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I can see some slight plausibility in the childcare situation but as I mentioned, the eyesight thing is a joke. The guy is meant to be intelligent, it's a prince Phillip style escapade to suggest driving to a castle to test if your eyesight is working.

With that in mind I see it as blatantly disregarding the rules so it's similar a sense of the fact that I chose to adhere and this guy didn't. Simple as that for me. This is the watered down, quashed as much as possible version as well. But wait Laura Kunnesberg said a source said it was okay right?!? Nevermind let's all back down then.

Apologies for the loss BTW missed that from the original.
Apologies for the loss BTW missed that from the original.

Thanks I appreciate it. I don't want to use it as a political tool or anything in this debate, it's just something I'll never be able to change that honestly will cause resentment in view of others not following the rules, don't want to sound partizan because of my political leanings.
I’ve done it myself at least twice a day under the various caveats.

The other day I went to Tesco because I fancied Fruitella, that’s non essential. I am awaiting the sack
I took the wife's car out for a spin because I couldn't be bothered to move it into the garage and put it on a trickle charge.

I'll be submitting my resignation to the shareholders tomorrow.
What about his trip to the eye test castle?

Its highly questionable but I don’t have a blow by blow of Cummings professional credibility to otherwise give him the benefit of the doubt.

There was a highly regarded police commissioner who said the same, you can’t convict based on your own prejudice of the person being accused, the law doesn’t work like that.
I'm not sure if I'm outraged by this post or not. Could someone please let me know if I should be outraged?!?!?!!?!?

If you are outraged I will be outraged. And I will shout as loud as possible about you shouting too loudly about things I am outraged that you are outraged about.

Unless you're lying. That's cool.
Thanks I appreciate it. I don't want to use it as a political tool or anything in this debate, it's just something I'll never be able to change that honestly will cause resentment in view of others not following the rules, don't want to sound partizan because of my political leanings.

Yeh I understand that I feel the same as I feel my professional life has been taken by a government that didn’t have the balls to do things differently But alas not much I can do.

Anyway enough is enough the situations done and we move on, or from my perspective we do.

I have more to worry about personally to really push or not for someone to be sacked or not and this feels the best time to move on to the next battle :).

Good health squire
The left and now twitter need someone to hate, always have. I need someonevto hate we all do it is a normal human emotion. I hate the EU.
It's an age old story.

No underachiever wants to believe they are in full control of their destiny. So everyone blames the Gods, destiny, the rich, the successful, the Jews, etc until they feel that they've done the best they could against what they perceive to be a loaded deck.
Explain to me how driving (60 mile round trip) to a well known beauty spot during a strict lockdown is acting in the interests of your child? Particularly if you put them in the car while you were worried about your eyesight; surely that’s the opposite of looking after the interests of your child?

Some might also argue that locking a child in a car for 5 hours with at least one potentially Covid infected person is one of the worst things you could for them.

Last I read (a couple of weeks back) only 2 children under the age of 19 had died of CV. So not that much of a risk.
Even if we take as gospel that he drove up to Durham for the benefit of his child. Ok fair play family first.

The trip to the castle to check his eyesight... fudge off.

Anyone trying to defend that' needs to take a good hard look at themselves. Or admit they are doing so because they are politically aligned with him... Brexit right wing etc etc.
Or maybe we just don't care because fudge it - no damage done or likely to be.
It's an age old story.

No underachiever wants to believe they are in full control of their destiny. So everyone blames the Gods, destiny, the rich, the successful, the Jews, etc until they feel that they've done the best they could against what they perceive to be a loaded deck.

The better the education, the better one is placed for the more important roles.

I agree education + life experience where you learn even more, is vital. So there is a loaded deck with those privately educated having a leg up?
The ‘eye test’ thing is already starting to tinkle me off. He didn’t say the purpose of that journey was to check his eyesight, he said it was to check how comfortable he felt driving when he was at the tail end of recovery from his symptoms, which had included vision issues - before attempting the 270 mile journey back to London.

I’m not necessarily saying I believe his story is true, or if it was that his behaviour was justified - I’m just saying that the media are using misleading headlines, and people are gleefully lapping it up.

(Speaking as left-leaning remainer who dislikes Dominic Cummings).
The ‘eye test’ thing is already starting to tinkle me off. He didn’t say the purpose of that journey was to check his eyesight, he said it was to check how comfortable he felt driving when he was at the tail end of recovery from his symptoms, which had included vision issues - before attempting the 270 mile journey back to London.

I’m not necessarily saying I believe his story is true, or if it was that his behaviour was justified - I’m just saying that the media are using misleading headlines, and people are gleefully lapping it up.

(Speaking as left-leaning remainer who dislikes Dominic Cummings).
It’s now the story for the press as everything else they can’t prove
The ‘eye test’ thing is already starting to tinkle me off. He didn’t say the purpose of that journey was to check his eyesight, he said it was to check how comfortable he felt driving when he was at the tail end of recovery from his symptoms, which had included vision issues - before attempting the 270 mile journey back to London.

I’m not necessarily saying I believe his story is true, or if it was that his behaviour was justified - I’m just saying that the media are using misleading headlines, and people are gleefully lapping it up.

(Speaking as left-leaning remainer who dislikes Dominic Cummings).

He tested if he had a possible issues with his eyesight which would make driving dangerous... with his wife and kid in the car?

Yeah right.