Vivian Woodward
Excuse me? If that is incorrect, I will gladly put my hand up. But has he not had one brain fart after another? I have no intention of doing a post mortem, but my impression is that a lot of the goals we conceded in games in which he started were the result of some error from him. He was taken to the cleaners by Championship wingers nobody has heard of. If I was his only critic, I could see that maybe I was being unfair but other than you four, every other posters have said practically the same; indeed some have barracked him in a way that make my comments seem almost complementary.
And is there an age below which we are not allowed to criticise successive poor performances?
Go ahead mate, Stop! Hammer time and I disagree with yours. Never understood how a player who has just turned 22 can be written off by SOME fans so quickly.