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Huh? I don't think you're making any sense here. Can't understand your posts.

Show me the numbers of people being denied medical attention? Lockdown is being taken (I agree way too late) to try and keep hospital's free to allow others access.

I don't think you know what you're arguing for anymore. Go enjoy your free time and your bricky jackets.

Your more willing to kill off people who are not getting treatment for progressive illness as long as you dont have to see it. Thats a lovely way to look at life.

The original lockdown was meant to free up the NHS for other treatment, it did not happen so your theory is wrong there. All major hospitals are complaining that major surgeries have been at a standstill since march, that includes being in lockdown and coming out of it, so how did the original lockdown save the NHS for others that needed it? It as a fact did not, it freed it up again for Covid capacity. So you are talking out your arse

I know exactly what I am arguing for, you are just happy to see the country throw every resource it has at Covid be it anything from jobs, welfare or other lives.

You are abit of a macaron TBH, the fact you get personal shows that really.
Your more willing to kill off people who are not getting treatment for progressive illness as long as you dont have to see it. Thats a lovely way to look at life.

The original lockdown was meant to free up the NHS for other treatment, it did not happen so your theory is wrong there.

I know exactly what I am arguing for, you are just happy to see the country throw every resource it has at Covid be it anything from jobs, welfare or other lives.

You are abit of a macaron TBH, the fact you get personal shows that really.

Lockdown is about minimising the resource required to handle Covid. How hard is that to grasp, you utter fudging plank. No wonder you've steered your company into going bust.

Show me where I've ever said I was willing to kill people off? How dare you accuse me of that, you utter coward.
Huh? I don't think you're making any sense here. Can't understand your posts.

Show me the numbers of people being denied medical attention? Lockdown is being taken (I agree way too late) to try and keep hospital's free to allow others access.

I don't think you know what you're arguing for anymore. Go enjoy your free time and your bricky jackets.

My mum had a biopsy on Wednesday for a lump that has been causing severe pain since early April. Gp receptionist wouldn't give her an apt because it wasn't covid, triage nurse at A&E "examined" my mum outdoors and said it possibly shingles. Get painkillers from chemist.
My dad asked for second opinion, if it's not covid you don't get into the hospital.

When she did finally get an appointment, the consultant said he had a list as long as his of such stories.

My wife tried for two days to get a gp appointment for what turned out to be appendicitis , I had to basically take her to the surgery and almost physically pull the receptionist out of their office. There was three people standing waiting for attention, one of thanked me because they were being ignored.
Lockdown is about minimising the resource required to handle Covid. How hard is that to grasp, you utter fudging plank. No wonder you've steered your company into going bust.

Show me where I've ever said I was willing to kill people off? How dare you accuse me of that, you utter coward.

To handle Covid exclusively

The original lockdown was argued to free up services for others that needed the NHS, the rise in wait times and cancer patients being pushed back during and after lockdown proved that was not the case. You think after a month lockdown the NHS is going to all of a sudden spring into action and start chipping away at the 2.5m 18 week wait list that now exists when after a three month lockdown it continued to rise steeply....do me a favor

And firstly it was not my company you fudging dingdong head and secondly it is a travel marketing company which industry does not exists anymore. Rather that than a drain on life and society that you seem to be.
There is not yet sufficient data to conclude either way regarding the length of immunity.
I think that's the same reason @scaramanga was pointing out the multiple elements of the immune system make up in the first place.

A report headline was 'antibodies don't last' and people would take that as 'we're all f.cked' and it needed pointing out that's not the full story, there is more to look at.

@SteveAWOL is always posting good links to info
Huh? I don't think you're making any sense here. Can't understand your posts.

Show me the numbers of people being denied medical attention? Lockdown is being taken (I agree way too late) to try and keep hospital's free to allow others access.

I don't think you know what you're arguing for anymore. Go enjoy your free time and your bricky jackets.

As part of an investigation, the Sunday Times says the tool was used to create a 'score' for patients based on their age, frailty, and illness. Under the original system, over 80s were automatically excluded from intensive care treatment due to their age. Even those in the over 60s who were considered frail and with pre-existing health conditions could have been over the intensive care threshold.

from cancer research UK


It’s been felt in all areas of cancer care – from screening and diagnosis through to cancer treatment, as we’ve blogged about before. And new figures have revealed the sheer scale of this disruption – estimating that over 2 million people in the UK are waiting for screening, tests and treatments since lockdown began 10 weeks ago.

