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Fans last night

Re: Emmanuel Adebayor

I'm sick of this I'm a hard working guy who earns x amount so deserve to see more. Is it that simple? Is it a lack of effort from the players? No. Not in my opinion, they are trying but are absolutely struggling with confidence. Imagine doing your job with 36,000 people telling you you're sh*t.

Our support is an absolute joke, and I actually hate going to watch games at WHL at the moment.

Same here.

We've had far worse teams in the past.

But we've never had such poisonous fans as we do now. These utter ***** deserve nothing more than a **** team.
Re: Emmanuel Adebayor

He hasn't hidden there has he? In fact he's taken a lot on. Brave.

For a man whose been pinned down in an armed ambush, facing imminent death, surely the booing of the entitled, impatient spectators within the very, very secure confines of his club's own football ground is hardly cause for concern. Water off a duck's back more likely. Didn't deter Chadli from knocking in one of the goals of the season, did it?

But the media fallout will certainly create a polarized reaction. Some will hate him for pointing out what respectable posters - to say nothing of first-hand observers - like Jim B have stated for so long - the atmosphere at WHL has been utter crap for the past 2-3 seasons.

Ade is brave to come out and address the issue so clearly. And he's not wrong.

If anyone went into this season with expectations that Spurs were a top-four side or - shall I open you another bottle, sir? - title aspirations, then they truly aren't proper, comprehending Spurs fans. They're probably barking the loudest now. But that's what ridiculous ticket prices will do to fans' attitudes.

Despite varying fortunes in the past, we always seemed to have the ability to celebrate what we had as a club and the best part of that was a great attitude, an absolute 'UP YOURS' mentality and the willingness to have fun no matter what the game delivered. That needs to be re-kindled.
Re: Emmanuel Adebayor

It's pathetic tbh. Grown men acting like petty little school children. Honestly if we could all look at a video of ourselves during a game it would be hilarious.

People get so unbelievably angry no matter what happens. If they keep possession, "go forward you f***** macaron!", if they kick it long, "keep the ball you f****** c***!" and repeat for 90 mins

It's this sense of entitlement which is killing us. It is a lot of money, no doubt. We deserve more for the money we pay. But it's not through a lack of effort on the players and staff's account in my view.

My biggest concern is that we will ruin the development of a really promising group of young players through our negativity.
Re: Emmanuel Adebayor

I am a paying fan. I agree with every word he has said. Not sure it was the right messenger,but it was the right message.


I have never ever booed the team off at half-time or full-time, it does not help one bit. The only time I have booed a Spurs player is the night Ghaly threw his shirt on the floor v Blackburn.

I touched on it in the OMT when we got home, defeats I can just about live with, but yesterday was one of the least enjoyable for me for a long time due to having to listen to people behind me call every player a w#nker when they made a mistake, sarcastically applaud poor defending and then decide they would start supporting Chelsea as from this morning if we lost.
I seriously hope they keep their word, because we dont need d!ckheads like that following the club.

It's going to be a long two weeks before we travel to the KC Stadium, but I for one (and I know I wont be alone) will get behind them, whether it makes any difference is an enitrely different matter
Re: Emmanuel Adebayor

For me, it's also about general arrogance from our fans. The truth is, the Premier League is just better than it used to be. This isn't 2007. There's more money in the game now, which means that most of the 19 other teams in the Premier League have better squads and XIs than they used to. Besides Chelsea, no big team has been immune from this reality, this season.

We may think that we have a GHod-given right to roll these teams over at home in style, and we might think that Stoke is ****. But the truth is, any team with a solid defense and a front four of Bojan, Victor Moses, Mame Diouf, and Jonathan Walters can hurt you. Ask Emirates Marketing Project. Moses and Bojan would both arguably get in our team on current form. Not saying we should have signed those players, but they are decent.

Every game in the Premier League is hard, and we need to stop assuming that it's our right to blow these teams away, at home or away. When we beat Stoke at at the Britannia in 2010, they were starting Walters, Ricardo Fuller, Etherington, and Rory ****ing Delap. Go down the league, teams are just better now. Teams like Swansea, Stoke, West Brom, Aston Villa, and Saudi Sportswashing Machine all have some decent players in their ranks, and it shows when you realize that Emirates Marketing Project, Arsenal, and Liverpool have all struggled against them at times this year.
Re: Emmanuel Adebayor

The thing that i think upset the majority of fans is that we have gone backwards big time! We have signed players who appear to be duds.

