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Andre Villas-Boas - Head Coach

Re: ***The Official AVB Discussion Thread***

Do you believe in gravity? How about evolution?


Another thing that will be against AVB is the up and coming fixtures between now and 5th January. 12 games in 38 days which equates to a game every 3 days over a period five and a half weeks, wow.

Surely there should be a look at having a Xmas break?
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Re: ***The Official AVB Discussion Thread***

F U C K O F F - you holier than though patronising little C U N T!

Like Steff said, you really need to lighten up.

If you feel patronised I apologise, but in my defence if you go around saying you don't believe in regression to mean you'll probably get patronised a lot!

And I won't do you the pleasure of banning you, if I banned everyone who thought I was a **** this would be a very quiet forum.
Re: ***The Official AVB Discussion Thread***

Can't be bothered to trawl back through it all but Moutinho is a great player who can spot a pass and defend. He would improve any team and there aren't many players in his mould just laying around...

Gotta feel kinda sorry for AVB that for 2 summers on the trot his #1 transfer target (Moutinho and Willain) has agreed personal terms with us only to end up not signing due to 3rd party reasons ](*,)
Re: ***The Official AVB Discussion Thread***

Damn...you fell into the trap mate. See you in a week:(

He probably had enough. Poor guy

Heaven only knows how he felt fighting his corner on several fronts.
i dont know how he felt but it can be very alienated with people probably being condescending and patronising at every turn...especially when he has always laid out his arguments and points to discuss.

the only thing is that his points were controversial to a majority at the time. but his points are starting to garner favour more and more.

i dont agree with some of them but i definitely know how he feels right now
Re: ***The Official AVB Discussion Thread***


Another thing that will be against AVB is the up and coming fixtures between now and 5th January. 12 games in 38 days which equates to a game every 3 days over a period five and a half weeks, wow.

Surely there should be a look at having a Xmas break?

I dont think it should be

the xmas break is for our entertainment and its high grossing for the prem, one of the reasons that its lucrative

If AVB was the only one to contend with such a gruelling schedule then sure but everyone has to deal with the same thing. so its actually a very level playing field for which infact AVB has a distinct and unfair advantage

his squad is HUGE!!!! and stacked!!!!

This was something that almost every neutral could perceive with our squad and its infact a reality.

we have a big squad of good players that were put together for precisely this reason

The xmas break shouldnt be something that either supports or discredits AVB , it should just be the xmas break..and he like other managers...should just get on with it.

it makes or 'breAKS' ;) players/managers
Re: ***The Official AVB Discussion Thread***

You know what, actually this is entirely why AVB is going to prove to be a c@@@ manager.

You know what's great about football and the reason why it's been slow to catch on with American Sports fans? It's unpredictable! It's fluid, it's off-the-cuff!

The problem with AVB is, he looks at a game, I'm going to set up my little chess pieces here, just so. I'm going to drill them, to stand just here and pass just there, if we achieve X possession in X portions of the pitch, statistically we will concede X chances and create X chances and our win likelihood will be X. He spends all day figuring out the numbers, the positions, the passing domination, telling his players to stand here, stand there, pass here, play it safe, follow the plan, we'd won't concede and after 80 minutes the percentages say they'll be tired and our scoring likelihood will be X.

He spends all week drilling this plan together, and turns up on match day, the team takes the field. ABvB rubs his little hands together surveying his statistically 89 per cent rated winning likelihood team, then ....WTF one of their players has latched onto a through ball and launched a 20 yard dipping volley into our top corner out of nothing on his weak foot that statistically had a 0.0009 per cent chance of scoring.....Fuu@@@@@@@@@k yoooooooooooou AVB !!!!! This is football. It's essentially totally random and is only given order in so far as the better the player the more random moments of genius he can produce....if give the license to try of course

You have said some intelligent stuff in your posts mixed in with a lot of ******** generalizations. Football hasn't caught on with Americans because it is unpredictable. Football hasn't caught on in America for a ton of other reasons - low scoring (mainly, unless it's Emirates Marketing Project against Spurs), no time outs for advertising and America is not great at it. And if you read The Secret Footballer football is not 'fluid' and 'off the cuff' anymore. It just seems that way.
Re: ***The Official AVB Discussion Thread***

The Sports Illustrated Cover Jinx

The most common explanation for the perceived effect is that athletes are generally featured on the cover after an outlier performance; their future performance is likely to display regression toward the mean and be less impressive by comparison. This decline in performance would then be misperceived as being related to, or even possibly caused by, the appearance on the magazine cover.

