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He tested if he had a possible issues with his eyesight which would make driving dangerous... with his wife and kid in the car?

Yeah right.

I agree it was weird to take them with him - shame no one asked him about that at the press conference.
I agree it was weird to take them with him - shame no one asked him about that at the press conference.

He would say that it was in case he didn't feel well, his wife could then take the wheel and drive back.
Although she herself had been severely ill.
That's how the class system works.

It's pointless.

Better now.

This actually isn't the case for most people.

That requires a level of intelligence the majority of the country doesn't possess.

Which nations have the highest occurrence of high net worth individuals or billionaires? Is it nations that have patronage and a class system, or social democracies that give everyone access to free education including higher education?
The ‘eye test’ thing is already starting to tinkle me off. He didn’t say the purpose of that journey was to check his eyesight, he said it was to check how comfortable he felt driving when he was at the tail end of recovery from his symptoms, which had included vision issues - before attempting the 270 mile journey back to London.

I’m not necessarily saying I believe his story is true, or if it was that his behaviour was justified - I’m just saying that the media are using misleading headlines, and people are gleefully lapping it up.

(Speaking as left-leaning remainer who dislikes Dominic Cummings).

Your wasting you time mate, some just want to scream and scream their outrage.

He would say that it was in case he didn't feel well, his wife could then take the wheel and drive back.
Although she herself had been severely ill.

I assumed she couldn’t drive, otherwise that derails his entire argument! As her symptoms had improved before his had, so presumably she was much better placed to drive on the way back.
But totally worth defending him repeatedly in this thread?

Yeh it was seeing as I didn’t feel he deserved the sack and he hasn’t been.

Like I said all along it’s the compassionate side in me where I don’t feel any man or woman deserves to be hounded out of their job for a mistake of the scale he made which we have debated all weekend.

I certainly wouldn’t make a move to go on twitter or email my MP baying for him to be sacked based on political bias against someone I don’t know anywhere near enough about to gauge if they are lying etc.

For me it’s a human nature thing, like I said I would give people the benefit of doubt unless they were utterly banged to rights.

It’s the same with people who have made mistakes proven who have gone on to apologise, some in political circles of all sides, I’ve never felt the need to call for a sacking of proven and remorseful, I don’t live in this world where people don’t make mistakes and I certainly don’t live in one where I feel The level of fury That others clearly do and that’s up to them, I just don’t share it.

I do feel passionately to defend someone caught on the other side like Cummings was yes because I don’t believe in a bullying state either and today and what he has been subjected to Outside his house is just that for me and I make no apologies again for feeling uneasy to have a family man like we are hounded, even if you have a cynical side I would like to think the activists outside his house are a crossed line for most of us.

You don’t share the same view as me, that’s fine, that’s your bag, I can live with that.
The guidance made allowances for those with children - I linked it last night, it's pretty clear.

The threat was and is fairly small. People have to judge risk by their own standards - I assumed everyone was doing that and pretending not to.
You keep saying that but you are talking about what the outcome was rather than the risk associated with their actions. I haven’t followed the story fully but my understanding is his wife had already contracted Covid before they embarked on the journey. So Cummings and his wife were potentially bringing the virus to a new town. How do you think the virus came to the UK in the first place and this nightmare started? By someone travelling with it from an infected area to a non infected area. If you have no treatment and no cure, your only hope is containment which was what the lockdown was about. You know the thing put in place by Cummings and Johnson themselves to contain the virus and keep the deaths down.

Looking at the journey itself, if the car broke down he potentially put any recovery personnel at risk, in the event of an accident the emergency services personnel. Then if they both fall ill, the child, who may now carry the virus, will then be passed to elderly carers.

He may or may not have acted within the law, and if he had it was only because he was interpreting it in it’s widest possible sense rather than in the spirit intended when it was drafted. But his actions were without doubt irresponsible, selfish and as the architect of the legislation and policy an absolute disgrace.
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Better now.

