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Who cares, apart from the porn, cute panda videas and vintage spurs videos it's mainly sad gits fighting over brick ad infitum until someone throws a strop and calls everyone else nazis.

That seems to have summed it up.

Although you have inadvertently missed out 'gammon' ?
Scandinavian nations have the highest rates of high net worth individuals and billionaires per head. They also have high social mobility. Not bad for nations of high tax, unionised workforces and a strong welfare state.

It should be no surprise though should it? Nations that give everyone a chance to educate and show their brilliance, rather than nations that maintain an elite, have the highest rates of rich people. The cost of studying at degree level in the US keeps higher education relatively elite there.

(Unions also increase the need for automation and innovation in scandi countries as minimum wages are kept high, but the welfare state also ensures unions are not unreasonable, because workers always have a secure fallback with no job).
Nice cherry picking.

How many high net worth individuals are there in Cuba, Vietnam, Bangladesh, Venezuela, etc?
Social distancing may or may not work, it is certainly not a 400% means of preventing virus transmission especially if you transfer the virus to surfaces. But do you know what works best? Not having the virus in your area at all. By your reasoning the whole infected population of wuhan could have arrived in the UK in January as long as they could maintain social distancing. To be fair considering the way this government has run its pandemic response that has probably already happened.
If social distancing works and all those people did so then it wouldn't have spread anyway.

Like I said, it either works and it doesn't matter where he does it or it doesn't work, and it doesn't matter if he does it.

Haven’t the foggiest but if he takes the same cavalier approach to car maintenance as he does to public health, it’s probably quite high.
It's low and I'm sure you know it is really.

I have an in-law who works on recovery vehicles and they've been carrying on (in reduced numbers) with pretty much no risk at all. The occupant stays away from the car whilst they work on it and then they step away and the occupant returns to the car. Only problem they've had is that all the cash tips have dried up.

I don’t know his personal circumstances but with the resources he paid for his expensive car, could he not have paid for a live in nanny? Allowed by the regulations btw. Would have been a lot less risky than giving to elderly parents and could potentially set his house up to isolate from them.
I'm sure he could, but not quickly.

Choosing a person to live in your house and shape the future of your children is a fairly major recruitment decision. I'd put more work into that than I would in recruiting a GM for one of our factories. It's probably also not an easy role to fill on a temp basis.

I will say it again he is one of the architects of the legislation and policy. He talks to the scientists, he knows why the lockdown was bought in. Yet he believed he was above following the rules he set.
Having been at most of the discussions he would likely have a decent grasp of what all of the actual risks are. He seems to have landed on my "who gives a fudge" side of the fence.
Social distancing may or may not work, it is certainly not a 400% means of preventing virus transmission especially if you transfer the virus to surfaces. But do you know what works best? Not having the virus in your area at all. By your reasoning the whole infected population of wuhan could have arrived in the UK in January as long as they could maintain social distancing. To be fair considering the way this government has run its pandemic response that has probably already happened.

Haven’t the foggiest but if he takes the same cavalier approach to car maintenance as he does to public health, it’s probably quite high.

I don’t know his personal circumstances but with the resources he paid for his expensive car, could he not have paid for a live in nanny? Allowed by the regulations btw. Would have been a lot less risky than giving to elderly parents and could potentially set his house up to isolate from them.

I will say it again he is one of the architects of the legislation and policy. He talks to the scientists, he knows why the lockdown was bought in. Yet he believed he was above following the rules he set.

Not getting into a Cummings debate today as it’s a new day but let’s talk CoronaVirus

The Virus only transmits on shared surfaces, so unless people are in same environment there is no chance of spread as I understood it.

The infection rate by hiring a nanny based on the known ratio (14,000 infections on 10 transmissions) means that scenario is more dangerous than travelling 250 miles isolated.

Distance travelled isn’t a variable in the virus unless you are mingling with others
Not getting into a Cummings debate today as it’s a new day but let’s talk CoronaVirus

The Virus only transmits on shared surfaces, so unless people are in same environment there is no chance of spread as I understood it.