That was difficult you angry little panda
As part of an investigation, the Sunday Times says the tool was used to create a 'score' for patients based on their age, frailty, and illness. Under the original system, over 80s were automatically excluded from intensive care treatment due to their age. Even those in the over 60s who were considered frail and with pre-existing health conditions could have been over the intensive care threshold.

from cancer research UK


It’s been felt in all areas of cancer care – from screening and diagnosis through to cancer treatment, as we’ve blogged about before. And new figures have revealed the sheer scale of this disruption – estimating that over 2 million people in the UK are waiting for screening, tests and treatments since lockdown began 10 weeks ago.

That was difficult you angry little panda

So you believe these figures without question and trust them to be without bias? Pick and choose much...
Yes, but Australasian culture is completely different. They have a Confucian stoicism and an inscrutable obedience to authority, so there’s no way that their policies could be applied to the freedom-loving British.

If we had ground flights from the start the is no way we would not have been called racist.
So you believe these figures without question and trust them to be without bias? Pick and choose much...

LOL The irony of this post is incredible.

The Cancer trust is actual facts and not based on ifs/buts/maybes

But if you want them from the same source you are believing without question - The Gov has predicted roughly 150k deaths from impact of lockdown.

Some Professor Sikora on CNN saying that they this back log means we are now and will be treating people who have moved from one stage to the next or even two stages up, and therefore the treatment will be more complex and the outlook will be much poorer for people.

Breast Cancer UK saying that 8500 women in the UK are walking around like ticking time bombs because they are not getting treatement and thats an under estimate on the problem as that figure does not include those undetected.

Seems fair as long as we just keep concentrating every resource on Covid, despite the promises that lockdowns will clear a path and a plan for them. which Cancer Research UK was promised but has not materalised. I suppose the idea is, they can die as long as they dont die today

Seems a good plan really to chuck every living resource at Covid, to hell with the longer term longer lasting damage
Yup, hopefully this T-Cell study which is currently being rolled out will provide the virologists with more answers...

Such as why in London, even 6 weeks after case numbers started rocketing, there’s (thankfully) yet to be a corresponding increase in hospitalisations or deaths like we saw back in April...

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Either even more people were getting it per day (ie extrapolated figures) back in March, so the total figures then we're more, so if a set percentage would end up in hospital it was from a bigger figure than we realised OR the demographic is younger and first time round a lot of older people got it as there was zero precautions in place at that time?
Lockdown is about minimising the resource required to handle Covid. How hard is that to grasp, you utter fudging plank. No wonder you've steered your company into going bust.

Show me where I've ever said I was willing to kill people off? How dare you accuse me of that, you utter coward.

I believe he works in hospitality so unfair to say his business going bust was his fault. More likely it is the lockdown that did for his business.
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The best thing about this thread is that the same group of people have had the same debate every day for months now. I mean I've been part of it but it's classic GG.

Doesn't help when you have two main protagonists setting the tone, spamming the same brick over and over. I occasionally get involved, hold my hands up, but I'm not going to bother reading it any longer.
My mum had a biopsy on Wednesday for a lump that has been causing severe pain since early April. Gp receptionist wouldn't give her an apt because it wasn't covid, triage nurse at A&E "examined" my mum outdoors and said it possibly shingles. Get painkillers from chemist.
My dad asked for second opinion, if it's not covid you don't get into the hospital.

When she did finally get an appointment, the consultant said he had a list as long as his of such stories.

My wife tried for two days to get a gp appointment for what turned out to be appendicitis , I had to basically take her to the surgery and almost physically pull the receptionist out of their office. There was three people standing waiting for attention, one of thanked me because they were being ignored.

Doesn’t sound too different to my usual experiences with the NHS over the last decade. It’s what happens when you chronically underfund a public service for a prolonged period of time.

My 78 year old mother had a chest infection last December. She spent 36 hours on a trolley in a corridor awaiting a bed.
Doesn't help when you have people that dont agree with me. I occasionally get involved, hold my hands up, but I'm not going to bother reading it any longer because I cant spend a day without losing my brick and getting personal.

Here corrected that for you
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