Its pretty boring to go watch Spurs these days and there doesn't seem to be a way out anymore. Cant keep changing the manager. The players arent good enough. They are average at best. When we got Poch i said he wouldnt make any difference as its the players who are poor.

Until we bring in some proven quality we will go nowhere, thats what makes me try and sell my ticket every week. I dont enjoy going anymore. The football is crap, the atmosphere is crap. Whats the need to go? ive supported the club when we have been far worse but there was always a bit of quality and hope to hold onto.

Now i think the fans have realised we are at a dead end and have given up, that has transpired on the pitch. I see Poch as a coach only, We also need a manager to talk to the players and get some sort of belief into them!

Its just really sad to be a Spurs fan right now. Im hurting.
Re: Emmanuel Adebayor

Another example is West Ham. I looked at our match for 2010. They started
01 Green
04 Gabbidon
15 Upson
22 Da Costa
37 Jacobsen
07 Dyer (Barrera 42)
08 Parker
13 Boa Morteyellow card
16 Noble
30 Piquionne (Cole 64 yellow card)
33 Obinna (Kovac 89)

I'm sorry, short of Parker and arguable Noble, that team is absolute dog****. Look at them in 2014, they've got a host of very decent players. Guys like Enner Valencia, Alex Song, Winston Reid, Steward Downing, Sakho, and Kouyate are so much better than what they were able to put out before all the new TV money came into the game. They spent about 30 million euros net this summer, as well as the wages of Alex Song and Zarate, which could be quite decent.

We've spent less money on transfers than any other team over the last four seasons, IIRC. As long as the teams around us are investing and we aren't, going to be tougher and tougher to finish high up the league.
Re: Emmanuel Adebayor

The fans pay horrendously expensive prices to attend games because they feel a residual pride in the shirt and in the club that hasn't been entirely washed away by the tides of commercialization that have accompanied the modern game. Then they see the team limply ship two goals to opponents that work harder than our players, put in more effort and determination than our players, care more for their pride than our players care about our pride. Then they see the likes of Capoue laughing it up with the opposition when we're 2-0 down: they see most of the players run down the tunnel at full time without even bothering to acknowledge the displeasure of the crowd at the result, they see them gaily swapping shirts and chuckling with players from the other team as they head to their dressing rooms, and then they see them driving away in their supercars to their mansions in the countryside.

And then the players themselves turn around and accuse these fans of scaring them to a degree that they feel inhibited when trying to play the game.

Bull****, just pure cowardice and deceit masquerading as an attempt to apportion blame to anyone but the players themselves.

The anger of the fans didn't stop you yuk-yuk-ing it up with the opposition throughout the game. The anger of the fans didn't stop you from meekly surrendering to the opponent. The anger of the fans didn't prevent you showing no shame at the result and no remorse for the performance as you strolled down the tunnel, grinning and clutching a Stoke shirt.

No, it isn't like going to a gig to see the artist perform and then booing him. That's a completely inaccurate description. It's like those kids who bought tickets to see Justin Bieber perform, only to have him cancel at the last minute because he had a cold and didn't want to hurt himself performing for the fans who spent all that time and effort to go see him. It's like those people who bought Britney Spears tickets during her low period: all they got was a semi-coherent drunken sot screaming and lip-synching at them half the time. Did they have no right to complain about such a lackadaisical effort put in by the idols they paid to see?

Any fans will expect the same amount of effort put into the endeavor they pay good money to watch that they themselves put in. The ordinary fan in the stands spends a large chunk of his/her yearly earnings on the club, stands there as the years roll on and the icicles form and then melt on the overhangs above the pitch, all the while screaming himself hoarse in his/her own attempts (however misguided) to see his team pick up the three points on offer.

