Jimmy Cantrell
Local authorities spend less than one per cent of their public health budget on mental health, and the figure is shrinking year on year, according to new data.
The charity Mind used the Freedom of Information Act to analyse figures from councils on how much they spend on preventing mental health problems.
Councils are supposed to promote both the physical and mental well-being of all their residents.
The figures showed that 13 local authorities spent nothing at all on preventing mental health problems in 2015/16. Overall, the proportion of the public health budget spent on mental health stood at 0.9 per cent, down from 1.4 per cent in 2013/14.
From next April, local authorities will have to report what they spend on mental health. At present, the data is filed under “miscellaneous” with 14 other areas of spending.
The investigation by Mind also showed that some regions do not plan to spend any money on preventing mental ill health in the forthcoming year.
The charity estimates that poor mental health costs at least £105 billion a year.