Which nations have the highest occurrence of high net worth individuals or billionaires? Is it nations that have patronage and a class system, or social democracies that give everyone access to free education including higher education?
Seeing as we're the only country I know if that still operates a proper class system (does India?) I don't think there's enough data to make a comparison.
You keep saying that but you are talking about what the outcome was rather than the risk associated with their actions. I haven’t followed the story fully but my understanding is his wife had already contracted Covid before they embarked on the journey. So Cummings and his wife were potentially bringing the virus to a new town. How do you think the virus came to the UK in the first place and this nightmare started? By someone travelling with it from an infected area to a non infected area. If you have no treatment and no cure, your only hope is containment which was what the lockdown was about. You know the thing put in place by Cummings and Johnson themselves to contain the virus and keep the deaths down.

Looking at the journey itself, if the car broke down he potentially put any recovery personnel at risk, in the event of an accident the emergency services personnel. Then if they both fall ill, the child, who may now carry the virus, will then be passed to elderly carers.

He may or may not have acted within the law, and if he had it was only because he was interpreting it in it’s widest possible sense rather than in the spirit intended when it was drafted. But he what he did was without doubt irresponsible, selfish and as the architect of the legislation and policy an absolute disgrace.
If social distancing works, then it doesn't matter where they distance. If it doesn't work then there's no point them staying at home anyway.

What are the risks of a car Cummings can afford breaking down? What are the risks of an accident on a nearly empty road? Both are absolutely minimal.

As for carers getting ill, if both parents were sick then someone would have had to look after the kids anyway. Far better for that to happen somewhere where the parents can be in their own building than somewhere the carers would have to live in the same house.
I assumed she couldn’t drive, otherwise that derails his entire argument! As her symptoms had improved before his had, so presumably she was much better placed to drive on the way back.
My wife would happily drive that length of journey but would never drive across the country.

Maybe his is the same.
No they are not but it's a tendency. Not my observation by the way.
That's firmly on those not wanting to better themselves.

Plenty do, often from a lot less than I started with. Intelligence and a solid work ethic are desirable qualities in anyone from any background.
That's firmly on those not wanting to better themselves.

Plenty do, often from a lot less than I started with. Intelligence and a solid work ethic are desirable qualities in anyone from any background.
These are different points entirely, but for discussion another time.
If social distancing works, then it doesn't matter where they distance. If it doesn't work then there's no point them staying at home anyway.

Social distancing may or may not work, it is certainly not a 100% means of preventing virus transmission especially if you transfer the virus to surfaces. But do you know what works best? Not having the virus in your area at all. By your reasoning the whole infected population of wuhan could have arrived in the UK in January as long as they could maintain social distancing. To be fair considering the way this government has run its pandemic response that has probably already happened.

What are the risks of a car Cummings can afford breaking down? What are the risks of an accident on a nearly empty road? Both are absolutely minimal.

Haven’t the foggiest but if he takes the same cavalier approach to car maintenance as he does to public health, it’s probably quite high.

As for carers getting ill, if both parents were sick then someone would have had to look after the kids anyway. Far better for that to happen somewhere where the parents can be in their own building than somewhere the carers would have to live in the same house.

I don’t know his personal circumstances but with the resources he paid for his expensive car, could he not have paid for a live in nanny? Allowed by the regulations btw. Would have been a lot less risky than giving to elderly parents and could potentially set his house up to isolate from them.

I will say it again he is one of the architects of the legislation and policy. He talks to the scientists, he knows why the lockdown was brought in. Yet he believed he was above following the rules he set.
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Seeing as we're the only country I know if that still operates a proper class system (does India?) I don't think there's enough data to make a comparison.

Scandinavian nations have the highest rates of high net worth individuals and billionaires per head. They also have high social mobility. Not bad for nations of high tax, unionised workforces and a strong welfare state.

It should be no surprise though should it? Nations that give everyone a chance to educate and show their brilliance, rather than nations that maintain an elite, have the highest rates of rich people. The cost of studying at degree level in the US keeps higher education relatively elite there.

(Unions also increase the need for automation and innovation in scandi countries as minimum wages are kept high, but the welfare state also ensures unions are not unreasonable, because workers always have a secure fallback with no job).