The infection rate by hiring a nanny based on the known ratio (14,000 infections on 10 transmissions) means that scenario is more dangerous than travelling 250 miles isolated.

Distance travelled isn’t a variable in the virus unless you are mingling with others
If you work on Risk factors hiring a young nanny is a lot less risky from a Covid transmission point of view than giving it to elderly parents. Ideally you look after the child yourself, but if you are really incapacitated which Cummings was not, the contingency should be a child care provider and social distancing in the house ( using the government's own guidance) and not moving the virus to a new place and giving a potentially infected child to the highest risk group.
Nice cherry picking.

How many high net worth individuals are there in Cuba, Vietnam, Bangladesh, Venezuela, etc?

That’s the best you could do? Communist and poorer nations in particular tend to have strong elites and a type of class system - the haves and have nots. They are not fair societies that give people opportunities and stay poor because of it. Thank you for backing up my point [emoji295]️

Sitting on my porcelain throne using glory-glory.co.uk mobile app
The Brexit comparisons are real, this is the same reaction as remain, didn’t get their way, brat act, like the protests and those showing hypocrisy and attacking Cummings home.

Press hijacking the CV update presser pushing same questions Cummings Answered like spoilt kids. Including the Guardian who Boris just called out for publishing a fake story and asking for his sacking, Boris had her on toast.

I couldn’t really care less. It shows three members of the team wIth insider info are not scared about catching it or the risk of passing it on.

But the Brexit thing isn’t entirely true

The Times/Mail/Brexiteers want him gone
If social distancing works and all those people did so then it wouldn't have spread anyway.

Like I said, it either works and it doesn't matter where he does it or it doesn't work, and it doesn't matter if he does it.

At the risk of going over old ground, social distancing is never 100%, because, among other things Muppets, like Cummings, will not adhere to it. It is always preferable to stop the virus coming into new areas. Had we locked down properly at the beginning when cases first arose we may have exerted a greater amount of control over the outbreak like Germany, like South Korea. We have done it before with Typhoid, shigella and E.coli 0157.

It's low and I'm sure you know it is really.

I have an in-law who works on recovery vehicles and they've been carrying on (in reduced numbers) with pretty much no risk at all. The occupant stays away from the car whilst they work on it and then they step away and the occupant returns to the car. Only problem they've had is that all the cash tips have dried up.

It's low if the occupants are not infected, but the afflicted person(s) will be breathing coronavirus all over the inside of the car. You now effectively have a Covid box. In addition if Cummings can do it other people will make the same decision and bingo the risk is now greater because more afflicted people are travelling. It is the reason the lockdown was put in place.

I'm sure he could, but not quickly.

Choosing a person to live in your house and shape the future of your children is a fairly major recruitment decision. I'd put more work into that than I would in recruiting a GM for one of our factories. It's probably also not an easy role to fill on a temp basis.

It's an emergency nanny to cover the Covid arrangements. You are not choosing a life partner for your child. Didnt the deputy CMO suggest LA help would be available if you were not able to look after your children? I mean this would have to be a very extreme situation. Cummings said he didn't look into local child care arrangements. A temporary nanny is better than killing your parents by transmitting the virus to them.

Having been at most of the discussions he would likely have a decent grasp of what all of the actual risks are. He seems to have landed on my "who gives a fudge" side of the fence.

Yes his decision, alongside Boris, was to implement the lockdown which he then broke. Astonishing really.
If you work on Risk factors hiring a young nanny is a lot less risky from a Covid transmission point of view than giving it to elderly parents. Ideally you look after the child yourself, but if you are really incapacitated which Cummings was not, the contingency should be a child care provider and social distancing in the house ( using the government's own guidance) and not moving the virus to a new place and giving a potentially infected child to the highest risk group.

I have a second home for example on the Plymouth coast, if I travel to Plymouth I’m not going to spread the virus unless I leave my car, meet someone or invite someone into my home.

