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Daniel Levy - Chairman

Sheikh, I don't have a blinkered view of "football is different" I do have a lot of experience with companies that bring someone in from the outside who has experience in a vastly different field, and thinks "business is business" and what works there, will obviously work here with no consideration for the unique points that every field of business has.

My objection to the citicism, is you have made two totally polar views of Levy being the best PL chairman and being just average (in general) and I don't think you can quite get away with that play.

I absolutely realize how lucky Tottenham is to be still in the running (and not like Villa or worse), and I don't see the value of destabilizing our progress by removing our manager.

I question the view of crying out for new ownership can just be interpreted as crying out for a cash injection, which kind of goes back to the point of, to be more successful than Levy has been (and not to say there isn't stuff he has done that I don't agree with), potentially you have to cheat the system (i.e. sugar daddy route of City/Cheat$ki)
Sheikh, I don't have a blinkered view of "football is different" I do have a lot of experience with companies that bring someone in from the outside who has experience in a vastly different field, and thinks "business is business" and what works there, will obviously work here with no consideration for the unique points that every field of business has.

My objection to the citicism, is you have made two totally polar views of Levy being the best PL chairman and being just average (in general) and I don't think you can quite get away with that play.

I absolutely realize how lucky Tottenham is to be still in the running (and not like Villa or worse), and I don't see the value of destabilizing our progress by removing our manager.

I question the view of crying out for new ownership can just be interpreted as crying out for a cash injection, which kind of goes back to the point of, to be more successful than Levy has been (and not to say there isn't stuff he has done that I don't agree with), potentially you have to cheat the system (i.e. sugar daddy route of City/Cheat$ki)

What "play" are you on about? :~

Your problem, and many like you, is that you only focus on football; that's your be all and end all. Personally, I've always viewed Daniel Levy as a businessman first and foremost; the fact he runs a football club is neither here nor there. I don't subscribe to this false premise that football has different rules than every other business; read the set of published accounts and you'll soon realise that the core fundamentals are very much like most other businesses.

This is actually boring me to death now. I just don't think he's as great as you, or some others, think he is. I might be right, I might be wrong - but, to be perfectly honest, I've outlined my reasons for why I hold that opinion. I honestly didn't think it would be so hard to understand, and that I'd have to waste my time having to explain what I believe to be common sense, ie: that he does a good job, but - in a wider context - he isn't that great. I've given very exacting reasons as to why I don't think he's that great too, so it's getting very boring if I'm just having to repeat myself.

D'you know what, your last paragraph is wrong too. But seriously, don't worry about it - because my interest in this thread and discussion is well and truly exhausted. Nothing personal, but if you take the time to explain - very carefully and articulately - your viewpoint, only for someone to then go and build a dull little strawman out of it, then that doesn't interest me in the slightest. If you want my opinion, all you need to do is read what I say; I don't talk in riddles or tales or some foreign language. As I said, this discussion is seriously boring me to death now and I'm not going to waste my time any further on it, so I'm going to respectfully leave it at that.
Steff, you're completely ignoring the facts of the matter here: instead of Levy proposing a piecemeal expansion which - by your reckoning - would've apparently been a financial disaster, he's proposed...errr, something we can't afford. So, how or why the hell would you want to credit him for doing that? :~ Do you see how it's just bordering on the ridiculous somewhat; you're lauding him up for not pursuing an option on the basis of finance - yet applauding him for coming up with a 'solution' which is wholly unaffordable!? :ross:

As for 'making sense' - how does coming up with proposals which the Club patently cannot afford, make any sense? That's why we are where we are; lovely stossy plans, all the planning approvals you could ever want but one small problem...we can't afford it. I find that embarrassing to be perfectly honest. So many people harp on about it not being Levy's fault and that it's because of the financial climate; okay, so why not change strategy then - because are you seriously trying to tell me that Daniel Levy didn't foresee difficulties in borrowing such vast sums of money, even in the best of times?

