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Black Lives Matter

Yet no evidence (so far) of any trauma to the parts of his body required to breathe.

We will have to see what evidence comes to light. In the meantime I will have to agree to disagree.

Keen to get your thoughts on the activities of the police who think its ok to go around arresting CNN journalists who even made the point of saying “I will stand where you want me to stand” and were cooperating.

As I said in another post, the whole system needs a big reform. They need to evaluate the type of cops they are employing. Seems to me like they attract too many bullies and losers from high school. Not saying they are the majority, far from it, but any is too many. I have no doubt most of them are decent but it’s not just a few bad apples as the right wing in Murica would have you believe. The police in the states attracts bullies like the Catholic Church attracts perverts. I’ve seen numerous right wing commentators condemn the protests but say nothing about the actual incident itself which is the catalyst.

I fully accept it’s a difficult job but they did volunteer for it. No one is conscripted into police work. They are also meant to protect and serve the public, not just themselves.
We will have to see what evidence comes to light. In the meantime I will have to agree to disagree.

Keen to get your thoughts on the activities of the police who think its ok to go around arresting CNN journalists who even made the point of saying “I will stand where you want me to stand” and were cooperating.

As I said in another post, the whole system needs a big reform. They need to evaluate the type of cops they are employing. Seems to me like they attract too many bullies and losers from high school. Not saying they are the majority, far from it, but any is too many. I have no doubt most of them are decent but it’s not just a few bad apples as the right wing in Murica would have you believe. The police in the states attracts bullies like the Catholic Church attracts perverts. I’ve seen numerous right wing commentators condemn the protests but say nothing about the actual incident itself which is the catalyst.

I fully accept it’s a difficult job but they did volunteer for it. No one is conscripted into police work. They are also meant to protect and serve the public, not just themselves.

You can't reason with him. He's either deliberately trolling or a tragically cold, sick fudge.
I’ve seen numerous right wing commentators condemn the protests but say nothing about the actual incident itself which is the catalyst.

I must admit I haven't been keeping score, but I don't think I've seen that. I'm pretty sure everyone I've heard, right up to Trump has expressed something akin to disgust at the footage of the incident.

Which is as it should be. The two things are hardly mutually exclusive.
I must admit I haven't been keeping score, but I don't think I've seen that. I'm pretty sure everyone I've heard, right up to Trump has expressed something akin to disgust at the footage of the incident.

Which is as it should be. The two things are hardly mutually exclusive.

I’ve seen idiots like Tomi Lahren and Fox News pundits like Tucker Carlson condemn the protests and offer no opinion about the death of Floyd.

Trump gave a press conference the other day and went on a 10 minute deranged and unhinged rant about China without mentioning Floyd or taking questions. He just gave his incoherent speech and fudged off without taking any questions from the media. Not to mention he has inflamed the tensions without his tweets. Contrast to Biden (I think most people accept isn’t a world beater but merely a sane choice over Trump in this election) who gave a speech from his home and right off the bat drew attention to the fact that he had spoken to Floyd’s family. Trump didn’t do that until at least 24 hours later IIRC. Trump is just about the last man you would want as your leader during a pandemic and a race epidemic.
We will have to see what evidence comes to light. In the meantime I will have to agree to disagree.

Keen to get your thoughts on the activities of the police who think its ok to go around arresting CNN journalists who even made the point of saying “I will stand where you want me to stand” and were cooperating.

As I said in another post, the whole system needs a big reform. They need to evaluate the type of cops they are employing. Seems to me like they attract too many bullies and losers from high school. Not saying they are the majority, far from it, but any is too many. I have no doubt most of them are decent but it’s not just a few bad apples as the right wing in Murica would have you believe. The police in the states attracts bullies like the Catholic Church attracts perverts. I’ve seen numerous right wing commentators condemn the protests but say nothing about the actual incident itself which is the catalyst.

I fully accept it’s a difficult job but they did volunteer for it. No one is conscripted into police work. They are also meant to protect and serve the public, not just themselves.
I think it's absolutely wrong. The press has to remain free for there to be a properly functioning society.