And what do they get from the players? Chuckles with the opposition, no pride in the shirt, no loyalty to the manager, no attachment to the club. And now, this. Cowardice and deception of the highest order, with the players pointing to the fans themselves as reasons for why they don't have a collective spine or any sense of shame.

F*ck you, Ade. There are systemic problems with the club that run far deeper than you, the manager or the team itself, but cravenly blaming the fans for your own lack of pride in the shirt and in yourself is taking the easy way out.

So speaks someone who rarely if ever goes to games, I'm guessing.

As I said in an earlier post, I'm not going to make excuses for the players. And nor should Ade.

But that doesn't mean that we should bury our heads in the ****ing sand and pretend that there isn't a very serious problem with our ****ty fans. The serial moaners and bitchers; the booers; the cynics; the ritual abusers; the eyes-bulging-out nutcases in a permanent fury; the impatient, inarticulate halfwits; the risible sense of entitlement brats; the ignorant and flat out brainless sunday-league-manager-wannabes in the stands.........they're all ****ing selfish. They haven't just made WHL a miserable place for the players. They've made it a miserable place for me and for every other fan who wants to create a positive atmosphere regardless - because we understand that we are singing for the shirt and not just for the players, and because we understand that the joy and thrill of attending live games should be about so much more than merely what happens on the pitch. We pay the "horrendously expensive prices" too, you know. And we're getting a compromised "product" because of ****er fans.
Re: Emmanuel Adebayor

'Entitled'. 'Impatient'. 'General arrogance'. 'Utter ****s'. 'macaronic'.

I hope you understand why you'll never change anyone's minds when it comes to excoriating fans for insulting players.All you'll probably get is the same insults back: accusations of being pompous, red-faced warblers who expect everyone to fall into line and meekly accept paying the extortionate prices of Levy and co. and then looking pretty for the TV cameras and gently cooing at the same players who give less than a single a **** about them.
Re: Emmanuel Adebayor

Another example is West Ham. I looked at our match for 2010. They started
01 Green
04 Gabbidon
15 Upson
22 Da Costa
37 Jacobsen
07 Dyer (Barrera 42)
08 Parker
13 Boa Morteyellow card
16 Noble
30 Piquionne (Cole 64 yellow card)
33 Obinna (Kovac 89)

I'm sorry, short of Parker and arguable Noble, that team is absolute dog****. Look at them in 2014, they've got a host of very decent players. Guys like Enner Valencia, Alex Song, Winston Reid, Steward Downing, Sakho, and Kouyate are so much better than what they were able to put out before all the new TV money came into the game. They spent about 30 million euros net this summer, as well as the wages of Alex Song and Zarate, which could be quite decent.

We've spent less money on transfers than any other team over the last four seasons, IIRC. As long as the teams around us are investing and we aren't, going to be tougher and tougher to finish high up the league.

See, people realise that, and criticise our lack of investment as well. But then they get told that they're entitled, unrealistic f**kers who want us to do a Leeds or a Portsmouth. So what exactly are they supposed to say about this situation?
Re: Emmanuel Adebayor

We also spend way more on wages than those teams. It all adds up.


I'm all for getting rid of our highest earners. Dembele, Paulinho, Ade, Lennon. That would free up quite a bit I suspect.
Re: Emmanuel Adebayor

'Entitled'. 'Impatient'. 'General arrogance'. 'Utter ****s'. 'macaronic'.

I hope you understand why you'll never change anyone's minds when it comes to excoriating fans for insulting players.All you'll probably get is the same insults back: accusations of being pompous, red-faced warblers who expect everyone to fall into line and meekly accept paying the extortionate prices of Levy and co. and then looking pretty for the TV cameras and gently cooing at the same players who give less than a single a **** about them.

Who said anything about changing anyone's minds? These people are, sadly, too absorbed in their poisonous, self destructive dimwittery to listen to or understand any other point of view.

I was merely pointing out, in response to your rant about Adebayor (justifiable as it might have been), that he still made a really ****ing pertinent point.

And while "red faced warbling" might not be everyone's bag, it isn't offensive (nor is anyone demanding that everyone should join in). Support for the team doesn't ruin other fans' experience of live games. By contrast, overwhelming and relentless negativity does ruin the experience of live games for everyone else. How many more regular match-goers on this forum need to reiterate that point before you accept it?
Re: Emmanuel Adebayor

So speaks someone who rarely if ever goes to games, I'm guessing.