If I went to see my parents and stayed in their outhouse and didn’t come into contact with them or any surfaces they come into contact with then it’s just as dangerous living next to my elderly neighbours here in Croydon.

I think distance Is relative to the disease, I could spread it easier in Tesco round the corner than travelling 250 miles as it’s not transmitted in the air in the conventional virus spread
First Tory resignation over Mr Cummings, and a Ministerial one at that.

You have to hand it to Boris; he’s achieved in five months a level of in-fighting, and a sense of part dislocation, that it normally takes a government years to achieve. Remarkable really.
First Tory resignation over Mr Cummings, and a Ministerial one at that.

You have to hand it to Boris; he’s achieved in five months a level of in-fighting, and a sense of part dislocation, that it normally takes a government years to achieve. Remarkable really.

Not really. It has been a part of every party/government since the Thatcher era. It is just more public these days.
It would be unrealistic for Cummings to resign or be sacked.

He is 50% running the nation with Boris! He gives his conferences in No. 10s garden; and is the second most powerful individual in government.

It would be like sacking half of the prime minister.

Should an unelected civil servant wield such power and control? That’s a different question.

Sitting on my porcelain throne using glory-glory.co.uk mobile app
I have a second home for example on the Plymouth coast, if I travel to Plymouth I’m not going to spread the virus unless I leave my car, meet someone or invite someone into my home.

If I went to see my parents and stayed in their outhouse and didn’t come into contact with them or any surfaces they come into contact with then it’s just as dangerous living next to my elderly neighbours here in Croydon.

I think distance Is relative to the disease, I could spread it easier in Tesco round the corner than travelling 250 miles as it’s not transmitted in the air in the conventional virus spread

One of the particular reasons we were told not to travel at the time was to avoid putting unnecessary pressure on the NHS in different (particularly more rural) parts of the country - which is exactly what happened in this case, when the Cummings’ son had to attend A&E.

And, given that the Cummings had travelled from a Coronavirus hot-spot into an area which had very low Covid numbers at the time, surely the visit of two people who believed themselves to be positive with the virus to a hospital (hotbeds of infection throughout this crisis) in such an area was exactly the sort of thing the rules were brought in to avoid?

It’s like almost every aspect of the story. It doesn’t stand up to any sort of scrutiny; and only makes sense to those who desperately want it to.
If you work on Risk factors hiring a young nanny is a lot less risky from a Covid transmission point of view than giving it to elderly parents. Ideally you look after the child yourself, but if you are really incapacitated which Cummings was not, the contingency should be a child care provider and social distancing in the house ( using the government's own guidance) and not moving the virus to a new place and giving a potentially infected child to the highest risk group.

Cummings specifically said he didn’t go near his parents, and that his nieces were going to provide emergency childcare if necessary. Why do you think he’s lying about that, and why do you think he’d be motivated and willing to risk infecting his parents?
One of the particular reasons we were told not to travel at the time was to avoid putting unnecessary pressure on the NHS in different (particularly more rural) parts of the country - which is exactly what happened in this case, when the Cummings’ son had to attend A&E.

And, given that the Cummings had travelled from a Coronavirus hot-spot into an area which had very low Covid numbers at the time, surely the visit of two people who believed themselves to be positive with the virus to a hospital (hotbeds of infection throughout this crisis) in such an area was exactly the sort of thing the rules were bought in to avoid?

It’s like almost every aspect of the story. It doesn’t stand up to any sort of scrutiny; and only makes sense to those who desperately want it to.

What do you his true reasons are for travelling to Durham, if you don’t believe his account?
First Tory resignation over Mr Cummings, and a Ministerial one at that.

You have to hand it to Boris; he’s achieved in five months a level of in-fighting, and a sense of part dislocation, that it normally takes a government years to achieve. Remarkable really.
With Brexit and a pandemic to deal with....who'd a thought it.

Thought a group hug and a cuddle might have been more in order.