Listen, I'd love NDP to happen - I think we all would. But all it is, is nothing but talk; you can't praise Levy for merely coming up with plans, yet those plans are completely unaffordable. What's the point of that then; it's just tinkling money down the drain isn't it? As I said, Levy knows damn well that achieving finances to fully realise NDP is going to be an extremely difficult challenge - hence the reason why he dropped it like a stone and quickly pursued Stratford instead. This is a very recent change of tact too, so what does THAT tell you about the commitment to NDP?

The biggest and REAL "financial disaster" to the club, has been the lack of progress in addressing the inherited problem of stadium capacity. That's what has fudged us
, because we're then forced to maintain our expenditure levels relative to the revenue which we can realise through our piddly little 36k stadium. We're standing still while clubs around us are growing, and - personally - I can't see that changing any time soon, and that's what worries me. It says a LOT when the Chairman hasn't even come out with a firm statement committing himself to building this marvellous, wonderful stadium - and yet some of you want to credit him for it!? :lol:

You have your view, and you know what, enjoy it mate. 'Tis, after all, your entitlement.
I have mine.
I see a chairman who has not sold us down the river for some over-priced, half-arsed "expansion" which would not, in the end, fulfill the needs we are going to have 20 years down the line, yet who has also managed to make sure we have the playing staff to keep us in and around the top 4 for the last few seasons.

In fact, be grateful that Levy IS businessman who thinks outside the football box, otherwise we could've had Peter Ridsdale-type stewardship resulting in disastrous, emotional decisions.

He clearly, clearly recognized that at the time (2001) we needed to have a side ON the pitch who were CONSISTENTLY COMPETITIVE. now, challenge some of the managerial appts, fine, have at it. He was fudged over by Arnesen, who sold a vision (he's a good talker, I've met him, would've charmed Pol Pot into pacifism) and then saw him stolen by Chelsea. Back to square one. Yet somehow, somehow, managed to get the squad into a top 4 calibre outfit without half-arsing stadium capacity.

I just wrote a paragraph breaking down what "fudged" us, and realized this was a thread about Daniel Levy; needless to say, I deleted it because it was not, IMHO, Daniel Levy.

By the way, the credit I have given him is for keeping us in the elite pack on a 36,000 seat stadium with some incredibly shrewd sponsorship deals. As for "standing still", listen mate, we have a large amount of money for transfers for the right players, but what has fudged us is NOT being in the CL. Not sure if your definition of being bypassed by other clubs is Chelski? If it is, I would suggest that you are looking at a club who's money does not, ahem, "come from their stadium"...there is no competition with Chelski and Emirates Marketing Project in regards to finance...no new stadium will provide that. The only thing that will, is an oligarch or a Sheikh...in fact, step up son and empty yer pockets!!!! \o/

I'll tell you the moment we blew our chance to get all of this brick done first time out. 1994/95. If we'd signed Bergkamp, if we'd looked to build a stadium back then, if we'd adopted a bit of "risk" back then, then maybe we'd have consistently been up with United for the last decade. But Sugar was also a businessman first and a football chairman second, and given the less he had to clean up post-Scholar (who DID try the whole 'expansion' thing - expensive mistake for little yield) I suppose in hindsight I can respect his tight purse strings, though at the time I was spitting feathers.
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I think you'll find that I've made enough points in my posts within this thread.

Do I really have an interest in repeating myself?

Errr, let me see...how about no?

But you haven't! You've offered OPINION, which is wonderful, but nothing concrete with regards to how Daniel Levy has "fudged" the club by not miraculously expanding the East and West stands or getting the stadium built!

Here's a fact. This season, we had a squad good enough to challenge for the title, and we were going for it. We had a squad good enough to walk third. We didn't. is this the chairman's fault? Given that Harry's January targets were Tevez (pathetic post-window comment with about as much possibility of fruition as a rock bleeding) and a lot of head-scratching because guess what? He thought he was going to be the England manager so didn't actually give a fudge about long-term strategy for his employers anyway, HOW would the subsequent FAILURE to lock-up third be the chairman's fault? He could've had the biggest stadium in world football, unless the manager is committed and focussed, it won't matter!