As for the police - they're not well enough trained and the job attracts entirely the wrong kind of person. That's not unique to the US though - I've met plenty enough police in this country who are the same kind of person, just without the guns. We've all seen how European police react to football fans too.
I’ve seen idiots like Tomi Lahren and Fox News pundits like Tucker Carlson condemn the protests and offer no opinion about the death of Floyd.

Trump gave a press conference the other day and went on a 10 minute deranged and unhinged rant about China without mentioning Floyd or taking questions. He just gave his incoherent speech and fudged off without taking any questions from the media. Not to mention he has inflamed the tensions without his tweets. Contrast to Biden (I think most people accept isn’t a world beater but merely a sane choice over Trump in this election) who gave a speech from his home and right off the bat drew attention to the fact that he had spoken to Floyd’s family. Trump didn’t do that until at least 24 hours later IIRC. Trump is just about the last man you would want as your leader during a pandemic and a race epidemic.

I'll take your word for it - I'd never heard of either of them until a few minutes ago.

As for the rest of your post, I think you misunderstood me if you felt I was giving a general endorsement of Trump's leadership.
Agreed re cops and I’m sure most of them get into the profession and do it for the right reasons. But it happens far too often for it to dispel the rhetoric that gets trotted out by republicans “a few bad apples”. It’s much worse than that. They need reexamine what types of people get into law enforcement. It seems they attract bullies like the Catholic Church attracts paedos.

I think we are all unanimous re the looting. There will always be idiots who want to indulge in that behaviour and be opportunistic when it comes to looting.

Yeh look its not a few bad apples, in many states of the USA there is still huge levels of racism in their society which then contributes towards their policing.

What I would say though is this is not just about a racist police force, its part of a bigger issue that needs addressing.

There is a huge conundrum here with all this in my mind though, the death of this guy was a wronging and should be dealt with however the global protests in my mind distract from real action being taken and the looting and rioting plays into the hands of the police and does the Black cause no help whatsoever, neither does the antifa element of their own justice, in fact I believe it harms their cause and they lose alot of support from the people they believe should treat them better.

Also there is alot of commentary from alot of high profile black people, en masse and rightly so, but I do feel that there need to be one one voice that resonates with the people and acts a a voice of calm, I honestly believe thats the only way forward in my opinion, its why in may ways I think Obama failed, he could have been that man who was a voice of reason but he could never get it done, but now he is not the POTUS he might be that guy without the distractions. It needs someone to broker education and ensure change on both sides, someone to go deep into black communities to educate for change, inform and educate that there is an alternative to drugs and crime and guns and then on the otherside lobby the police for change, hold them to account but also report back on the progress and win confidence in the work of change as he is a person the black community trusts. Otherwise there is never going to be change, Black people will always feel marginalised and resort to crime and the police who have prejudice not only act on that but hammer home on those that commit crime with a heavier hand.
I just don't let emotion cloud my judgement.

The problem is anger and emotion is the first reaction for many but it just never gets to the route cause and you end up going in circle.

Look at the street of London now and protests? I get the solidarity but the over reactions, the riots, the looting, the misinformation, the social media lies it just does not help, hence why I suggest the one global figure the unofficial/official person for change, but someone unlike Lammy who flames the fire by claiming black on black gun crime is a racism issue or tries to unravel years and years of progress by trying to drive a wedge between the black and white communities.

What it needs is more control of emotion, yes it was wrong but ensure the right kind of justice is administered based on facts not hype and emotion.

TBF its your kind of manor that would ensure change rather than others that jump up and down and scream, thats what people need to realise. Also no one ever beat anger with anger, otherwise its just a war which American have been in for years
The problem is anger and emotion is the first reaction for many but it just never gets to the route cause and you end up going in circle.

Look at the street of London now and protests? I get the solidarity but the over reactions, the riots, the looting, the misinformation, the social media lies it just does not help, hence why I suggest the one global figure the unofficial/official person for change, but someone unlike Lammy who flames the fire by claiming black on black gun crime is a racism issue or tries to unravel years and years of progress by trying to drive a wedge between the black and white communities.

What it needs is more control of emotion, yes it was wrong but ensure the right kind of justice is administered based on facts not hype and emotion.

