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Emirates Marketing Project

It's funny when it's not us. Been winding up city fans about the esl announcement. Is it a coincidence that the charges and esl were announced the same week? You'll be expelled from the prem and therefore can't get in the esl.

Love it.
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Gets the trophy without inevitably tripping on the podium as he went to get his medal. Double win.

It's funny how personally I still take people slagging off Sissoko, it's easier to consider him a joke than acknowledge he was one of our best and most consistent performers for a while, it's all relative / opinions but I guess I must have imagined it..The guy is a testament to hard work and maxising potential, better than the supposed "fans" who thrive on slagging him off rather than transcend their cognitive bias (nothing personal against you Mikey, I can't remember enough of your posts in general to feud but just on this one I'm througoughly in disagreement with)
It's funny when it's not us. Been einding up city fans about the esl announcement. Is it a coincidence that the charges and esl were announced the same week? You'll be expelled from the prem and therefore can't get in the esl.

Love it.

Who wants to be in the ESL anyways? And City being expelled is as likely as Chelsea's spending being halted, it won't happen.
It's funny how personally I still take people slagging off Sissoko, it's easier to consider him a joke than acknowledge he was one of our best and most consistent performers for a while, it's all relative / opinions but I guess I must have imagined it..The guy is a testament to hard work and maxising potential, better than the supposed "fans" who thrive on slagging him off rather than transcend their cognitive bias (nothing personal against you Mikey, I can't remember enough of your posts in general to feud but just on this one I'm througoughly in disagreement with)

Fair enough. Cheap shot really by me - although I never rated him.
Fair enough. Cheap shot really by me - although I never rated him.

Fair play mate I've no war with you! I still wear a hoodie with his picture all malcolm X style with "GOAT"written underneath, I'm probably not an unbiased source but I've got a lot of love for the player. Huge fan, and that'd be whether I was a Spurs fan or not.

Edit - And I accept the GOAT tag is a bit of a tinkletake so it's swings and roundabouts!
Probably true. Allegedly he was the one behind blocking the saudi takeover of Saudi Sportswashing Machine, before the government told the prem to back down. He wants the league to be playing on a level playing field, for obvious reasons.

And TBF he is right, football makes people crazy but if you related it to your own lives you would or should make sure your bills are paid before you start buying the luxuries, but with football there is a block on logic and morals, as a fan of the game I constantly question myself and what I would be prepared to overlook or not for success.
And TBF he is right, football makes people crazy but if you related it to your own lives you would or should make sure your bills are paid before you start buying the luxuries, but with football there is a block on logic and morals, as a fan of the game I constantly question myself and what I would be prepared to overlook or not for success.

It's gambling. Everyone wants to win. Some are more careful than others. Some go all in. Some will just cut their loses and run if they lose. Some will be more strategic, each bet considered and understand what failure looks like and will only bet if they think it's worth it. Some will hit it lucky. Some will know when to push it. Some will lose the lot.
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It's gambling. Everyone wants to win. Some are more careful than others. Some go all in. Some will just cut their loses and run if they lose. Some will be more strategic, each bet considered and understand what failure looks like and will only bet if they think it's worth it. Some will hit it lucky. Some will know when to push it. Some will lose the lot.

Just read some of Pep's PC and despite previously stating he would leave if they were any guilty if wrong doing he now says he is staying even if they get relegated.