the endless list of next big things in other teams

The thing now is we have a huge list (not just 2-3) of prospects - Moore, Gray, Bergvall, Phillips, Donley, Lankshear, Veliz, Scarlett, Parrott, Hall, Devine, Dorrington, Santiago, Soonsup Bell

Most will not make it to the top level, but if we get a few out of that list plus the rest go on to dent slightly lower level careers, it's ok.
Yermal is "old enough" because he is good enough.
We need to give minutes to Moore, Bergvall, Gray et al, they are REALLY good players, let's not stifle them.

Europa league and League cup should give them plenty of minutes then hopefully we can get 1/2 players into the PL matchday squads. I wouldn't mind if they changed the rule so that 2 of the subs had to count as UK trained or whatever the rule is.
This .. plus how many in the endless list of next big things in other teams

The thing now is we have a huge list (not just 2-3) of prospects - Moore, Gray, Bergvall, Phillips, Donley, Lankshear, Veliz, Scarlett, Parrott, Hall, Devine, Dorrington, Santiago, Soonsup Bell

Most will not make it to the top level, but if we get a few out of that list plus the rest go on to dent slightly lower level careers, it's ok.

I think this is key, if we can bring players through and give them some gametime then even if they don't make it with us it's going to be a lot easier to sell them for reasonable fees and more attractive to sign other youngsters if they see that other youth players are making it into the first team.
Europa league and League cup should give them plenty of minutes then hopefully we can get 1/2 players into the PL matchday squads. I wouldn't mind if they changed the rule so that 2 of the subs had to count as UK trained or whatever the rule is.

It's easy to say we have european games so young players will get a chance.

But it gets a lot more complicated when trying to figure out a squad based on the rules. Just because they are young doesn't mean they can be a part of the b list (or whatever it's called for uefa rules). Philips and lankshear for instance would have to count as a part of the 25 as hg but not as club trained. Although they could be in the future. So if you want to play them our european squad has to be reduced to 23. Unless we have 4 club trained.
I saw him carrying the ball a lot, and very well, just not sure how this is better than passing the ball around.
Because sometimes a team will pass pass pass safely for hours in front of a defence and never get anywhere; so you need someone to jink and dance and commit the defender to break the line and cause chaos.
Moore is intelligent in his passes, he appreciates where he is and where his teammates are. And he can score. Whereas a lot of dribblers are just heads-down-merchants.
Because sometimes a team will pass pass pass safely for hours in front of a defence and never get anywhere; so you need someone to jink and dance and commit the defender to break the line and cause chaos.
Moore is intelligent in his passes, he appreciates where he is and where his teammates are. And he can score. Whereas a lot of dribblers are just heads-down-merchants.

So he’s a heads up runner at packed defences.

He’ll need to be a man of steel.

We need some solid players not circus acts.
Dortmund can sniff as much as they want. Even if he doesn't have a contract with us he can't move countries till he's 18 can he? We can't even loan him next season as far as i'm aware.
I thought the moving when under 18 was just for players moving to the UK?

Much like players before him having players that get a lot of attention and hype (probably warranted in his case) will make big attractive clubs sniff around. Can only hope we manage to keep him happy and progressing here.
Yermal is "old enough" because he is good enough.
We need to give minutes to Moore, Bergvall, Gray et al, they are REALLY good players, let's not stifle them.
I agree with the principle that we need to give these players game time, when the time is right. It's really difficult from the outside to know when that time is.

Yamal is good enough, no doubt about it. He's almost entirely unique in being this good at such a young age. Even compared to other young players, even compared to young players over the last couple of decades. Being this good at 16 is almost unheard of.
I thought the moving when under 18 was just for players moving to the UK?

Much like players before him having players that get a lot of attention and hype (probably warranted in his case) will make big attractive clubs sniff around. Can only hope we manage to keep him happy and progressing here.

I agree with the principle that we need to give these players game time, when the time is right. It's really difficult from the outside to know when that time is.

Yamal is good enough, no doubt about it. He's almost entirely unique in being this good at such a young age. Even compared to other young players, even compared to young players over the last couple of decades. Being this good at 16 is almost unheard of.

No they are fifas rules. Moving within the eu is allowed due to freedom of movement laws. You still can move u18 but only if your parents have moved country for other reasons (obviously can be manipulated).