As I said in an earlier post, I'm not going to make excuses for the players. And nor should Ade.

But that doesn't mean that we should bury our heads in the ****ing sand and pretend that there isn't a very serious problem with our ****ty fans. The serial moaners and bitchers; the booers; the cynics; the ritual abusers; the eyes-bulging-out nutcases in a permanent fury; the impatient, inarticulate halfwits; the risible sense of entitlement brats; the ignorant and flat out brainless sunday-league-manager-wannabes in the stands.........they're all ****ing selfish. They haven't just made WHL a miserable place for the players. They've made it a miserable place for me and for every other fan who wants to create a positive atmosphere regardless - because we understand that we are singing for the shirt and not just for the players, and because we understand that the joy and thrill of attending live games should be about so much more than merely what happens on the pitch. We pay the "horrendously expensive prices" too, you know. And we're getting a compromised "product" because of ****er fans.

By all means, assume what you wish about me or my experience dealing with fans, I'm not going to correct or affirm your assumptions. I'll just repeat this and hope that you assume that I speak with some authority on this matter: you are making no goddamned difference flinging **** at the dissatisfied sections of the fanbase and considering yourself superior to them. Your belief that the matchday experience is about more than the team and the game itself is just that, a belief that is now competing with the increasing belief among the rest of the fanbase that the club treating them like 'customers' and the owners taking their money without equivalent investments of their own justifies them treating the matchday experience they pay for as a product offered to them, and judging its value likewise.

This is not a WHL-specific phenomenon: it is endemic to modern football, present across continents, with fans everywhere experiencing this same clash of beliefs within their fanbase. Some clubs have seen this and tried to make the matchday experience as fan-friendly and community-affirming as possible, via low ticket prices (relative to the rest), standing sections, grouping supporter groups together to create a reverberating cascade of support, etcetera. Some other clubs have pacified the fans by using their owners' capital to build successful sides and thus demonstrate commitment to the 'shirt' from their side of things, which precipitates a similar reaction from the fans who see that their investment into the club is being matched by the owners and the club itself.

Our club allowed the drum back into the Lane. And blares music seconds after the whistle goes to hide discontent. That's it.

Do NOT expect this fan malaise to go away so meekly. It will not disappear because Ade criticises the fans while absolving his own team-mates of responsibility for their craven actions on the field. It will not disappear because the stewards hurriedly confiscate a few 'Levy out!' banners the second they're raised. It will not disappear because the club uses tinned post-match music to drown out having to listen to the unhappy sections of the fanbase. And it will not disappear because self-righteous fans demand that it vanishes.

The angry fans are not the problem: they are one side-effect of the malaise that permeates the club and symbolizes an awful lot of what's wrong with modern football. You can choose to yell at them instead, but it will make no difference: nothing will, until we as fans collectively settle our differences with both each other and the club.

And Ade cravenly and dishonestly blaming the fans for the team's own lack of pride in the shirt is definitely not the way to start that process. Neither, I would suggest, are snide insinuations that are frankly both stupidly, embarassingly obvious and far beneath a person of your eloquence and sagacity.
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Re: Emmanuel Adebayor

I think some people maybe need to realise what has happened in the last 3yrs

Huddlestone, Dawson, Sandro, Defoe, Holtby, Benny (to a point), and now Lennon seems to be sidelined, and by a section of our support made to feel partially unwelcome, Each of these we can justify as needing to go. However the same people now seem to be annoyed that we have a load of mercenaries who dont show the same desire.

Im not sure we would be better off with a team full of those players, however people have to be consistent in their view. We have got rid of the players that had some kind of association with the club, now everyone wants a load of players who will put a shift in...

Exactly the reason id want Lennon back in, and why swapping Dawson for Chiriches or Fazio as a backup CB was at best ill-advised.
Re: Emmanuel Adebayor

As I said in an earlier post, I'm not going to make excuses for the players. And nor should Ade.