TBF its your kind of manor that would ensure change rather than others that jump up and down and scream, thats what people need to realise. Also no one ever beat anger with anger, otherwise its just a war which American have been in for years

I wrote something very similar on my personal social media.
That doesn't mean that wrong cannot be seen.
The reaction has to be smarter because of the era we're in.
The problem is that those running the show have no interest in doing anything but dividing and conquering.
I think questioning Floyd's actual cause of death versus agreeing the whole thing is a disgrace proportionate to the accused offense is a massive, massive problem (I know you have not said that).
I think they do. From social media, so give the sauce the (lack of) respect it deserves, but I believe police there are trained to use that as a form of restraint.

We don't know that yet. This is entirely my point. It may have, it may not have - lets not let part of a video decide that for us.

Not necessarily. Often it's manslaughter it just misadventure.

We'll know when all the evidence is available.

He apparently said a lot of things to try and not be arrested. Problem is, police hear that every day.

I have two friends in the police force. Both have told me that what happened was a disgrace (I paraphrase). There are many course of action to take in that situation. Their further anger is that they now have to deal with the fallout, as suddenly every police officer is a murderous scumbag which is obviously far from the truth.
I wrote something very similar on my personal social media.
That doesn't mean that wrong cannot be seen.
The reaction has to be smarter because of the era we're in.
The problem is that those running the show have no interest in doing anything but dividing and conquering.
I think questioning Floyd's actual cause of death versus agreeing the whole thing is a disgrace proportionate to the accused offense is a massive, massive problem (I know you have not said that).

Yeh thats it, they need to be smarter.

It also does not happen unless there is inside education to black communities, they are so almost institutionalised to accepting their fate that has to change or its a circle, and thats not all on the police, thats why I say its a huge subject.

Obama could not solve it, in cases it got worse, thats how bad it is. Its going to take a president two terms with cultural diversification as his top agenda to solve it, and thats a maybe. Trumps not that man clearly.
Agreed re cops and I’m sure most of them get into the profession and do it for the right reasons. But it happens far too often for it to dispel the rhetoric that gets trotted out by republicans “a few bad apples”. It’s much worse than that. They need reexamine what types of people get into law enforcement. It seems they attract bullies like the Catholic Church attracts paedos.

I think we are all unanimous re the looting. There will always be idiots who want to indulge in that behaviour and be opportunistic when it comes to looting.

Yes. A thorough re-examination of hiring practices.
Yeh thats it, they need to be smarter.

It also does not happen unless there is inside education to black communities, they are so almost institutionalised to accepting their fate that has to change or its a circle, and thats not all on the police, thats why I say its a huge subject.

Obama could not solve it, in cases it got worse, thats how bad it is. Its going to take a president two terms with cultural diversification as his top agenda to solve it, and thats a maybe. Trumps not that man clearly.

At the same time, the anger of the black community is understandable. Make no mistake, the agents behind Trump see this as an opportunity to sew the seeds of chaos further.
At the same time, the anger of the black community is understandable. Make no mistake, the agents behind Trump see this as an opportunity to sew the seeds of chaos further.

Yeh of course it is I’m in no way saying it’s not, I’m just offering up what I think is a solution.

The ability to solve any problem is not helped by noise and a lot of the actions by whites BTW isn’t solidarity and not helpful to their cause.

Their problem in terms of complexity is also not our problem per say so Abbott’s comments are slightly provocative too.
I wrote something very similar on my personal social media.
That doesn't mean that wrong cannot be seen.
The reaction has to be smarter because of the era we're in.
The problem is that those running the show have no interest in doing anything but dividing and conquering.
I think questioning Floyd's actual cause of death versus agreeing the whole thing is a disgrace proportionate to the accused offense is a massive, massive problem (I know you have not said that).
You think it's wrong to not form ones opinion on posting from social media? Wrong to not make up one's mind until the evidence is more complete?

Seems a strange way of going about the world.
I have two friends in the police force. Both have told me that what happened was a disgrace (I paraphrase). There are many course of action to take in that situation. Their further anger is that they now have to deal with the fallout, as suddenly every police officer is a murderous scumbag which is obviously far from the truth.
No matter what it's clearly a sackable offense.

I'm just not yet convinced (given the one-sided nature of the media representation) that it's murder and far less that it's a race related one.