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Agreed. If this descends into the brickshow that is some other corners of the internet I’m off. I like it here because it’s civil. Even @scaramanga behaves well most of the time. :D

Hope your family are well mate.

Apologies for my part in that, not a good look, the attack on my profession for some ridiculous point score got my goat and after weeks of cheap shots I dropped my gonads.

Onwards and upwards

A report headline was 'antibodies don't last' and people would take that as 'we're all f.cked' and it needed pointing out that's not the full story, there is more to look at.

This video by professor Iwasaki was very enlightening and a nice antidote to the regular apocalyptic headlines that tabloids keep churning out every time they see a preprint published.

My mum had a biopsy on Wednesday for a lump that has been causing severe pain since early April. Gp receptionist wouldn't give her an apt because it wasn't covid, triage nurse at A&E "examined" my mum outdoors and said it possibly shingles. Get painkillers from chemist.
My dad asked for second opinion, if it's not covid you don't get into the hospital.

When she did finally get an appointment, the consultant said he had a list as long as his of such stories.

My wife tried for two days to get a gp appointment for what turned out to be appendicitis , I had to basically take her to the surgery and almost physically pull the receptionist out of their office. There was three people standing waiting for attention, one of thanked me because they were being ignored.

A similar story in my family this year.

My auntie (a retired nurse) endured abdominal pain since the spring but as Leicester has been in lockdown for most of the summer she was unable to see GP who fobbed her off with antibiotics and painkillers. It was only when pain became severe that my cousin took her to A&E where one of her former colleagues was finally able to get her a scan which discovered she has cancer and just got our fingers crossed now that it hasn’t spread too far.

Meanwhile my 86 year old uncle in New York caught COVID-19 after an outbreak in his carehome back in May but recovered within a few weeks and thankfully not suffered any lasting effects.
An alternative should be looked at. The idea we just hold our hands up and say that by treating one problem we open ourselves up to a million others is not an answer in my opinion. The medical profession is saying we need a more balanced approach regardless of lockdowns, you cant dedicate the whole of society to the fight of Covid and ignore everyone else just to claim a victory now because we will be walking into a Juggernaut in next year, for me there is no doubt about that.
That's the problem with governments making decisions for people.

They need to be re-elected in a few years, so will always concentrate on the effects that will show now and tomorrow. If the public don't care about the longer term effect of lockdown now, they won't come election time either.
Still yet to see anything approaching the idea of a plan from the anti-lockdowners. Just the same old brick that’s been posted for months whilst numbers go up.

Still not seeing a plan from the UK government which doesn't include killing people of Covid, killing those waiting for treatment from other illness and making those that live through this 10 times worse off than before it started...but alas there is no potential better plan out there because its a pandemic and its not as bad as the war....that's comforting
Test, trace, isolate... Seems to be working in south-east Asia whilst not tanking their economies... perhaps Heung-Min Son should host a seminar...

But how? You realise how they do it in South Korea? You’ve got people on here complaining they can’t get a haircut, do you think this would work in the UK?

"What we know that’s good about South Korea is that they had the previous experience of SARS and what they learned from that is population behaviours, people know how to physical distance, they know how to wear masks.

"It's basically a very good workforce in place to do contact tracing.

"Contact tracing has the manual part to it, but it's enhanced by facial recognition through CCTV, though that may not work so well through masks these days. They have apps that work reasonably well, they have technology that works better than our apps."

South Korea also traces people via credit card transactions, but Professor Blakely says "that's probably something you won't get away with in Australia".

And CCTV and mobile phone data is used to retrospectively track the movements of people who have tested positive.

The routes taken by people confirmed as infected are often published online, while an alert — similar to a bushfire or flood alert we might receive in Australia — is pushed to the phones of people who visited the same locations.


Do you think the UK could ever adopt universal mask wearing?

So, no, still nothing close to a proper plan to combat the virus.
But how? You realise how they do it in South Korea? You’ve got people on here complaining they can’t get a haircut, do you think this would work in the UK?



Do you think the UK could ever adopt universal mask wearing?

So, no, still nothing close to a proper plan to combat the virus.

Just fuc kin mandate mask wearing, enforced with fines and arrests for non compliance.

There is now apparently very fast turn around testing everything that is open should do it for staff before they are allowed to start work, especially in in care homes, schools and the like
Another example of lockdown not working. 27º in Melbourne today, off to the beach with some donuts. :)

so successful you had 2!

Still yet to see anything approaching the idea of a plan from the anti-lockdowners. Just the same old brick that’s been posted for months whilst numbers go up.

rather than repeating the same old brick that the gov predicted will kill 150k people?

there’s been plenty of ideas put forward, none of which have been adopted by the gov, so the numbers going up has nothing to do with that.

maybe if they even did the basics around care homes, that would be a start.

I don't know but it seems to be based on if we kept things exactly as they are and do nothing more. Maybe most other countries are doing more, or they are also on course for a similar worst case scenario if they don't implement additional measures.

If the government are saying they are 'following the science', then I can absolutely understand why the scientists might want to come out and say if they are actually advising differently.

More generally, I'm certainly not a fan of another lockdown - but given where we are right now, with cases increasing, hospitalisations rising and in some areas approaching capacity, with doctors saying they fear the NHS being overwhelmed, with other surgeries already having to be postponed due to those increased hospital cases - what is the alternative to a lock-down, right now? Not what the government could have done differently, or should have done differently, but given where we are now, is there an alternative, other than letting things ride, risking the NHS getting over-burdened and not being able to deal with anything else, and letting people die (not all of whom would be otherwise on death's door)?

I get worst case - but does this seem remotely realistic?

They are also refusing to release the data to show how they got that figure.

In the The Government defence, they stopped saying they have been following the science for a couple of months as it had to weigh up other things as well - which was even if the sage notes.
Of course we don't need lock downs to get the virus back under control. We can just leave all those health workers at the face of the illness indefinitely. Just so long as our lives go on as normal. And for the snow flakes complaining about their 'mental health.' I don't think watching as tens of body bags pile up every day and there being nothing you can do about it is very healthy for health workers state of mind either!