So, doesn't that assume that there has been a perceived greatness to AVB's work with Tottenham? Sure enough, he came fifth last season, set a new Premier League record, but the argument here is that he did so largely because of a world class player, and not so much because of his managerial skills (I do see the argument that this argument also potentially arises from the regression to mean), and that we have by and large played boring and uninspiring football for one and a half years now, and that it is time for it to stop, hence sacking AVB? It's just convenient to put those arguments out there once there are some results to point fingers to. The talk has been there all season (and to some degree last season as well), that AVB has made us play dull football, and because of that, some people think it's time we move on now, because it's easier to justify sacking a manager when the results are pointing down (regardless of whether or not one is aware of regression towards the mean).
Re: ***The Official AVB Discussion Thread***

The Sports Illustrated Cover Jinx

The most common explanation for the perceived effect is that athletes are generally featured on the cover after an outlier performance; their future performance is likely to display regression toward the mean and be less impressive by comparison. This decline in performance would then be misperceived as being related to, or even possibly caused by, the appearance on the magazine cover.

So, doesn't that assume that there has been a perceived greatness to AVB's work with Tottenham? Sure enough, he came fifth last season, set a new Premier League record, but the argument here is that he did so largely because of a world class player, and not so much because of his managerial skills (I do see the argument that this argument also potentially arises from the regression to mean), and that we have by and large played boring and uninspiring football for one and a half years now, and that it is time for it to stop, hence sacking AVB? It's just convenient to put those arguments out there once there are some results to point fingers to. The talk has been there all season (and to some degree last season as well), that AVB has made us play dull football, and because of that, some people think it's time we move on now, because it's easier to justify sacking a manager when the results are pointing down (regardless of whether or not one is aware of regression towards the mean).

No you're getting the wrong end of the stick.
The Sports Illustrated Cover Jinx was referenced earlier just because its a commonly known example of something regressing to a mean. Just like if you analyse the outcome of 180 managerial changes very non changes its just gonna average out to not making a difference.

What they are missing though is we're not trying to make 180 changes (at least i hope not), we're making one change.
We all know managers can make club's fortunes and we all know they can **** them up. Just because on average they make no difference doesn't there is no better manager out there for us than AVB.
Re: ***The Official AVB Discussion Thread***

this board has been regressing towards "mean" for a long while now...:(
Re: ***The Official AVB Discussion Thread***

No you're getting the wrong end of the stick.
The Sports Illustrated Cover Jinx was referenced earlier just because its a commonly known example of something regressing to a mean. Just like if you analyse the outcome of 180 managerial changes very non changes its just gonna average out to not making a difference.

What they are missing though is we're not trying to make 180 changes (at least i hope not), we're making one change.
We all know managers can make club's fortunes and we all know they can **** them up. Just because on average they make no difference doesn't there is no better manager out there for us than AVB.

Oh, ok, yeah, got that a bit backwards. Thanks for clarifying.
Re: ***The Official AVB Discussion Thread***

The vibe Im getting from most AVB supporters on this thread, seems to be implying that if he gets sacked and a new manager comes in and improves the football and the results, then AVB is STILL blameless, as he would have improved us eventually anyway and he simply wasnt given enough time.

Also it seems to be that they are writing off the new manager already, without knowing who that might be or what success he may bring us. Its as if they are saying that AVB is our only chance of success, even though he has yet to bring us any.

To predict doom and gloom if we sack him is beyond baffling. It will be doom and gloom if we dont.

For many reasons this is a post i am happy i woke up to=D>
Re: ***The Official AVB Discussion Thread***

No you're getting the wrong end of the stick.
The Sports Illustrated Cover Jinx was referenced earlier just because its a commonly known example of something regressing to a mean. Just like if you analyse the outcome of 180 managerial changes very non changes its just gonna average out to not making a difference.

What they are missing though is we're not trying to make 180 changes (at least i hope not), we're making one change.
We all know managers can make club's fortunes and we all know they can **** them up. Just because on average they make no difference doesn't there is no better manager out there for us than AVB.

I'm going to PM NWND, this regression to mean thing is not big deal at all. a simple two way betting example over a large population will show how simple yet pointless that analogy can be at times.

Not a new scientific discovery and quite frankly its actually being used wrongly here

we're using THAT as some kind of evidence sacking a manager is not worthwhile or that keeping the manager is not worthwhile? Its a one sample test man

edit:- something that would be interesting though would be to get some actuarials on the case to find out the liklehood of success say over 5 years if we stay with AVB or Go with someone else (i guess you would have to specify an exact pool of options for that test to be fair)
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Re: ***The Official AVB Discussion Thread***

I'm going to PM NWND, this regression to mean thing is not big deal at all. a simple two way betting example over a large population will show how simple yet pointless that analogy can be at times.

Not a new scientific discovery and quite frankly its actually being used wrongly here

we're using THAT as some kind of evidence sacking a manager is not worthwhile or that keeping the manager is not worthwhile? Its a one sample test man

edit:- something that would be interesting though would be to get some actuarials on the case to find out the liklehood of success say over 5 years if we stay with AVB or Go with someone else (i guess you would have to specify an exact pool of options for that test to be fair)

The test has already been done, there is no difference between the success of the sacking club and the success of the club that keeps the manager. You could then maybe do it over say 5 years, but in that time we are talking about so many other variables coming into play that could impact success of failure. In this instance, where our form has only tailed off for a handful of games, it is absolutely the right study to be using, especially since people are calling for the manager to be sacked! There could not be a better example/study to use.