I don't understand why there's this narrow-minded view of football all the time; clubs are businesses and they make strategic decisions just like any other business does. Within football, Levy obviously takes decisions which - relative to our peers - allow us to punch above our weight. However, on a more holistic level, I don't think he's that special as he lacks conviction and pragmatism; to sit on a core issue which is fundamentally key to your growth for 11yrs just isn't deemed successful management in a broader business sense. That's why I'm not so eager to rush over and slap him on the back for his wonderful stewardship.

Not all CEOs can deliver big huge projects - the macro level stuff; some are better at driving growth in more manageable, easily deliverable micro level stuff. I think Daniel Levy falls into the latter category, and I feel he lacks the calibre of management to really take the huge strategic decisions with the business. He's the sort of CEO who is a 'troubleshooter' - find a sick business, apply quick fixes and move onto the next. But they don't have the appetite or conviction to drive through long-term strategy. There's huge risks involved in saddling any business with a disproportionate amount of debt, and that type of direction takes a certain type of individual to be able to manage and lead through it. I just don't see that calibre of individual in Daniel Levy.

Daniel Levy lacks pragmatism?

There really should be a "save post" feature on this board so that I could save this post to a list of posts that I might need for future discussions cause I'm sure having someone claiming that Levy lacks pragmatism would come in handy the next time someone accuses him of being too cold and business like for our proud football club.

On a slightly more serious note, it seems to all boil down to the stadium issue with you. Would you agree that apart from the stadium issue he is doing a great job?

Your views on the stadium seem a bit skewed from reality. You're suggesting that the NDP stadium project isn't feasible and Levy should have just looked for a quick expansion of the current stadium instead and by saying so you're essentially saying that:

1. Daniel Levy isn't capable of calculating what kind of projects the club is capable of.

2. Daniel Levy isn't capable of calculating the relative cost and worth of a quick expansion compared to the NDP.

Now I would agree with you that if those things were true he would be less than capable as a chairman. I don't think for a second that it's true though based on what he has done at the club so far in his career. On the second of those points, not only am I convinced that he's done just that I'm convinced he's done it with quite a lot more insight and detail, and with information and resources available that is obviously not available to any of us, than you did before saying rather confidently that "he should instead have..." Why you would take your own uninformed opinion of it over his informed opinion of it I don't know, I can only assume you vastly underestimate his abilities as a business man.
Daniel Levy lacks pragmatism?

There really should be a "save post" feature on this board so that I could save this post to a list of posts that I might need for future discussions cause I'm sure having someone claiming that Levy lacks pragmatism would come in handy the next time someone accuses him of being too cold and business like for our proud football club.

On a slightly more serious note, it seems to all boil down to the stadium issue with you. Would you agree that apart from the stadium issue he is doing a great job?

Your views on the stadium seem a bit skewed from reality. You're suggesting that the NDP stadium project isn't feasible and Levy should have just looked for a quick expansion of the current stadium instead and by saying so you're essentially saying that:

1. Daniel Levy isn't capable of calculating what kind of projects the club is capable of.

2. Daniel Levy isn't capable of calculating the relative cost and worth of a quick expansion compared to the NDP.

Now I would agree with you that if those things were true he would be less than capable as a chairman. I don't think for a second that it's true though based on what he has done at the club so far in his career. On the second of those points, not only am I convinced that he's done just that I'm convinced he's done it with quite a lot more insight and detail, and with information and resources available that is obviously not available to any of us, than you did before saying rather confidently that "he should instead have..." Why you would take your own uninformed opinion of it over his informed opinion of it I don't know, I can only assume you vastly underestimate his abilities as a business man.


Yes, that caught my eye too. Barely credible that anyone could make such a statement.

Sheikh has long liked to present himself as an expert in matters to do with the boardroom and finances. But, whenever he does so, I can't help but recall the time when, in an ongoing discussion with me and Intrepid (bloke who works for Tavistock Group but hasn't posted on here for a while), Sheikh rather gave the game away by betraying the fact that he had a wholly inaccurate understanding of the simple concept of company turnover!

So your final paragraph - discussing, as it does, Sheikh's uninformed opinion against Levy's informed opinion - is especially pertinent.

The only mistake relating to the stadium that Levy has made, IMO, was to pursue the Olympic stadium bid. He badly misjudged how strongly fans would feel about it. Even so, I can understand why it might have proved tempting for him - especially since he was begged by the OPLC / Boris / other government representatives to enter Spurs into the bidding and given assurances (subsequently proved to be brazen lies) as to the requirements of the bid.