But that doesn't mean that we should bury our heads in the ****ing sand and pretend that there isn't a very serious problem with our ****ty fans. The serial moaners and bitchers; the booers; the cynics; the ritual abusers; the eyes-bulging-out nutcases in a permanent fury; the impatient, inarticulate halfwits; the risible sense of entitlement brats; the ignorant and flat out brainless sunday-league-manager-wannabes in the stands.........they're all ****ing selfish. They haven't just made WHL a miserable place for the players. They've made it a miserable place for me and for every other fan who wants to create a positive atmosphere regardless - because we understand that we are singing for the shirt and not just for the players, and because we understand that the joy and thrill of attending live games should be about so much more than merely what happens on the pitch. We pay the "horrendously expensive prices" too, you know. And we're getting a compromised "product" because of ****er fans.


The negativity around the club is poison. It is not just in the stadium (although that has been really bad for ages and must be counter productive), we see it everyday on here, on radio phone ins, on Twitter and in the comments on websites. I seriously think that a fair chunk of our fans want us to lose so that they can have a moan.
Re: Emmanuel Adebayor


Now this is really helpful and certainly don't make us look like a joke club.
Re: Emmanuel Adebayor

By all means, assume what you wish about me or my experience dealing with fans, I'm not going to correct or affirm your assumptions. I'll just repeat this and hope that you assume that I speak with some authority on this matter

My guess (the word I used - not "assumption") was based on the fact that, according to your sig and some of your posts, you live in Canada. So unless you travel across the Atlantic to every home game, then you do not speak on the subject of the current poisonous atmosphere at White Hart Lane with the same authority as those of us who do attend every home game.

you are making no goddamned difference flinging **** at the dissatisfied sections of the fanbase and considering yourself superior to them.

Once again, who said anything about making a difference? I'm merely venting about the people who are ruining my experience of attending matches just as you vented about Ade. And it's got nothing to do with considering myself to be a superior fan. Why should I tolerate the selfishness of fans whose negativity poisons us all?

Do NOT expect this fan malaise to go away so meekly. It will not disappear because Ade criticises the fans while absolving his own team-mates of responsibility for their craven actions on the field. It will not disappear because the stewards hurriedly confiscate a few 'Levy out!' banners the second they're raised. It will not disappear because the club uses tinned post-match music to drown out having to listen to the unhappy sections of the fanbase. And it will not disappear because self-righteous fans demand that it vanishes.

Have I said or suggested or demanded anything of the sort?

Enough of these straw man arguments, please. You're intelligent and articulate enough not to have to invent them.

The angry fans are not the problem

They're not the problem. But they are a problem. No two ways about it.
Re: Emmanuel Adebayor

For me the key point is that our fans on Sunday were not that bad at all imho. The Park Lane did their best (I was in Paxton), but the fact is that the players were atrocious in the first half, and for all their huffing and puffing, not that better in the second half. I thought the club were absolutely wrong to put very loud rock music on the moment the game ended, to make everyone leave as soon as possible - I'm guessing it was done to drown any booing.

It alarms me that the manager blames the mentality of the players after we went one down, and has done that two weeks running. He did not take personal responsibility for selecting an unbalanced team, which gave the defence no protection. It worries me that his English appears so poor. How can he communicate with the non Spanish speaking players? But our malaise is not just down to the manager. Surely the Chairman and the Board are collectively responsible for the type of players we buy? How is it possible for Spurs not to have replaced Lennon? We were crying out for width. As the Spurs Odyssey review says, there are a whole number of factors at work, including the need to play European games. But the manager under-estimated Stoke, and we paid the price. As Finney on this MB said, without a decent DM and centre-half in the January sales, we could be in a very difficult place next year.
Re: Emmanuel Adebayor

For me the key point is that our fans on Sunday were not that bad at all imho. The Park Lane did their best (I was in Paxton), but the fact is that the players were atrocious in the first half, and for all their huffing and puffing, not that better in the second half. I thought the club were absolutely wrong to put very loud rock music on the moment the game ended, to make everyone leave as soon as possible - I'm guessing it was done to drown any booing.

Kaboul was getting booed by sections of the fans after 20 minutes yesterday. That is ****ing embarrassing and how is it meant to help the team?