Jurgen the German
Steve Sedgley
This will probably just be some rambling of random words, but I feel I just got to get this of my chest.
I've been struggling with depression for probably the last 3 years, but haven't really admitted it until this year. There are probably lots of reasons, and that's probably one of the things I need help with.
Last week I finally managed to seek help. I went to my doctor for help with an inflammation. As usual, my doctor that I've had for 30 years, wasn't there, so I got the appointment with a another one, who's only there for a short period. Turned out that she was a really lovely (and very attractive) person, originally from Afghanistan, and she was really easy to talk to.
So after my initial problem was dealt with, I just let go and gave her a long speech of how I felt.
She immediately booked me in for a session with my regular doctor, and said that if I was her patient, she'd start with some tests right away. She was really helpful, and took me seriously. I'd been delaying contacting my doctor for months, out of fear of not being taken seriously.
After leaving, it felt like I'd left 100kg behind. It was really good, and when I entered my car to drive away, I started crying. I couldn't stop it, and I probably sat there crying for 15-20 minutes.
The day after, I got a message that my appointment with my doctor had been cancelled, and I had to book a new appointment via their app. I immediately did, but have got no response since, and that made me feel quite down again, and I'm fearing I'm back to square one again.
Anyway, dealing with depression and mental problems is really hard. I was previously one of those that kind of thought that you just have to pull yourself together and deal with it. Well, I've learned that it's fuxking hard, and it gets worse the longer it goes. Hopefully I'll get some help, because I know myself that I am not able to sort it out on my own.
Sorry about this long rambling, but it felt good typing it out.
Hope everyone else is in good health, and wish you the best!
Well done again mate. Posted in a different thread I’ve had my own struggles earlier this year. Interested to hear how people deal with mental health in terms of work. Do you tell your employer about it? I guess it’s a judgement call. I’ve just started a new job in March, I had multiple days where I had to go to the toilet as I was feeling tearful. Is it worth sharing with my line manager? Do they need to know? Is it none of their business?