Other than that, I disagree with Sheikh in most respects. I don't believe that our stadium seriously held us back until the last couple of years. Back in 2001, we weren't in the habit of selling out every game. And some of those games that did sell out, were only just sold out. There were only five or six games a season that would have required a significantly bigger capacity.

As recently as 2005, there was no waiting list. Since then, of course, it has grown steadily and impressively. But, in the meanwhile, it has done us no harm to increase demand by restricting supply.

Sheikh favours the piecemeal approach. And I can see some sense in it. But, on balance, I think that Levy has made the right call. Better to take a holistic approach for the long term good of the club - not just in terms of the stadium but in terms of the NDP as a whole - even if it's a longer, harder road to travel.
One thing that puzzles me, why didn't he get rid of Redknapp earlier as it's clear he wanted to go in a different direction i.e. a younger manager? We've barely spent any money in the previous two seasons, and it cost us in the second half of both seasons. Not the only reason we stalled, but a big factor IMO.
Anyone who questions him is either an idiot or in need of a reality check. When he took over we were lower midtable with a squad full of mediocre old codgers. Now thanks to him we have:

- A squad full of very talented players
- We're now an established top 6 team
- We have a brand new £45m training ground
- We have a 60k seater stadium "in the works"
- We're financially sound

Unless he had unlimited money to work with then what else could he have done? If you don't like it then I suggest supporting Chelsea.
Anyone who questions him is either an idiot or in need of a reality check. When he took over we were lower midtable with a squad full of mediocre old codgers. Now thanks to him we have:

- A squad full of very talented players
- We're now an established top 6 team
- We have a brand new £45m training ground
- We have a 60k seater stadium "in the works"
- We're financially sound

Unless he had unlimited money to work with then what else could he have done? If you don't like it then I suggest supporting Chelsea.

Agree with the rest, but are you saying that we are not allowed to ever question a decision he makes?

He is one of the best chairman in the premier league, but he's made some mistakes also.
Agree with the rest, but are you saying that we are not allowed to ever question a decision he makes?

He is one of the best chairman in the premier league, but he's made some mistakes also.

You are right he has made some mistakes but so does everyone, for me he is the best chairman in the Prem.
Agree with the rest, but are you saying that we are not allowed to ever question a decision he makes?

He is one of the best chairman in the premier league, but he's made some mistakes also.

I guess I should've used a word stronger than "questions". Anyone who thinks he isn't doing a good job then, he has made mistakes but all with the best intentions in mind.
Levy is one of the best chairmen in the world. He is a genius.

Most of you that dont like him is generally because he doesnt spunk 1 billion dollars on every player with 85 million a second wages lol. We are Tottenham Hotspur, nothing fudging more or less, you look at what he has done for us since taking over and anyone with half a brain cell would see just how much he has taken our club forward. The haters are like fudging spoilt kids, always wanting more and more and never fudging happy. I would really love to say what I think of you all.
The only thing I question about him is the length of time it takes us to get transfer deals done more often than not. I know he wants to get the best deal possible for Spurs, but sometimes it can be detrimental to the squad by leaving it so late to get players in. Also, is he ever going to be willing to pay more than £20m for a player? I'm not so sure.
Levy is one of the best chairmen in the world. He is a genius.

Most of you that dont like him is generally because he doesnt spunk 1 billion dollars on every player with 85 million a second wages lol. We are Tottenham Hotspur, nothing fudging more or less, you look at what he has done for us since taking over and anyone with half a brain cell would see just how much he has taken our club forward. The haters are like fudging spoilt kids, always wanting more and more and never fudging happy. I would really love to say what I think of you all.

I was under the impression that most people on this forum and most Spurs fans in general like him. I don't know many Spurs fans who are unhappy with him on the whole.
Look at all the other clubs signing players left, right and centre, except they're not (except Chelsea and PSG). The transfer business has gotten much harder these last few years. It's completely different from the late nineties and early noughties. Everyone that hasn't got a sugardaddy are being cautious and will only sell for very high fees.